League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1142: : Marshal Yunlong!


The rhythm of the alarm bells became more and more urgent, and Ye Che looked up. During this moment, countless figures had skyrocketed from the city of the sky and then flew outside the city. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

Most of these people are riding or white, or black Pegasus, holding various types of heroes.

Ye Che knows that these horses are all like ordinary animals. From a young age, they have the power to catalyze growth by the power of the segment. When they reach adulthood, they will have all kinds of incredible abilities, such as flying, like a strange force!

"Fast, the Cavaliers have already left, we are going to the city wall!"

Old German face said grimly, the ultimate combat readiness is the highest warning notice. It has only appeared once since the construction. That time is the time of the abyss of the whole human war. The killing is dark and the blood flows into the river.

Nowadays, the ultimate combat readiness has reappeared. Old German has not seen the enemy yet, and he has a sense of scalp.

In this short period of time, Ye Che also learned through the wali that the ultimate war preparation is what kind of existence, under the horror, all did not hesitate to fly in the air, as these knights plundered to the wall.

At this time, not only Ye Che and others, but as long as they are in the city of the sky, they all rushed to the wall of the city of the sky through various means.


Above the sky, countless powerful figures swept past, and the breath of the various powerful people gathered directly to the world.

On the ground, many warriors who reached the Platinum level were also tumbling and moving very close to the city wall.


Ye Che fell directly on the wall, his eyes condensed, sweeping in all directions.

The city of the sky is extremely wide, and the walls of the city are full of soldiers.

These warriors are murderous in the eyes, or riding a horse, riding a war or a beast, or driving a fighting machine, initially estimated, this has reached at least a million in a short period of time.

This kind of combat power only accounts for one percent of the city of the sky.

“It’s the city of the sky, the first force in China!”

Ye Che sighed.

But beside him, Unosen, Laode and Jianqingyang, sunny and so on, there is no sense of ease in the bottom of my heart, heavy face.

Because they really understand what kind of existence is the ultimate war preparation, and only want to achieve the conditions for the ultimate war preparation, there is only one point, that is, when it is enough to spread the world and cause devastating disasters for all mankind, the ultimate war preparation can be started.

Therefore, even if they are in the first force of China at this time, they have no sense of security.

On the side of Ye Che, 6 Yao seems to be a little uneasy, and the face has been cold, and the look has changed a little, not to be closer to Ye Che.

Someone at the place, only the tile is still a lazy look, on the back of Ye Che's instep.

"Why is this happening, what happened in the end, actually started the ultimate war preparation!"

"Oh my God, I have only heard this kind of alarm bell during the exercise. Now it is actually announced in the city!"

"The ultimate battle, I can't imagine what kind of disaster has happened!"

Not far from Ye Che and other pedestrians, many Platinum diamonds are fiercely remarking, but their eyes are firmly on the outside of the city.



A vague humming sound came from far below the clouds.

In the sound, there seems to be endless energy. It passes through the earth, passes through the clouds, passes through countless kilometers, and reaches all people's ears.

"This snoring, unheard of, new devil!?"

A high-level general in the Sky City speaks to himself.

At this moment, the sound of "嗤拉" came from the sky, and Ye Che’s eyes just turned, and he saw a strange animal with a height of ten meters, which crossed the space crack.

Its shape, like the horse burned by fire, its body is black and bright, on the four horseshoes, there is a blue flame burning!

His eyes are extremely human and full of indifference. As soon as it appeared, the tens of thousands of meters of exotic animals all trembled with their limbs, and there were signs of weakness.

Although the flame horse is only ten meters long, but its power is terrible to the extreme, even Ye Che feels a sense of heart and soul.

What is most shocking to many people is that on the back of this flame horse, there is a man with an angel sword sitting there.

He was wearing heavy armor and a golden mask, and his breath was extremely indifferent.

"It is the Marshal Yunlong!"

I don't know who whispered a word, and many people were attracted to the scene.

It is no wonder that its power is so powerful, this man is actually the Marshal Yunlong who is known as the patron saint of the Sky City! ! !

"Yunlong, half of the foot stepped into the ranks of the strongest king, but the strength is stronger, than the first master of the strongest king, no difference! One of the strongest of the nine guardians of the Sky City! The owner of the cloud and the seven deputy city owners, he is the strongest!"

Aside, Jian Qingyang said.

Suddenly, the chaos of Yunyang, chaos and water, and other people widened their eyes.

Without entering the strongest king, but compared to the most powerful king of the general, this is a pervert!

We must know that the later, the more difficult it is to think of the more difficult challenges, but this Yunlong has done this hard, no wonder it will become the figure of the Marshal of the Sky City!

Unoson has snorted and has some disdain on his face, but he can understand that after all, his power is the third in the world. For the world's ninth-ranked Sky City master, he naturally looks down.

"The troops are listening! Prepare to meet the enemy!"

At this time, Yunlong suddenly opened his mouth and shouted his majestic voice, and immediately spread the tens of thousands of meters of the city wall.

And the farther walls, some people have issued similar orders.

"Ready to meet the enemy!?"

Everyone has a look.

I haven't finished it yet, and the sound of "sweeping" is printed in the ears of everyone.

Ye Che fixed his eyes and saw that there were a group of things that were black and pressed in tens of thousands of meters.

"Flying demon!"

Ye Che's face changed.

And as you approach, everyone is here, these flying demons are weird, seemingly crazy, like losing control.

"Everyone, ready!!"

Yunlong slowly spit out the word, and his body does not move.

Ye Che knows that there are many inhabitants in the city of the sky. There is no power in the position. As a part of China, he naturally has to contribute a force. Therefore, the power of Ye Che’s position is slightly transferred, and its power begins to warm up. stand up.

But a bias, but now Unoson still surrounded the golden beauty with one hand, a look of leisurely color, it seems that there is no intention to shoot.


Ye Che's face is a little cold.

"What?" Unoson licked his ears, but his heart was secretly sneer. Before he was talking, he was not talking about Ye Che.

But now, seeing the confusion is imminent, he has no intention of being jealous of Ye Che.

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