League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1149: : Face the Marshal Yunlong!

Unoson is even more sneer, now Ye Che is really a showy, I really don't know how to be the captain. It's no wonder that Huaxia District is not as good as one year. There are so many stupid people. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

"My words, don't repeat the second time, otherwise it will be distracted by the military!"

Yunlong said faintly, but the unquestionable will in his speech can be felt by anyone present.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes closed again.

In his opinion, he has already said this, but the diamond guy must have shrunk his head and returned.

However, when he just closed his eyes, he suddenly heard a strong wind rang.

This kind of Fengyun Yunlong is very familiar with it. It is the air scream that is produced under high flight.

A cold voice, Yunlong opened his eyes, and there was chilling, and then he did not see how he made a move, and instantly blocked in front of Ye Che who wanted to leave.

"My words, you dare to ignore!?"

If the cloud dragon face is frosty, the flame horse underneath it is even more screaming.

Originally, he did not need to go out in person. Naturally, some people would stop Ye Che, but the key point was that his words had just been said in front of him. This young man was openly defiant, which made him unhappy, but also produced an idea of ​​killing chickens and monkeys.

It is an extraordinary period. It is most important to stabilize the people. The stability of the people is to appease the people. The second is to show the strong strength and peace of mind.

Unfortunately, Ye Che hit the gun.

"Marshal Yunlong, there are many of my friends in the heroic city. Now the strongest demon attacks the heroic city. I want to do my part."

Ye Che said not humble.

"This kid is quite beautiful, but the ghost knows if he wants to escape."

"A diamond in a district, it is also a food delivery to the hero city. I don't believe he doesn't know this. I guess he is very likely to be a deserter!"

I heard Ye Che’s words, and many people sneered at the bottom.

However, there are some people who look at Ye Che’s face with a rather strange color. “Weird, it seems that I’m familiar with the face of this kid. Have you seen it?”

At this time, Yunlong naturally heard those arguments, looked at Ye Che, cold and cold: "You are a diamond, even if you go to the heroic city, there is no effect! Peaceful stay here, then dare to make a living, Will be severely punished!!"

He was also just said by Ye Che, and his heart was moving, so he planned to give Ye Che a chance.

However, Ye Che is still waiting for it, but he also understands that if Hu is so entangled, Yunlong and those law enforcement people will definitely not let themselves go, so in desperation, Ye Che could not help but say: "So Yunlong marshal, I don't know. Are you qualified to go on?"


Yunlong looked at the idiot and looked at Ye Che, saying: "Don't say anything, with my strength, it can affect a part of the battlefield of the hero city! This can affect the role of the battle, enough to qualify to leave here! However, you Wouldn't it be that I want to save your friends?"

His heart is really funny, but I can understand that some people worry that their friends and family are in danger and it is normal.

Everyone underneath, except for the knife, the sky, the sunny, the Zhao Xiu and other 20 people, almost all think so.

"This kid is really whimsical, actually wants Yunlong Marshal, to save his friend, hahaha, laugh at me!"

"What is he, this idea should not be thought of!"

Many people have said a lot.

"You misunderstood, I mean, since you are qualified, then I have it!"

Ye Che’s body stood straight and looked at Yunlong, and his face was calm and said.

However, his voice just fell, and the scene was somewhat quiet.

However, this silence did not last long. After about three seconds, the quietness of the audience made a big laugh!

"Ha ha ha ha, what have I heard?"

"This kid actually said that Marshal Yunlong is qualified, then he also has!?"

"This is the biggest cow I have ever heard of in my life! Marshal Yunlong did not reach the strongest king, but claimed to be the invincible existence of the master! The general peak of the dragon, in his hands, even ten rounds can not support, this District diamonds and small spicy chicken, actually dare to compare with Marshal Yunlong!!! Ah haha, no, no, I am laughing!"

Some people laughed and screamed, and some people were angry and disdainful.

These people are all followers of Marshal Yunlong. In their view, what the young man said is simply an insult to Marshal Yunlong.

The most exaggerated is Unoson, his face deliberately reveals the color of crying and laughing, and then look back at the chaos, chaos Yunyang, Shuiyin, Jian Qingyang and others, said: "This ... is your captain?"

The ridicule in his heart has almost reached the extreme. Even Unoson, the genius from the world's third devil's monastery, knows how terrible the strength of Yunlong is.

Anyway, he does not want to be an enemy, but now, this Ye Che actually puts a big word and compares himself with Marshal Yunlong.

The face of Jian Qingyang and others was suddenly black, and the look of Ye Che was quite gloomy. They knew the strength of Ye Che, and even the ordinary could not fight. Now, between the remarks, they dare to face the Marshal Yunlong!

On the face of Yunlong, there was a faint color.

Originally, he was too lazy to grind his mouth. In his opinion, if it wasn't for Ye Che's excuse, it really made him feel a little moved, only to kill the chicken and the monkey.

But now, suddenly heard Ye Che’s rant, he is not angry, but surprised.

This is a very wonderful feeling. Imagine that a bronze suddenly pointed to the diamond god, and I actually have such a sturdy feeling that you understand this feeling.

"What do you mean, do you think your strength is comparable to me?"

Yunlong pointed to Ye Che, and pointed to himself, a strange face.

In his opinion, this kid is not suspicious of his friends and relatives, and this kind of words can be said, so he confirmed it again.

“Not bad, so I should be qualified to leave here too!”

I think, this young man in front of him is still in this kind of tone.

Yunlong smiled, and everyone knows what this smile means.

"Well, come, I will stand here. If you can let me take a step back, then you will win! Don't go to the hero city, I can even send someone to **** you!"

Yunlong laughed and said.


Ye Che's eyes are bright.

"Hey, I am a great marshal of the Yunlong Hall, a spit of a nail!!"

Yunlong smiled a bit, cold channel.

Joking, claiming that the existence of invincible, how could be defeated by a small diamond!

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