League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1150: :承承! ! !


Yunlong’s words turned at this moment, and his eyes flashed coldly: “If you are open-minded and singular, you will be treated with heavy military law!!!”

"Heavy code military law!"

"I am going, this once I have given this kid a heavy military law, I am afraid that half a month will live in life and die!"

"It’s terrible, this guy is miserable!"

"Let him swear words, deserve it!"

After hearing the words of Yunlong, many people were excited, and one by one looked at Ye Che’s eyes, and there was a sneer that was undisguised. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

"it is good!"

Ye Che nodded, and then, without hesitation, the power of the squatting position spurted out!

"Hey, this kid is really decisive!" A soldier, with his hand on the knife-shaped hero, smiled.

"I thought he would temper for a while, but I didn't expect to go straight."


Many people laughed, but they all thought that Ye Che was pretentious.

In addition, the knife is clear, sunny and so on.

Followed by Ye Che's twenty people, at this time they swallowed swallowing water, glanced at each other, and then stared at Ye Che, who seemed to think of something.

Ye Che took a deep breath, and the source of the gods hidden in the limbs and the head of the body began to tremble.

From the promotion to the drill III, Ye Che did not use them. Ai Xi said that each time he promoted a small segment, their power would be a bit stronger. I don’t know what kind of situation I have reached before the comparison!


A tremble, a helmet with a slight green light appeared on the leaves of Ye Che, and soon the leaves of Ye Che were covered.

Then, his arms, his legs, and the green armor, slowly appeared.

However, it is the chest...

"this is……"

Looking at the inexplicable equipment that Ye Che suddenly appeared, everyone could not help but glimpse.

On their skin at this time, there was a sudden appearance of goose bumps.

Threat, they felt a deep threat in this inexplicable green light equipment.

This threat made everyone stop at the same time almost at the same time, and the scene was silent.

The Yunlong, which is closest to Ye Che, feels the most profound.

In the presence of the gods of the source, his pupils are almost subconsciously magnified. He knows his body too well. Every time this state occurs, there is an opponent that is enough to make him serious!

Otherwise, there will be life and worry.

"This... is this set of equipment, no... this is not equipment, it is directly revealed, this is... a whole set of heroes!!!"

Yunlong has a big shock.

At this time, looking at the source of the gods on Ye Che, the knife, the sky, the sunny and Zhao Xiu and other 20 people, the back are a little cold.

They did not forget that when they were in the deep pit of the seabed, Ye Che only sacrificed the weapons in the source of the gods, and directly cut the source of the peak to the peak of the peak to the second.

Now, Ye Che has sacrificed the whole set of gods! ! !

"I hope he knows how to score, don't hurt Marshal Yunlong, otherwise the city of the sky will attract countless troubles!"

These are silently praying in the bottom of my heart.

If you let others know the ideas of Knife Qingtian and others, I am afraid that all will be speechless.

"It's a bit interesting, but it's just not enough!"

After the initial shock, Yunlong quickly calmed down. This is the absolute confidence accumulated by countless battles!

Ye Che said nothing, his right hand moved slightly, and the next second, a long sword made entirely of green light, slowly spread out from his hand.

This long sword is like the backbone of a dragon, and its shape is extremely attractive.

But this is not the point. The point is that with the appearance of this long sword, there is a feeling that the sword is pointing at the eyebrows in the moment. Many weak platinums are just covered with dense sweat. Beads.

"This sword..."

Yunlong trembled.

Ye Qing's mouth is slightly hooked, and the green light of the current source of the soldiers is much richer than before. When he becomes a mortal, the source of the gods will be promoted to the purple stage, and then it will be purple.

And according to Aich, there will be special effects at that time.

But now Ye Che did not think much about this, the source of the sword just appeared, Ye Che's power of the position, it is a crazy drum.


Ye Che sighed low, the next second, in the eyes of everyone who could not believe, the space in front of him, like a mirror, broke wildly.


The direction of the source of the sword, the space layer breaks, and the clouds are rushing away.

"What, break the space!? He... a diamond, can actually break the space!!!?"

Yunlong sucked a cold breath and felt the tearing force of the cracked space. Yunlong did not hesitate at all, and stepped back one step at a time.

"call out!"

Such as a glimpse of a glimpse, just broke into the space in front of him, in vain to stop its momentum, and then directly exploded.

However, this is only the aftermath of the attack by the source of the sword.

Yunlong dares to block the spread of the space break, and the next second will be upside down, and I don’t want to tear the space and move away.

Then, the empty space he had just stood, was hardly covered by the light of a green ridged sword, and then completely collapsed.

The thousands of strong people underneath screamed and fled, and then looked at the dark space of the sky with a lingering look.

Just kidding, this stuff is the most human life. Don't look at some of the things that can tear the space at will, but that is a stable space, they can cope.

However, this unstable space of collapse, once caught in, even if it is the king, it will be seriously injured without death.


Above the collapse of the space, Ye Chu’s source of the gods slowly recovered, and he stood there quietly, with a calm open voice.


I don't know who, swallowed a slobber, and it is exceptionally clear outside the seemingly quiet forbidden place.


Yunlong’s look at Ye Che, the look on his face is extremely exciting.


Ps: Now I have found the original feeling again, and I am not affected by anyone. Some of my friends said that the power system has not been clearly written. In fact, the real power stratification has not yet begun, what?

The next episode:

"Perfect...too perfect...the thirteen strongest devils are born, and eventually the ultimate maternal demon, the perfect body, will finally be born!!!"

Among the beautiful nephews of Ai Xi, the sly look of the dozens of straight lines that are plunged into the sea of ​​clouds dozens of kilometers away, in the eyes, there is a touch of intoxication.

"There is the world's number one, the United States paradise!?"

"Everyone is lined up, one by one to watch the game, at this stage dare to live, die!"

"Intercontinental war, the last one, the devil's monastery! Limit all the soldiers, including all the people, to form the first perimeter defense wall, the rebel, kill innocent!!!"

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