League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1154: : Magnetic field, sweeping the city!

Ps: I wrote more than seven or eight hundred words and delayed some time. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

The height of the strongest demon is really not exaggerated. You know, in Valoran, even the hero who created the big 6 planets exists. This area is 100 kilometers away from 100,000 meters. It is nothing.

The little friends are assured that there will be no blood in the dog!

There are always deaths and injuries in the battle, reality... really not a fairy tale.



Seeing the scene of the thirty-two strongest kings fighting and the resurrection of the two strongest demons, all the top people in the world are silent.

As the saying goes, rabbits are dead and sorrowful, watching these kings die in this way, a sense of sorrow, from the hearts of many kings in the world.

The key is the two strongest demons, strong, it is too powerful!

The kings who gathered in the whole of China could not kill them, and they had a feeling of trepidation. You must know that only the two strongest devils appeared.

Originally, they thought that the 32 strongest kings were shot enough to suppress them, so they did not come over.

I didn't want to, so that these kings ended up in such an end.

However, at present they have no choice but to look at the heroic metropolis that will be destroyed immediately. It is too late to rescue, and they are not sure if there is no charter.

Numerous light curtains have emerged all over the world. Through satellites, the scenes of the heroic city are all in their eyes.

At this time, the big insect demon, that foot reaches nearly 80,000 meters of forelimbs, stepped over to the hero city.

"Fast, escape!!!!"


At that moment, the tens of millions of soldiers on the wall of the city had a heartbreaking cry.

No one dares to stay, no one dares to block this strongest demon.

Even the thirty-two of the strongest kings have fallen, and who dares to touch their brows! ?


Numerous streams of light, appearing in the heroic city, turned into lightning and desperately fled to the distance.

There are some masters who tear the space and want to save their loved ones first.



A strange squeak roared out of the mouth of the big worm, and then a ripple, sweeping the entire heroic city with the naked eye.

This is the power of the magnetic field!

The strength of the magnetic field that can be released by the two strongest devils with a full body of 100,000 meters. How strong is it?

Before, no one knew, now they understand.

At this moment, all the space that only felt that the space was tight, the entire heroic city was blocked, and it could no longer be flashed.

The entire heroic city, under the blockade of the magnetic force, seems to be distorted.



At the same moment, all the light curtains in the world that are showing heroic cities have snowflakes. Under the interference of the magnetic field, they have not received any signals from the heroic city, and the heroic city will face any disaster. No one can know.

The powers of the various forces in the world can't help but be silent. They can already imagine that when they accept the picture of the heroic city again, they are already in ruins.

"Well, the space is blocked!"

"My flight has also received great resistance!"

"Qing Er, oh... Niang... Sorry... I can't save you... I have to live, can't die like this!"

In the heroic city, all kinds of or panic, or sad or desperate emotions begin to emerge.

Originally, without the interference of magnetic fields, they could use the field to save their loved ones.

After all, the current human beings, the two strongest devils with a height of 100,000 meters, are like ants. As long as they don’t die, they are likely to escape with their loved ones.

However, now that the strength of the magnetic field is lowered, no one can tear the space, the flying degree of the diamond is greatly hindered, and it is too late to save his own relatives and friends. Otherwise, he will have to catch himself.

Even, even if you can escape, it is still uncertain.

In this case, everyone panics.


The six giant feet of the big worm devil have finally stepped on the wall of the heroic city.

This day and night was blessed by Rune, and the day and night condensed the wall that claimed to be able to withstand the attack of the king. It was like a tofu in an instant, and was stepped on.

Nearly two hundred kilometers of the city wall, in just one second, it was completely turned into powder.

Some humans with only platinum and even gold could not fly. Now the whole city is shrouded in the strength of the two strongest demon magnetic fields. They are still struggling and have no time to leave the city wall.

In the meantime, accompanied by their desperate and frightened cry, the darkness was under their cover.

Just stepping forward, step by step, the defensive line of the hero city is completely broken, this kind of power has made countless people horrified.


It is also the sound of the sound of the sky, the big worm, and the body of the big-mouthed demon, which have completely entered the heroic city.

And as they came in, there were countless buildings collapsed, and countless low-ranking humans died.



There was a frightening run and a cry of fear.

In the face of death, everyone is equal. These people who have the power of position are no different from ordinary people.

While the two strongest devils have entered the heroic city completely, Ye Che has already sneaked into the palace of the emperor.

This road flew over, and he already learned everything he had born before.

Thirty-two of the strongest kings, including the domain emperor, were spared and sacrificed.

Listening to this news, Ye Che is totally unbelievable. You must know that this is the 32-strongest king. It is so dead! ?

However, as more and more messages were heard, Ye Che had to accept this cruel reality.


Ye Che stood in front of the king's palace, sighed, and his eyes flashed a sorrow.

His heart is very uncomfortable. Among the 32 strongest kings, the domain emperor, the sky of the clouds, and the old man are all who have fought side by side with Ye Che.

Aside from this point, these people have treated him well, especially in the sky. In the death ruling, he has been treated with a very gentle attitude. Now that they have all sacrificed, Ye Che’s heart is sour.

The sense of guilt at the bottom of my heart is getting bigger.

Originally, he thought that this was due to the fact that he and the boxing were not in the middle of the festival.

Now the kings are dead because of the strongest demon, and the heroic city is also in deep water. Whenever this is thought of, Ye Che has a feeling that his heart is shaking.

"Oh... It seems that I am really a disaster star. Wherever I go, there are disasters."

Ye Che laughed at himself and said that his words were bitter.

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