League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1155: : Prison, wait for death!

Looking at Ye Che's look of bitter smile, Wali's mouth moved, he wanted to say something, but remembered Ai Xi's words, words to his mouth, still did not reveal the truth. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

At this time, Ye Che did not worry much, the dead person has died, so the living person must live well.


Ye Che’s body moved directly into the palace.

Hopefully, the people of the Eastern Region did not leave! ! !

Ye Che felt a bit, under the weight of the strongest demon magnetic field, the flight is only about one-third of the previous one.

This is an extremely awe-inspiring number. You must know that the power of this magnetic field is spread all over the entire heroic city. In this case, the degree of Ye Che’s flight has been weakened so much. If it is straightforward, I am afraid. It’s a combination of bullets that can’t be done.

Even if the strength of the strongest demon magnetic field is concentrated, even if the strength of the leaf skeleton is directly turned into the possibility of meat.

However, although only one-third, the degree is much faster than the average person.

Soon, Ye Che came to the place where the emperor arranged for them.

To the satisfaction of Ye Che, most people gathered in the courtyard of the residence, and then looked at the huge demon figure in the distance.

Everyone’s face is pale and colorless.

It can be seen that they are self-aware, knowing that their own strength is not good, and dare not run around in this chaotic moment.

However, Ye Che's eyes swept away, his face suddenly changed. In the shadows of these people in the East, there are no Oriental and Oriental.

At this time, Ye Che’s coming in was naturally felt by them.

For a time, getting thousands of shadows, thousands of cities and white, as well as the sky blue team, the curtain chrysanthemum team, the competitive club, the heroes of the community, have turned around.

Seeing Ye Che, I couldn’t help but surprise.

"Oriental neon, and the city owner!?"

Ye Che didn't have time to talk to them and asked directly.

After getting a glimpse of Qian Ying and others, he immediately replied: "It seems to be going to visit Master Shi Jin. I went out early in the morning..."

Ye Che’s heart sinks, and then he looks up at these old friends and looks at it. His face is dignified: “The situation is now in critical condition and must leave immediately. You will enter my field first.”

After that, the space in one area emerged from the back of Ye.

The demon against the sky, they also saw it, and there was no panic. At this time, there was no opinion at all. No one resisted, and Ye Che was included in the field.

Ye Che’s heart was slightly relieved, but when she thought of the oriental nephew and the oriental nectar, the brow could not help but wrinkle.


Turned around, Ye Chefei's residence to Shi Jin, galloping away.

At the same time, the heroic city has been ruined by one of the two strongest demons!

The heroic city that can serve hundreds of millions of people is huge.

In such a short period of time, it has been ruined so much, and it is conceivable how ridiculous these two demons are.


In the heroic city, there are roaring buildings and roaring land.

The two strongest devils, one step, is hundreds of kilometers, all over the place are like a plow car. The grass is not born, and the broken wall does not exist. It is completely destroyed!


Over the heroic city, countless strong men rushed to fly, want to leave, but after flying to a certain height, but desperate, the sky above the heroic city, was also shrouded by the power of the magnetic field, can not leave.

This heroic city, at this time, is like a cage. All of them are trapped, and all they can do is just wait for death.

But these strong people are not ordinary people after all, although their hearts have fallen into infinite grief and despair, but in the end, they still do not give up.

Seeing the sky can not leave, these strong people, began to hide in places that have not been ravaged by demons.

Now, it’s a while to hide more, and you can live more... just live for a while...

At a height of ten meters above the ground, Ye Che's face was dignified and eager to fly. From time to time, there was a gloomy strong man who passed by him, but they all lived without each other.

At this time, Ye Che was worried about the oriental glamour and the oriental eclipse, and she did not look around at all. She went all the way to Shi Jin.


In front of the gate of Shi Jin’s cultivation, Ye Che fell to the ground.

However, as soon as he landed, Ye Che’s face changed. He heard a fierce fighting sound coming from inside.

At this stage, there are many strong people who are lucky enough to hide.

There are also many people who have already taken the mortal plan, morality and sorrow. Before this death, the evil demon in the heart is released wildly.

Ye Che was also worried about this before. He had seen many such scenes along the way, but at that time he did not have time to manage.

but now……

Ye Che's eyes flashed through a cold light, and a cold face flew in.

Entering the hospital, not a moment, Shi Jin’s house has been printed in Ye’s eyes.

There, there are five people, who are besieging Dongfang and the Oriental Nishang. In addition to the no trace of the oriental neon, the face of Dongfang Jian has been covered with blood.

And the five men who besieged them were covered with strange smiles. They didn't seem to be eager to kill the Oriental, and they all showed a perverted look on their faces.

The five of them have been remembering the oriental glamour for a long time. After all, the beauty of the oriental glamour is placed in the heroic city.

After the death of Quantian, Shi Jin was also safe. The Oriental and the Orientals often came to visit. As a clear place, even if they were looking for a place to live, most of the people living nearby were also diamonds.

As the oriental neon often comes over, nature falls into the eyes of those who care.

But at that time, they naturally did not dare to come strong, but now, knowing that the death period is about to come, they naturally have no scruples.

"Ha ha ha, give face a shameless thing, do my woman is to lift you, but dare to refuse in front of everyone, now, we can not blame us, let us five cool, maybe you can leave you 爹A life!"

Among the five people, a middle-aged man with some collapsed nose bridge laughed.

His eyes fell on the towering chest of the oriental neon, full of greed.


The oriental face is white, but the bottom of the heart is desperate. Among the five, there are two strong diamonds.

If you are not forced to die, you may have been defeated by them.

"Our patience is limited. Give you another minute. If you don't want to give up, we have to take a heavy hand. When you are not careful, your relatives are being unloaded by us. Don't cry, Hahahaha!"

"Big Brother, as I said, I’m going to do it directly. What about her suicide? It’s the same!”

Among the five people, a lean man looked at the oriental nephew and said that the two eyes had a sinister light.

"You don't understand, people are dead, and fun is much less!"

The middle-aged man whose nose bridge collapsed, smiled.

"You are not afraid of the criminal law of the law enforcement team!"

Looking at their unscrupulous look, Dongfang Jian shouted.

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