League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1176: : Orange Steps, the source of the gods!

Aich was silent, and the river was backed up, and the peace was restored. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM

The difference is that the degree of countercurrent seems to be a little slower.

"Kilan... You remember, what did you say to me before we came to the planet..." Aich asked, as she spoke, her back began to have a piece of blue metal. As the water flows in general, it extends upwards.

Instead of waiting for Kieran to answer, Ai Xi continued with a blank expression: "You said that the source of the creation of Black Modinger, after reaching a high enough level, can ignore our true effect..."

A counter-current long river shock, the time guardian stunned: "You... what does this mean?"

However, his voice just fell, but the next second was screamed out, "Aich you..."


At the foot of Aich’s standing, the defense consisting of blue gravel collapsed.

And Ai Xi, the whole body does not know when, has been completely wrapped in crystal blue armor, this armor is like a stream of water, from time to time there are strange lines flowing past.

In her hand, there was also a bow and arrow.

But this bow and arrow is completely different from the bow and arrow that was condensed by ice. It is also made of strange metal, which is covered with countless lines of marks, and the handshake part is high and bulging from time to time. There is a blue burst.

When the bow and arrow came out, the whole piece of the river under the river swayed involuntarily, as if you saw the wild and beasts.

"Aich, you dare to wear the **** of the source, you are not afraid of being taken away!"

The time guardian stunned.

Ai Xi’s expression was indifferent, and he did not answer his question at all. It was only the source of the sun’s body that began to have an orange glow and burst out.

"The **** of the orange order... Aich, how can you..." The voice of the Guardian of Time suddenly began to tremble.

"It's very simple, killing a few replica heroes, and being a nutrient!"

Ai Xi faintly said that in the next second, the **** of the source of the hand bowed, pointing straight to the river, saying: "Time hourglass!"

At this moment, the blue sand and gravel of the source of the gods pointed out that they were separated and broken, as if they felt the existence of horror, and they were terrified.

One second... two seconds... three seconds...

Soon, it was five seconds, and the coldness on Ai Xi’s face was gradually replaced by the killing.

Waiting for her finger to move slightly, when I finally got shot, there was a sigh in the river flowing backwards. "But... time hourglass... for you..."

"call out!"

Separated by the long river, a pale gold small hourglass of about ten centimeters flew out from the inside.

In the hourglass, there are smog, and hundreds of millions of blue gravel are fused together, from one end of the hourglass to the other.

However, the strange thing is that the blue grit in this hourglass is not flowing from the top to the bottom, but completely violates the laws of nature and is flowing from the bottom to the top.

Until this time, Ai Xi’s face flashed a touch of joy.

Her arms stretched out and the space slowly trembled. This pale golden hourglass was already in her hands.

At the same moment, the light flashed, and her whole person had disappeared. Only a small snowflake was left. It was slowly falling from the place where Aihi had just stood, and then merged into the long river and disappeared.

With the departure of the hourglass, the long river that is going against the current has finally stopped the countercurrent. Just as the picture is fixed, it is like a complete stream of water.

I don't know how long it took, and the space above the blue river was suddenly torn apart.

Then, with a bang, a huge purple eye appeared from the inside.

This purple eye is as big as the sky. When it first appeared, this area was completely occupied by him, and because it was too large, he could not see his whole picture.

As soon as he appeared, his appearance suddenly appeared a shadow of ice crystals, but there was a wave of flames, which was faintly revealed.

"We... come late... she still succeeded..."

The purple eyeball, sighing low, looks at the long river that has been like a stagnant water, and its noble eyes reveals a deep sorrow...


At the same time, the hero city!

In the house where Ye Che lived, the needle was audible and the audience was quiet.

The next moment, but it was a piece of film that sucked the sound of coolness, and it sounded again and again.

Looking at the four most powerful kings who have been freshly baked, everyone, including Jun Yu Yu, has widened his eyes and is full of disbelief and horror.

Three days, this Ye Che, actually only spent three days, and brought four full Fanfeng peaks to the strongest king!

This is simply a miracle! ! !

Everyone is stupid, even if it is Dongfang Jian, Nishang, and other people in the Eastern Region, they look at Ye Che as if they were watching monsters.

It’s better to bring them to the diamonds, after all, the position is lower.

But now, but the position of the strongest king, actually said it was on!

Nima, when is the king so easy!

"you you……"

Jun Luo Yu stuttered to say something, but to the lips, but now, actually can not find adjectives, to describe the scene he is now seeing.

"Leave...Leave the wind, what is going on here!!!"

The red-hot old man, with a look of horror, asked about the leap that had just been promoted to become the king.

"Haha, you know what! Ye... No, this clear **** is the 2o17 that created the skill of the sword **** in the heroic fantasy world! And because he created the skill of God, he got a few rewards. One of the rewards is that you can ignore the position and pull the person to rank!" Li Feng said with excitement.

"What, you can ignore the position, pull people to rank!"

"My God, it's no wonder that he can bring those people from the East, and he has stepped into the diamond within fourteen days! It turns out that he actually has this privilege!"

After hearing the words of Lek, many people were shocked.

At this time, the reminder of the sunny and vinegar reminder: "In this case, it seems that these four people are completely led by the gods of the strongest king! If, the presence of fifty of the peaks, all reach the strongest king Then... then we are Chinese..."

When this statement came out, the audience was shocked!

Yeah, if there are 50 full-fledged peaks, they will reach the strongest king, then it is not, more powerful than the former China! ! !

For a time, all the peaks, including Jun Yu Yu, are staring at Ye Che.

Among them, the old man of Hung Hom looks at Ye Che's look. At this time, it is also hot. Compared with the one who can advance to become the strongest king, what are the previous squabbles?

These four people are the peaks of the past, and now the strongest king.

The fact that this kind of iron shovel is in front of us, no one has dared to question the strength of Ye Che.

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