League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1177: : Blood wash!

Before reaching the end, they were randomly ranked according to the national region, but when they arrived, because the population base is too small, in order to avoid cheating, it is randomly ranked in the world. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

This is equivalent to vying with the peaks of the world, and the difficulty of advancing to the strongest king is not too big!

Many of the peaks are trapped in this position for decades. At this time, as long as they are brought by Ye Che for three days, they will become the strongest kings. The excited beards are shaking and they are all eye-catching. Look at Ye Che.

"I only have one request..."

Ye Che looked at these peaks and raised a finger.

"Let's say, as long as we can go to the king, we can say that one request is hundreds of requests, and it is completely ok!!!"

"Chu Shen, please don't be surprised before, we want to do that, but also for the people of China's billions of people."

"Yeah, if you know that you are 2o17, you have this kind of privilege. The strength of the League of Legends is so bad, and we will not ask for such excessive demands!"

With Ye Che’s words, all of them turned sharply.

"These people are really able to bend and stretch..."

I love chrysanthemums and sneer.

Although the sounds on the scene are a bit messy, I love the words of chrysanthemums, they can hear the same, but now no one dares to yell at the people of the East, and they are all deaf ears, just full of laughter. Said to Ye Che.

"The request is very simple... It is up to me to decide who will participate in the Intercontinental War!" Ye Che's eyes swept over everyone, word by word.

When the voice falls, the face of Jun Yu, and the old man of the Red Dragonfly, the face of the Supreme Hall, instantly changes.

If the candidate is determined by Ye Che, then the chances are that they will be extremely embarrassed.

However, that is the temptation of the strongest king, so no one in the Supreme Court dared to oppose it.

They dare not oppose it, not to mention the rest of the peaks, almost Ye Che’s words have just blurted out, and all the peaks have agreed.

"No problem, of course, no problem. With the power of the gods, you can definitely form the best team and go to the competition!"

"Yes, I don't have any advice at all!"

"If we can all go to the king, this is entirely the merit of the gods. For the whole of China, it is simply a move against the sky, so I have no opinion!!"

"I have no opinion!"

"I have no opinion!"

Everyone spoke up.

The old man of Hung Hom sighed and knew that the overall situation had been fixed. Jun Yu Yu slowly bent down and picked up the folding fan, silent.

He knows that he has lost his face and lost his face. Before that, he also used this leaf as his assistant, and he thought that this Ye Che is completely a figure of the gods!

When I think of letting Ye Che give me assistance, Jun Yu Yu can’t wait to find a piece to sneak in.

"So that's it... let's get started!"

Ye Che is satisfied with a smile. If you really let yourself choose the candidates for the competition, then it is not unreasonable to delay your promotion time and bring them to the king.

Soon, there are four other peaks, sitting next to Ye Che.

This time, Ye Che did not let the sound insulation enchantment open, just a simple barrier to prevent coming over.

After all, some technical routines are not yet public.

"What are the four of you, all of them?"

Ye Che asked casually.

After the four Fan Fengfeng, all reported their positions, Ye Chedao said: "Then the next three days, the position should not change, and then, change the Id!"

After that, I opened the ranking.

It’s understandable that the position of the four peaks is not changed. This is the real upper mode, but Id...

You know, their Id in the League of Legends is equivalent to the face, and they have all followed for hundreds of years, and already have feelings.

However, in order to be the strongest king, they can only bite their teeth. According to Ye Che’s request, Id changed.

When the picture was loaded, the four Fan Fengfeng shouted in amazement. "This...the opposite is the people of the Korean Empire!?"

"What, the Korean Empire!?"

Beyond the barrier, everyone around you.

In the next second, one by one is excited. Recently, because of the news that the king of China has been completely destroyed, it has spread throughout the world.

It’s people who dare to insult.

Among them, the Japanese Empire, which is close to the Japanese Empire, is more serious than the Korean Empire. It has almost been humiliated by the nose.

At this time, they were ranked to the people of the Korean Empire, and they were naturally excited.

Inside the barrier, the four Fanfeng peaks sitting next to Ye Che, also stunned in the eyes.

The humiliation of these ten days has already made them sullen. At this time, the enemy is a man of the Korean Empire. Without warming up, his body will be heated up.


Ye Che's mouth is slightly picky, excited, so good!

Then, the re-emergence of the Chinese name, starting from the Korean Empire, and the Japanese Empire, start!


"Double kill! Three kills!"

"Run away!"

"Monster-like killing, God!!!"

In the command of Ye Che, and his own single-line crushing, this game was in perfect ending in 38 minutes!


Four Fan Fengfeng, the face of the joy of hate!

See you, the outside of the barrier has been paying close attention to the expression of their people, but also one heart down.

"The clear **** is really enchanting, this is only thirty-eight minutes, it will win!"

One of the peaks, heavy fists, excited.

Sword Qingyang and Qing et al., also smiled one by one.

And soon, the second round of rankings opened.

"The people of the Japanese Empire!?"

Inside the barrier, the four singular peaks, again amazed words, caused everyone's horror.

Why, the luck of these two games is so good, they are all in the most joyous country! ?

"Ha ha ha, you still don't know! In the past three days, all the enemies we ranked are all the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire!"

The four new kings, who saw everyone's expression, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"This... this is really 6!"


Although I don’t know what the reason is, it doesn’t affect everyone’s growing fanaticism.

One game... two innings... three innings... twenty innings...

Under the deliberate report of the four Fan Fengfeng in the barrier, they know that these 20 or so games are actually the people of the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire.

"Ha ha ha ha! Clear God, kill them!"

"Don't dare to bully me in China!"

"Slay up!"

Everyone present, the more excited the mood, even if it is Jun Yu Yu and the old man, this moment is also staring at the barrier. Every time they win, they cheer in the bottom of their hearts!

In the face of the honor of the country, what was the previous argument?

One day passed... Two days have passed...

In addition to the four former peaks, Ye Che has been raging for five days in the area of ​​the Japanese Empire and the area of ​​the Korean Empire!

Moreover, this is not in the silver, gold, platinum segment, but in the peaks of the peaks of the experts!

With the crazy streak, the violent killing, and soon, the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire's ranks, one by one masters, were squeezed down.

On the third day, with the success of the four peaks of Ye Chexin, they were all at the top of the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire. ! !

This cutting edge is the first!

In these two countries, the second place, the peak value of the peak, is only 68 points.

The difference is a full three thirty-two!

Finally, this ranking of crazy promotion, in the Japanese Empire and the Korean Empire, set off a big wave!

"Gossip! You have a group of wastes, where the list is covered with blood, you guys, what to eat!!!"

In the territory of the Emperor's Empire, a building marked as **** shrine, a gloomy old man, roaring again and again.

In the territory of the Korean Empire, many of the strongest, and even the only three strongest kings, also looked at the rankings one by one. The names that started with the disciples of God’s choice were all smoldering and chilling. !

Ps: I wrote more than six or seven hundred words. I was late, asking for a monthly ticket, what?

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