League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1184: : Go to the United States!

Ps: built Sina Weibo, search, sink into the bottom of the netbsp; in order to avoid some platform book friends because of the response to the event I can not see, can be directly on the Weibo message, watch the book, can participate, at the end of the earth Before, they are all in the activity period. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

I have to say that the plots of many small partners have made me feel good. Forgive me because there are too many people commenting, I can't reply one by one, but I have watched them. There are very few small partners, some of them are speculative, but they are A little closer.

Finally, let me make a hint. I will say that the cosmic-level crater is filled in. All the loopholes and pits in the book and the seemingly unreasonable places will have a perfect explanation.

Therefore, the little friends, may wish to fill in the pit, will directly accommodate all seemingly loophole speculation.

I am very happy that everyone has a heated discussion about the story, ^_^.

I remember to add Weibo, Weibo, I will focus on active.



During these eight days, Jun Yu Yu was not idle, even like Ye Che, eight days and eight nights did not close his eyes.

He combines the inheritance techniques of the thirty-two kings and the teachings of these new kings. It can be said that the technology of the League of Legends of the League of Legends has completely surpassed the former Jin Lao, Li Huang and others.

The remaining cloud and air battle teams, and the chaos of the chaos, are led by the Yunzhi Book, Yunlong and the Devil's Sea.

Among the nine law-enforcement laws, three people were brought to the king by Ye Che eight days ago. Among them, the boss was named Chaos, and he was supported as the captain of the chaos.

After listening to their narrative, Ye Che couldn't help but look at the book of Yun.

It can be imagined that the name of the cloud air combat team, he and Yunlong, is to pay homage to the empty city of the cloud.

"Ye Che, what about you? I plan to be in the hero city, which people will choose to participate in the competition with you?"

At this moment, Knife Qing Cang, asked for Ye Xue, looking forward.

Aside from Zhao Xiu, Yu Yulin and the rest of the heroic city, they all looked at Ye Che.

Even many people in the Eastern Region are looking forward, but they also know that the diamond segment is now not qualified to participate in the Intercontinental War, so it is only envious.

"People... I have already chosen..."

Ye Che smiled a little, then pointed to the past, folding clothes, sunny, 6 Yao and a arrow into the dream.

"They four?"

Knife Qing and others all glimpsed, and then looked strangely at the folding clothes, 6 Yao and a dream into three women.

There are three women in a team. How do you think it is not reliable?

Even Jun Yu Yu, Yun Zhishu, Yun Long and others, are also different.

"Cheshen... you have to think about it anymore... After all, the intercontinental war of the gods is a big deal..."

Knife Qing Cang hesitated and said.

"Don't think about it, just set it up. Now you can start directly." Ye Che said straight, there is no room for manoeuvre between words.

The knife's face was suddenly bitter.

Because he is one of the kings of the new king, he thought he was very hopeful to represent the heroic city, but it seems that it is impossible.

"But it is..." Ye Che suddenly spoke again.

Hearing the long tail of Ye Che, the knife was bright again.

However, Ye Che looked at Zhao Xiu next to him and said: "You have taken over the position of my order. At present, I have not reached the master, so I can only follow you as a substitute."

"I!?" Zhao Xiu's eyes widened in an instant, and the color of an unexpected surprise.

"Don't be too happy, if you drag the whole team because of your problems, I will brush you down!" Ye Che gave him a look.

Zhao Xiu suddenly smiled, quite a bit scornful look at the folding clothes 6 Yao three women, since the channel: "Che Shen you rest assured, this is no problem!"

Seeing the situation, the other kings of the heroic city, such as Knife Qing, and the fans, their faces were somewhat dimmed.

"Our soul team, there are still four substitutes, you and you, you..."

Ye Che has a handful of things. He has joined the Lord Gods. Nowadays, the kings are all ordered, including Knife Qing and Yu Yulin.

Suddenly, the two men took a sigh of relief.

Even if you can't play the right position, it is good to be able to make a substitute to go to the scene to observe it yourself.

In order to avoid confusion, the United States Kingdom has regulations, in addition to the official contestants and substitutes, the rest of the people during the Intercontinental War, are not allowed to set foot in the United States, can only watch the game in their own country!

At this time, the official members and substitutes of the four teams have been allocated, and a group of people have gone abroad.

However, as soon as they took the house, everyone, including Ye Che, was stunned.

I saw that there was almost no endless figure in the black pressure, and I was standing there silently, staring at this side.

When Ye Che and others just came out, they screamed and screamed.

"The Chinese team will win, it will win!!!"

"Falling the gods, cheering, refreshing!"

"I wish the Chinese team, returning to the triumph!!"

"The future of China is up to you!"

These tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, came from all kinds of high voices, united together, even the clouds in the sky, were smashed.

Jun Luo Yu, Yun Long, Yun Zhishu and all the people who will be fighting in the intercontinental wars are all a little excited.

The conviction of so many people to unite in the city has caused their hearts to violently oscillate.

Ye Che is also a little bit tumbling, watching the people who come to say goodbye.

At this time, with the coming out of the kings, the crowds are automatically separated, forming a wide passage for everyone to do.

The crowds on both sides, like a colored line, extend to far away.

What Ye Che can see is the strong expectation and the expectation of these people's faces.

I don't know why, everyone seems to have a tacit understanding, and there is no time to fly or tear space, but it took nearly three hours to get out of the heroic city.

This is the most silent respect.

Ye Che looked back and saw that the wall of hundreds of kilometers was completely occupied by the figure. They did not leave and were still watching.

"Okay, you will be sent here..."

The book of the cloud says to the public.

These thousands of people who came with them, and some of the kings, all nodded with a heavy face.

They know that this battle is too important. Once the rankings are not good, the whole China will be buried with them.

"Ye Che... I will be in the city, cheering for you!"

The oriental nephew looked at Ye Che deeply, and after biting his lower lip, he said seriously.

"Thank you!"

Ye Che revealed a smile, but also seriously returned.

Then Dongfang Jian and others, as well as the Curtain team and the Tianlan team, all open their mouths for Ye Che.

The rest of the Devil's Sea, the Supreme Hall, and the City of the Sky have also said goodbye, and the new kings such as Jun Yuyu have joined forces to start a wide-ranging transmission.

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