League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1185: : Enter the stadium!

"The opening of the Intercontinental War, we have delayed some time this evening, we must speed up!"

After the monarchy fell into the feathers, and then looked at the king with a glance, he heard a bang, and a dozen cracks in the space suddenly appeared. ?? Bayi? Chinese W? W (a) W. 81ZW. COM


A low drink, Jun Luo Yu took the first step.

Soon, Ye Che also walked in, and then in the complex eyes of the people and the people of the East, the four teams disappeared into place.


The United States, once the m country!

In North America, once in North America, there are 23 countries. However, after the end of the Japanese explosion, North America has ceased to exist, and it is collectively known as the United States!

The United States Kingdom, to this day, has always been called the hope of mankind.

This kingdom, according to conservative estimates, has at least 500 of the strongest kings!

At first, people did not believe this estimate at all. After all, like China, the country such as the Japanese Empire, the number of kings is more than a dozen, more than 30.

The number of the King of the United States is five hundred, but it is too exaggerated.

However, after the last time the heroic fantasy world was updated again and the world leaderboard appeared, all the people knew that this estimate was actually somewhat subtle, because the number of kings in the United States Kingdom reached 701 people!

More than a hundred people are more than the estimated five hundred!

It is precisely because of this that the United States Kingdom proposed the iron law of the intercontinental war, no country dared to oppose!

After all, even the number of the strongest kings has reached such a horrible level, not to mention the fact that the power of diamonds and diamonds is enough to turn any country into a fly ash.

Along the way, Ye Che has been watching information about the United States.

After all, it is conceivable that the most powerful enemy facing the Intercontinental War is absolutely not the United States, so Ye Che has been through the Kings list to see their Id names, so that when they face them, There will be some approximation in my heart.

However, when Ye Che looked at the message about the American League, he had a slight surprise.

In the "A Brief History of the Earth's New History" in the United States, "Hong" is not created by the people who created the heroic fantasy, but by a man named "mirage."

"It seems... this history should have been coined by themselves..."

Ye Che glanced at the tile on his instep and said to himself.

Obviously, Wally is the creator of the heroic fantasy world, and has nothing to do with "Hong" and "mirage"!

At this moment, the kings stopped the movement of space and crossed out from the cracks in the space. In the distance, a huge and sturdy steel building appeared in front of everyone.

The United Kingdom... is here!

Ye Che looked at it, thousands of meters away, the lights were shining, and countless lighthouses stood there.

Although it was late at night, it was as white as it was until the location where Ye Che was.

At this time, Ye Che and others suddenly heard a sharp sound burst, and at the same moment, a bunch of red light shone in the place.

The momentary changes made everyone's minds tense.

After all, now is an extraordinary period, no one dares to take it lightly.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Jun Luo Yu immediately snorted, he already felt that this red light will not cause harm.

Just then, a mechanical sound was heard into everyone's ears. "After scanning, let it go!"

Ye Che looked up and saw an aircraft about thirty centimeters above the top of the head, suspended in a place thousands of people away from the crowd. This red light was shot from above.

At this time, the red light was shrunk back as soon as the tone was finished.

The aircraft also lost its sight in an instant.

And just in this mouth, there are space cracks not far away, and then there are dozens of dozens, or more than a dozen figures, from which to come out.

However, they also accepted the same treatment as Ye Che and others, and they were scanned to determine that they were not in danger before they were allowed to release.

"Let's go..."

Ye Che opened the door and everyone nodded.

A group of forty people began to go straight to the wall of the United States Kingdom.

As we approached, countless subtle humming sounds were printed in the ears of everyone.

Looking up, this is now full of countless fighters in the sky. These fighters are either standing or patrolling around the United States, and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

On the ground, every ten steps, there is a lighthouse that is hundreds of meters high.

These lighthouses are scattered with strong light, making them bright in both the city and the city.

Soon, everyone has arrived outside the city of the United States.

Ye Chexian, at a distance of 100 meters from the city wall, has been blocked by thousands of soldiers.

"Which country!?"

Ye Che and others just approached, a man wearing a heavy armor and a military officer looked forward and asked with a serious look.

Behind him, thousands of warriors armed with various weapons stood up.

These warriors are full of chilling gas, and it is not an ordinary soldier at first glance!

"Oh, we are Chinese countries..."

The book of Yunzhi smiled and smiled.

"Huaxia Guo!!"

Hearing the words of Yunzhishu, separated by a few tens of meters, the same blocked team, turned around in an instant, eyes swept to everyone, all are somewhat cold.

The officer’s eyes did not change, but his face was slightly weird.

"Hua Xiaguo, affiliated with Asia... Well, the channel on the left goes in!"

The officer was only slightly stunned and said immediately.

"Good, trouble."

The book of the book of the Clouds is as pleasing as the squall of the team.

Ye Che did not care. After the officer and the soldiers let go, a group of forty people quickly came to the channel on the left.

In this channel, there are many singular instruments, and after a little cumbersome inspection by the inspectors, the identity is correct, everyone is brought into the arena.

"Wow, it’s spectacular!"

As soon as he entered the arena, folded his clothes and entered a dream, he exclaimed.

The rest of the people, including Ye Che, also shocked one by one and the pupils shrank.

Presented in front of everyone is a stadium with a full range of hundreds of kilometers. What is the concept of hundreds of kilometers, which is completely more than the area of ​​a town!

The stadium is entirely paved with jade floors and is fluorescent.

A variety of sculptural columns carved with gorgeous images can be seen from time to time.

In the center of the stadium, there is a black jade stone platform with a diameter of over 10,000 meters. It rises from the center and attracts countless and Ye Che and other people who have just entered the team.

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