League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1186: : Intercontinental war, open!

On the black jade stone platform, there are countless small special glass houses. The glass houses are about 30 meters in diameter. Among them, there are ten English soul helmets, which stand opposite each other. Obviously, the glass on the black jade table. The room is the place for the intercontinental war. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

Ye Che's eyes gazed at the black jade stone for seven or eight seconds, and then looked around, and saw a dense seat, surrounded by a black jade stone in a round shape. At first glance, these seats were more extreme, Ye Cheyi Time is not estimated at all.

"This stadium was built by Jay Supreme personally. It took only 20 days to complete the time! The stadium area is 228 kilometers and has a seat of 13 million. The black jade stone is even more Can accommodate all the current teams at the same time!"

The leader who led the crowd to the arena said with pride.

He has a standard Western face and is very masculine.

"The seats of 13 million people... big hand! It’s the United Kingdom!"

Yunlong, Yunzhishu, Qing et al. widened their eyes.

In China, a stadium can accommodate hundreds of thousands, and up to one million is already against the sky, and here, just a seat, there are a total of 13 million!

Ye Che is also sighing at the bottom of his heart. Seven hundred years ago, the world-class League of Legends game, there are tens of thousands of thousands of thousands of watches on the scene, is already the ultimate.

And now the intercontinental war, the scene is directly on the audience!

If you have a wonderful operation in front of thousands of people, how shocking it will be, you have to say that this is the point that makes Ye Che’s heart boiling.

"The seats in your Asian countries are over there, come with me!"

After guiding the people, they started to lead the way.

About ten minutes later, he took Ye Che and others to a seat and gave each person a delicate white instrument.

"This is a translation machine. All the battles are randomly generated and connected with this translator. All of you can check the opponents you will face."

After that, the leader, left.

While sitting in the hands of the translator, everyone sat down and found the position.

Ye Che looked to the side, and in the Asian regional seats, they have already sat in a lot of teams, and they all talked solemnly.

However, as Ye Che’s eyes looked at them, they stopped talking in an instant and looked at them one by one.

"Shen Hyun Captain... You see... the Chinese team is here!"

In a place far away from Ye Che and others about twenty seats, a man with a slightly pale face, pointing at a sneer, pointed to Jun Yuyu and others.

The man sitting next to him, the skin is bronzed, full of a wise and deep atmosphere.

This man's gaze is like an ancient wave, and his face is handsome. It is the watch that ‘Huaxia is just a singularity. ’

Originally, he was staring his eyes and scanning the messages of the various teams through the translator. After hearing the words of his teammates, he couldn’t help but look at Ye Che’s side.

Seeing that it was the people of China, he could not help but have a cold light in his eyes.

"I will give them a lesson!"

The pale-faced man said with a sinister smile on his lips.

The rest of his teammates also have an eye-catching color on their faces.

"No hurries……"

An Shen Xuan faint opening.

"God dazzles adults, don't you want to wash the shame of the rankings!?" This pale man glimpsed.

"Oh, now I hate China's more people, we have humiliated him at the same time, but it is just a icing on the cake, boring..." Anshen Hyun turned the black ring on his finger, not eager to say.

"Then you mean..." The pale man's eyes lit up.

"To do... just do the last straw that crushed the camel!"

An Shen dazzling mouth sneered a sneer.

At this time, more and more teams have been formed, and the Chinese team is now on the scene.

"Look, that is the sin country that released the strongest demon!"

"Oh! This stupid, inferior country is actually qualified to participate in the competition. It really insults the intercontinental war!"

"The release of the strongest devil does not say, but also rely on the inheritance of the king, to kill other countries in the League of Legends, this character is really unbearable!"

A variety of sarcasm, or a cold voice, was heard into the ears of everyone.

I don't know when, everyone's breathing is a bit heavy.

Insulting them, they can bear it, but these people insulted China and insulted their motherland, including Ye Che, Jun Yu Yu, sunny, folded clothes, a dream, and everyone, all face more and more gloomy.

"I blame this **** peace of mind!"

Yunlong's eyes passed a trace of killing, staring at the quiet and calming, and shouting.

If it is not the article that reverses the right and wrong of the sacred watch, China will not be pushed to the cusp.

Sunny, folding clothes, knife Qing Cang and others looked at those people, and the ridicule of the ridicule of the cast, one by one, only felt that the heart was blocked.

"This time, even if China does not get a place, I have to show off the gods, and pull down the altar!"

Jun Luo Yu whispered.

Anshen Hyun, the highest empire of the Korean Empire, and the world's first ball girl!

Although the territory of the Korean Empire is very small, compared with many countries, it is worth mentioning. However, because of the existence of Anshen Hyun, the entire Korean Empire was occasionally mentioned in the world-class field.

At this time, the voice of the insulting Huaxia State has become more and more, and has even reached the point of no disguise.

Although the United States has stipulated that it is not allowed to use the power of the paragraph to cause trouble, but does not stipulate that it is not allowed to insult the sarcasm before the game, so they have no scruples at all.

"China's spicy chicken, cleaned the **** to prepare for abuse?"

A golden youth blew a whistle here and laughed and laughed loudly.

"Haha, Z, don't care. These Chinese teams, but they have the inheritance of the king, one by one, and they have not seen the ranks of the Korean Empire. They are all overwhelmed by them?"

Someone deliberately laughed back.

"This group of idiots!"

Yunlong looks like a blue-green, he is a marshal, the most important thing is the national honor and disgrace.

At this time, I watched the thousands of people, and from time to time sarcasm, there has been a tendency to anger.

"Yunlong, you calm down, you can't stand it, just kill me on the court, don't think about the rest of the mess, kill one by one!" Ye Che sees Yunlong has a tendency to run away, not to be reminded by frowning One sentence.

In this case, according to the regulations, will be directly deprived of the qualifications of the competition, these provisions are clearly written.

The most important thing is that Ye Che knows that Yunlong can't hurt anyone.

So many people on the scene hate Huaxia. If Yunlong dares to do it, I am afraid that it will be suppressed and suppressed in an instant.

"We will definitely play hard, but this tone..."

Jun Luo Yu tightened his fists.

"Winning the intercontinental war, and then swearing, it is not too late..." Ye Che's finger micro-bomb, his eyes fell on the body of Anshen, like a beating flame.

At this time, a loud voice rang from the stadium.

"Quiet, the opening ceremony of the Intercontinental War, officially started!"

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