League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1190: : Nearly sixty minutes of victory!

Ps: The computer burned, wrote in the Internet cafe, the update was late. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

Seeing that I have never broken a chapter in the past year, my friends should believe in my character, sometimes later, and really have to.



At the beginning of the second game of the playoffs, everyone calmed down and stared at the team they were interested in.

In the second elimination round, there were only 412 teams in more than 800 teams, and by the end of the second knockout, it was the top 100.

The top 100 may seem like a lot, after all, this is hundreds of teams!

But among the hundreds of teams, there are many teams, all of which are in the same country. It is said that it is the battle of the top 100, but it is already a contest between the powerful countries!

At this time, the octagonal curtain, in more than two hundred interfaces, as time goes by, the battle has begun to heat up, and countless skills have begun to fly, gank, rumors, single kill, robbery, once and for all in the eyes of everyone .

No matter which team is in the middle of the fight, it will lead to a cry.

However, there are still many people sitting calmly on the seat, a calm look, they know that the current knockout, those world-class powers, have not yet come up with real strength.

The current scene is not worth their excitement at all!


The rushing cursor clicks and beats in each game room.

In addition to more than 20 powerful teams with absolute confidence in themselves, the rest of the team are all looking awe-inspiring, staring at the interface.

These teams dare not slack off, they can't afford to gamble, once they lose the game, the whole country will be tragedy!

In some countries, the luck of the team was very bad. In the previous round of the knockout, more than half of the entire national team was eliminated.

Therefore, in this knockout, they even played a million times spirit, even if they were overflowing with sweat on their foreheads, they did not wipe.

"Persevere to hold on, I am coming!!!" In the curtain numbered 8o1, there was a slap in the VIV team.

This battle, through the translator, resounded in the ears of everyone who was concerned about this battle.


The sprint started, the sharp whirlwind, and the crazy squirting from the middle of the road.


In the eye position, the order begins to transmit, and the murder begins to condense.

At this time, the time of this round of the knockout has been carried out for nearly forty minutes, but there are more than one hundred teams, and they are in a state of anxiety.

But it is this state of anxiety that it is easy to test who is the real strong team!

"Kill, kill adnetbsp; "I rely on, he has mercury, can not kill! ”

"Must kill! Their adc equipment is the best, they must be killed, otherwise this wave of battle, we will be finished!!!!"

The commanders of the various teams, the buzz in the friendly channel, are close to hysteria.

However, among the four teams of cash China, in addition to the English soul team, the cloud book and Yunlong's cloud and air team, as well as the chaos team and the team of Jun Yuyu, have won the game.

After all, China was in the last intercontinental war, but ranked the ninth existence.

Its heritage, in response to the second knockout, is still very easy.

However, the English soul team is not so ideal.

Among the five, in addition to 6 Yao is still a calm look, the rest of the folds, sunny, Zhao Xiu and a dream, the body is a little stiff.

When they returned to the retreat, they had already seen the rest of the war room, and looked around. At least 80% of the war room had already ended.

And they are still in a state of confrontation with the opposite, which makes their hearts eager.

In this game, the English soul team still has an advantage.

After all, the original Chinese country is good, let alone they have been guided by Ye Che for so many days. However, it is one thing to take advantage of it. It is one thing to be able to capture the opposite crystal.

The result of three consecutive attacks on the opposite high ground but no success returned to them, and they were somewhat flustered.

"Can't... definitely can't lose here! If we can't even spend the knockout, it really fits the prophecy of the gods!"

One arrow into the dream and bite the lip.

"That's right, everyone forgets other misunderstandings, and this wave, the outcome is won!"

At this time, it is almost 50 minutes, and the remaining teams have only eight remaining!

Among these eight, they include the English soul team.

"Oh... God dazzles the gods without saying anything wrong, this Chinese team is really not good, the last session can still enter the ninth, and now even the knockouts are so hard!"

"Laughter me, this opponent of the British Soul team, in the last batch seems to belong to the bottom of the group, but now it is difficult to distinguish with the Chinese team, hahaha..."

"It’s good to be difficult to understand. If the heroic team loses, it’s fun..."

"You didn't see this male soul team, are there three girls? According to me, this Chinese is really no one, actually let the girls play, of course, the powerful sister paper does have, but 99% are assisted Or adc, like this heroic team, c is completely contracted!"

Most of the people on the seats looked at the eight remaining teams and ridiculed them.

But the spearhead, but mostly pointed to the English soul team.

Business parameter of the company, which has a lot of sensations.

"What exactly does Che-shing mean? At first I thought that these people were the top players he secretly cultivated, but now it seems to be a shame to China!"

Next to Jun Yu Yu, the old man with a red face is a bit gloomy.

As Ye Che said, the old man of Hung Hom was not brought to the king by him, but because Jun Yu Yu was the main adc, the old man of Hung Hom was his full-time assistant, so he played with him.

I heard the old man of Hung Hom said that in the eyes of Jun Yu Yu, he shook his head. He also wanted to understand what Ye Che meant, and he had to wait and see.

However, his heart is more urgent.

If even Ye's team is not reliable, then the task of saving China will fall entirely on itself.

For a time, Jun Luo Yu felt that the burden on his body was heavy.

Time continued to pass, and finally, almost at the critical point of 60 minutes, the English soul team finally won.

In the battle room, the four people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's not easy, I finally won." On the seat, there was some lean substitute man next to Anshen Hyun, and he laughed.

"It did win, but this win seems to be a shame..."

"Yuxi, Jin Zhongjun said that it is good. In my opinion, this English soul team of Zhina pig will soon face the point of being eliminated!"

A few meters away from Anshen Hyun, a very fat man with his eyes turned suddenly and smiled.

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