League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1191: : Top 100 finals!

An Shen Xuan gave him a faint look, no words. ????八一中文W(八)W?W?. ?8 (a) 1? Z (eight) W (a). ?C?O (eight) M?

In his mind, the people of the Emperor of the Japanese Empire did not even have a world-class title, but it was a group of waste. He was too lazy to talk about it.

However, the fat man of the Imperial Kingdom on this day opened his voice and kept talking to the substitute man next to Anshen Hyun.

The cold eyes of the two men are from time to time to the seat of Ye Che in Huaxia District.

Ye Che just ended the third round of qualifying, looked at the translator, showing that the English soul team won, and his mouth could not help but pick it up slightly.

He and the real body of the devil, Anna, have crossed the line, and most understand how strong Anna’s real strength is.

At that time, according to Devil Anna, in order to avoid being perceived by the evil spirits, she did not use real strength at all. Besides, she was playing the next road ez, which was not the way to hit.

But in that case, it was almost five to five in the early stage.

If it is not the anti-routing to win, I am afraid that the win is not so easy.

Now, the fold-up has won the soul of the devil, and its hidden potential is absolutely shocking.

It’s just because of this big competition, so I haven’t adjusted it for a while, but even so, its resilience is not comparable to that of the opponent.

Sure enough, the second game of the second game, the English soul team's winning time has been shortened to 42 minutes!


In the battle room, in addition to a cold-faced Lu Yao, the other four were extremely surprised.

The opp team that fought against it was a gloomy self-satisfied agent who stood up and looked at him with a cold look. After a glance at the pavilion, he walked out of the battle room silently.

"Haha, this game is still enough for you to fold clothes! Finally, there are three magical anti-kills, otherwise it is estimated to be anxious!"

Sunny is too lazy to bird them, and laughs directly.

Zhao Xiu and his dreams are also very excited. He has been talking about the final team battle.

Folding clothes are more exciting than imagined, she is now, the two games down, the kind of god-like feeling, the frequency of appearance, far before!

"Is it... this kind of contest can stimulate the emergence of that state..."

The singer whispered a whisper and a flash of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, the announcement female voice, once again!

"The end of the knockout! Nowadays, enter the top 100 competition! Similar to the rules of the elimination game, the same, three games and two wins! Now all the participating teams can rest for an hour!"

"One hour!!!"

The remaining two hundred teams immediately lit their eyes.

An hour is enough to rearrange the tactics!

"Would we like to ask the gods, how should we fight?" After a dream, I heard this notice and asked quickly.

In these three rounds, her heart has not stopped, and she has been jumping forever.

In the face of the tens of billions of people playing the League of Legends, this kind of stimulation really made her nervous.

Sunny and Zhao Xiu’s heart shocked and quickly looked at the seat, but now Ye Che began to wear the British soul helmet.

Folding clothes also appeared in this scene, sighed one voice: "Forget it... I think, Ye Che is deliberately honing us, otherwise, wait until after the top 50, the top 30, even luck is good to enter the ten Strong, our psychological quality can't keep up... The enemy of that level, each one is Kerry Point, relying on the clear **** alone, can't win."

Sunny, Zhao Xiu and a dream into a dream, suddenly stopped.

I looked at the folding clothes in a beautiful and admirable manner. "I didn't expect that I have lived for more than 50 years. I haven't seen it yet. It's a good one. It's just a top 100 game. We can win on our own!"

On the folded face, a smile appeared.

In fact, she dares to say this, just because of the magical appearance of the state of God, so that the confidence of folding clothes has increased a lot.

Hearing the folds and the clear words, one eye fell into the dream and Zhao Xiu looked at each other, and the smile of the smile came down.

"Come... we will arrange the next tactics!"

Folding clothes seem to have gained confidence because of the previous game, and they have established confidence. They directly intend to discuss tactics. The victory of these three games has already caused them to feel a great deal of tension.

The three people quickly came around, Lu Yao was looking at Ye Che's direction and licking his mouth, it seems... some grievances.

The top 100, competed by more than two teams!

This level of competition has already made many people in the seat have a little spirit.

And the countries that are watching the scene through satellite broadcasts are getting more excited.

They know that this level of competition, and certainly there are already some teams, to come up with the housekeeping skills.

Sure enough, the intensity of the killing of the Top 100 is beyond the expectations of everyone.

A variety of breathtaking responsiveness and hands, frequently blasting everyone's eyes.

Many teams that are not optimistic, like the sudden emergence of a sudden rise, there has been a counterattack!

But what surprised everyone the most was that the end of the Wannian crane, the English soul team that could play an hour in a game, actually followed the squad. In general, it took less than 30 minutes to win the first game. victory!

"My grass, what is the situation of this English soul team, change it!?"

"Change the wool, the three sister papers are still sitting there well! And the style, nothing changed... the only change is..."

"It's in the middle! This single sister paper is so powerful, actually the 1o team's main force in the single, hit 3 kill 9 dead!"

"Yes, the first three innings, this Id is a disciple of the gods, the middle of the fold, and the timidity, the style of the line is also very embarrassing, but this game, actually fierce!"

"I really scared the labor and capital. Before I vomited the sister paper, the single is a pustule. In this game, she faced the provocation of the three people. She actually rushed up alone. After the 1c team's adc, the limit escaped! ”

"If the next girl in the next book is still so fierce, I decided to powder her!"

Some people who are concerned about the English soul team are all talking about their eyes wide open.

However, this part is only a very small part. After all, a team that has lost three cars at the end of the car is whimsical.

This very small part is also a reason for some inexplicable, anyway, it is concerned, but this game has made them stunned.

Soon, with the attention of a very small group of people, the second round of the top 100 began.

The first-level Shouye District channel, help the wild to red, change the line up and down...

Then, on the line!

Because of the relationship between the top 100 games, this game is still intended to play, but perhaps the performance of the last game is too much, and the article was banned.

So, she came up with a hero that surprised many people, ez!

Ez in the single!

It seems to be playing ap Ize...

The group secretly guessed.

While waiting for them to wait for the line exhibition, they saw that the ez had just got on the line, and the line did not make up for the direct crossing of the line. The single-small bomb against the 1o team rushed over.

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