League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1196: :Jean's temptation

Ps: Because I have to go home tomorrow, I am going to go straight today, and I will drive tomorrow, two more. In August 1st, the text network? W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM


Time, back three seconds ago.

The folding clothes controlled the censorship, and the jewelry eyes in the hands almost just inserted, and the heart shocked!


The folds were instantly stunned, and the white face was extremely pale.

It’s too late to think about how Moganna’s surprise is here. She stares at Moganna’s “dark imprisonment” and her heart is desperate.

Too unexpected, so close, so unexpected, she simply did not respond.

However, at this jealousy, the folds only felt a shackled head, and the grass in front of the light curtain, Moganna, the snake girl, including herself and the group "dark imprisonment" seemed to be magnified infinitely.

In particular, the "dark imprisonment" of the regiment was less than a hundred yards away from her, but at the moment it was so far away in the eyes of the fold.

And she is now, this state of affairs is actually stronger than any previous one.


The eyes of the folded clothes suddenly disappeared without a slight focal length.

But her finger, at this moment, seems to have twitched, and then the afterimage appears, and then actually completely violated the physical inertia and flashed out!

It was too late, and at that time, I saw Moganna from the folds and saw that the "dark imprisonment" flew in the air. When this strange state appeared, it was almost all born in o.1 seconds.

But this is a short o.1 second, the situation is changing rapidly!

"call out!"

A golden light picked up, and the strategist led the shuttle to flash!

The next moment, the "dark imprisonment" that was originally in the eyes of all people, was empty, and it was empty!

No vision, no defense, the "dark imprisonment" released within 1oo code is empty! ! !


"The dark imprisonment" is almost close to the face of the strategist, and all of them can feel it. At that moment, the cold hair of the strategist is erected.

It can be said that if the strategist's flashing, then o.oo 1 second at night, this "dark ban", you can hit exactly!

However, the difference is a thousand miles!

Flashing on the ground, the folding clothes did not release the "hardships" that had been cooled down, and "squatting" twice, killing the snake girl who came to think about blood.

The snake woman covered Mogana's magic shield, but she could not hinder the physical damage, and she fell to the ground with a slap in the face.

Then the target of folding clothes was turned, and “hardship torture” was directly lost to Moganna.

Mogana's blood volume is not enough. In the way, there is no flash and no weakness. The folding clothes qe are evenly released, and the continuous damage is added to level off. After five seconds, a loud "doub1eki11 (double kill!)" self-call The division canyons resounded.


At this time, I saw the incredible reaction of folding clothes, and there were thousands of people present.

"Oh, I’m buying it, this English team’s singles are hanging!”

"The horrible reaction ability, in the grass, obviously no eyes, how did she do the hand that inserted the eye at that moment, and moved it to the flashing key!"

"Light is this movement against physical inertia, it takes a long time, and it takes time for her reaction!!!"

"Hey, I will take this folding dress!"

Looking at the original demise of folding clothes, the limit of anti-killing, in the audience, many people are hooked up.

Even a lot of people and the king, nodded with a look of appreciation.

Not to mention the people of China, including the knife warehouse, Jun Yu Yu, one by one! !

"No vision, 100 yards to hide skills... The world, can do this kind of operation, less than one hundred ... Captain Jayne, what is your opinion on the middle of this heroic team?"

On the black jade stone platform, in a very spacious and luxurious battle room, a young man suddenly turned his head to look at the man in the middle seat.

This young man has a very gaze, and his eyes are very deep. Just a casual look gives him a feeling of trepidation, but it falls on the man sitting in the middle, and his eyes are only revered.

One of the young eyes of this young man was entangled in black cloth, which made him look like a one-eyed dragon.

Jayne heard the problem of the one-eyed youth, and did not turn his head. His right hand slowly and very frequently pressed on the keyboard, while the left hand, holding the chin, his eyes penetrated countless battle rooms, directly in the folds. Body.

He is the king of the crown of the United States, the true God of Jain! Known as the strongest person who has already surpassed the strongest king! ! !

Jayne's face is slightly thinner. Although the face is unique to Westerners, it is not excellent, but it is somewhat ordinary.

The only thing that is special is his dark circles and his skinny fingers.

The dark circles under Jayne's eyes make his entire eye as smoked, but thicker than smoke, like firewood, only slightly attached to the fingers of the skin, it seems to break.

However, it is this pair of dry fingers, in the League of Legends, destroyed countless top powerhouses!

"Strange... obviously feel that kind of volatility..."

Jayne's eyes are a bit strange, although his battle room is a few kilometers away from the folding clothes, but for him, the folding clothes seem to be close at hand.

"My perception, there will be no mistakes... It seems that we need to test it out..."

Jayne snorted, and then, in the space around him, suddenly a strange wave of volatility.

This volatility seems to be an unprecedented energy, and the four king teammates around him have no awareness at all.

Then, it was almost a blink of an eye. This strange energy penetrated the space and was tied to the fold.

You must know that these battle rooms have the effect of blocking the power of the segment. Now, this energy has easily penetrated the past. Obviously, this energy does not belong to the power of the segment!


A few kilometers away, the folded body suddenly trembled, and the mouth could not help but scream.

"Folding sister, what's wrong with you?"

One arrow went into a dream and asked quickly, before the scene of the fold of the middle of the scene, the two extremes were killed. She saw it with her own eyes, and she was already admired for the fold.

"No...nothing, just suddenly I feel a little cold."

Folding clothes slightly frown, and then said.

She didn't care much. She thought it might be caused by too much pressure. At the next moment, she suddenly saw it, because a small soldier who should never miss it was trapped by her.

"Call... relax, relax!" After taking a deep breath and letting yourself calm down, let yourself calm down.

There is not much suspense in this game. In the case of the former counsel who led the double-killing, the middle road was like a broken bamboo.

Twenty-eight minutes later, the commander of the Six Gods costumes became the unsuccessful Xiaoqiang. After a wave of dragons to open the regiment, he successfully won the first round of the top 50!

"Congratulations, congratulations to the British soul team, won the top 50!"

The voice of Els, rare and somewhat high, apparently, folding clothes as a sister paper, but can play that kind of operation, making her attitude slightly changed.

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