League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1197: : 4 minutes of killing!


"Haha, it really is the team selected by Che-He, it is strong!"

"Win, this is!"

At the table, Yunzhishu, Yunlong, and Knife Qing, and the protection of the magical seas, as well as the replacements, are very happy. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

However, Ye Che did not reveal much joy, but his eyes were full of thoughts.

For the folding clothes, after so many days of fighting, others do not understand him but they know very well.

In general, although the play is fierce, it is very stable.

Whether it is a knife or a skill release.

But in the past, Ye Che saw that the state of folding clothes seemed to be something wrong. Several times, the knife that should not be leaked was leaked, and the control skills were controlled several times, although they were seen by ordinary people. There is nothing to come here. When comparing the group, it is inevitable to eat control techniques.

But Ye Che's eyes are so sharp that he can naturally see the points that ordinary people can't notice.

"It is estimated that the pressure is too big..." Ye Che thought for a moment and came to a conclusion.

At this time, the side of the knife Qing Cang, Yunzhishu and other people, also smiled in the face of a smile, the heroic team's wonderful operation.

Especially for the 3rd level, the folds of 100 yards flashed to hide skills, and then the anti-killing team, the two are more focused.

"It’s ridiculous, look at this face, it’s like you won’t win!”

"The same is Asian, we God dazzle the team, in order to avoid the ugly of your loss, give you a little sweet taste, really think so much!?"

At this time, more than a dozen meters away, the gods dazzle team substitutes, sarcasm.

Yunlong snorted and was about to pick up the words.

At this moment, he is now stunned and stands up!

An Shen Hyun, you have to play in person!

This station is like a big mountain. Standing up, you must know that the Korean Empire can be famous in the world, completely because of the gods!

In the last Intercontinental War, the Korean Empire ranked fifteen, but this is because his teammates have not reached the world level in addition to Anshen.

Otherwise, it is difficult to prevent you from entering the top ten, and if you release the ball of the gods, even the top five, it is possible!

So at this moment, watching Anshen Hyun stand up from the seat, in addition to Ye Che, the presence of the Chinese team, all change.

An Shen Xuan did not make any words. In his mind, perhaps at the moment, only the folds in the Chinese team, it is worthy of his attention.

Looking at the figure that Anshen dazzled to go to the black jade stone, everyone's eyes are a bit complicated, they know that the tough battle is about to start!

"Wow... look, Anshen Hyun wants to play in person!!!"

"That's for sure. I know, if this game is lost, if it is lost, then it will be eliminated. In this case, he naturally has to play in person!"

"Giggle, I am going to play on the ground, this green fold dress is absolutely going to blow up!!"

"Frozen your uncle, my goddess of folding clothes is all right!?"

"Anshen Hyun, the ball girl in the world first? Hey, that's the case if he can choose the ball girl, I can't choose it. I think he can open up with my goddess five or five!"

I have to say that in these few games, the folding clothes really convinced many people on the scene, especially the gold and white gold in the United States to watch the game, but the eyes were extremely hot.

Women do not have an intercontinental war, but they are usually auxiliary, and even if there are very few hits, they are dying, and there are folds that are so domineering!

Soon, in a mess of bickering, this game finally officially began!

"God dazzle team, replace the single, by the main force in the single Anshen dazzle! I believe that everyone is no stranger to Anshen Hyun, one of the top ten outstanding singles in the last session, is the world's first ball female name, Once the rumors let him get the ball girl, it will become an absolute killing. If the teammate is about the same strength as the opposite, he even has the confidence to lead the **** team to enter the top five in the intercontinental battle!"

Alss seems to appreciate the Anshen Hyun, and there is some respect among the words, but it is also a key introduction.

"Anshen Hyun personally came on the stage..."

In the battle room, sunny, Zhao Xiu and a arrow into the heart of the heart.

The folds, but not so nervous, somehow, her heart is slightly excited, knowing that the opposite, will be a real strong enemy, this reaction seems to be born with nature.

The ball girl, naturally, must ban it, and the folds do not hesitate, directly locked the bar.

And Anshen dazzle cold smile, finger movement, a charming figure, appeared under his cursor, it is the nine-tailed fox!

The fox is about 55 lines before the sixth level, but once it reaches the sixth level, the article is weak, mainly because there is a delay in the big move, but the fox has three displacements, which can be directly avoided.

With the selection of the heroes of both sides, the battle officially begins!

Folding clothes and tranquilizing, all of them are Dolan and two bottles of red medicine.

Because of the strength of the folding clothes, Anshen Hyun has seen it with his own eyes. In the case of not getting the woman of the life ball, Anshen Hyun did not take it lightly, and even his face was serious.

The beginning of the line, so that people's eyes are bright, but the style of folding clothes is still extremely fierce.

And the gods and gods are not inferior, at the first level, the two have come and go.

Because there is no life-threatening, the folding clothes did not enter that state, so in some small details, it is still impossible to calm down.

However, because of the existence of the e-skill shield and the addition of the double-resistance, although the details are not in place, and the attack is more, the blood volume is almost the same as that of the Anshen.

However, after seeing that it was not cheap, Anshen Hyun did not control the line and rushed to the line.

Soon, the line entered the tower.

The game time is about 3 minutes and 5 seconds, and the line arrives in the tower.


Almost at the same time, Zhao Xiu on the road and 6 Yao on the road, reminded.

The order and the road assist have disappeared for nearly ten seconds.

On the curtain, it is another scene.

"My God, God dazzles to the single prince, the road thorns, the wild casks are all in the middle, this is the rhythm of four people playing mahjong, they are the folds of the English soul team!"

Looking at the curtain, the movement of the gods dazzle the team, everyone has widened their eyes.

At this time, when prompted, the folding clothes quickly retreated.

However, it is too late!

They didn't expect it at all. The Shenxuan team was so mad and frustrated. It took only four minutes to get the four people in the middle.

"Mom, it’s too arrogant!"

Looking at the map, completely ignore the eye position, and quickly approached the four people approaching the middle road, Zhao Xiu slammed on the road and directly opened the transmission.

However, the four people of the Shenxuan team directly ignored the light of this transmission. The thorns flashed instantly and rushed out from the shadows, while the "roots of the entanglement" went straight to the face.

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