League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1210: : All is the heart!

"This... really is a second pump!?"

Looking at the cards that drank blood and reappeared to the bounty, many people swallowed. Eight? One Chinese network W = W ≈ W ≤. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

Drizzt didn't know when he stood up from the seat, staring at the curtain and the figure of the card.

At this point, the card ice has not left, the nightmare just left the defensive tower's hate range, but also medicated to return, it seems to move to the bounty.

Where the bounty still dares to stay, his blood volume has come to more than half in the recovery of treatment, but he is only at the district level!

In the face of the 1oo% control card, and the two-level three, I dare not take it for granted. I immediately turned and ran.

But fortunately, the goddess team's wild monkey awareness is amazing. After the previous dreams appeared, the three wolves did not fight, and they went straight down.

So when the fifth creep was missed, the monkey returned with a bounty.

Until then, the lens turned away and turned to the middle.

However, at this time almost everyone's heart is tied to the card. Looking at the previous scene, it is obvious that the bounty is less than the blood, it must be caused by the card red card!

Is it possible to deduce that this card master is not thinking about what cards to draw in seconds, and what cards to draw in seconds! ?

If this is the case, then this can even be worthy of the title of God's skill! ! !

At this point, everyone is excited.

Even Drizzt can't control the excitement of the heart.

Cards, do cards really have to rise, or are they a rise! ?

the other side……

"What happened to you on the way!?"

An Shen Xuan frown asked.

He only saw the hammer stone being killed by the tower, and the adc also lost the big wave experience, the treatment was gone, and he did not notice the previous things.

The same is true for playing wild monkeys. "You are too exaggerated? This is the first level, it is labeled like this, and the opposite is still a card assist."

The hammer stone and the bounty heard the words, and suddenly they could not tell.

Card assist? Nima, have you seen the red card for the second time, giving the card that is consumed without reaction time?

You have seen the three-layer killing ring, five bottles of red medicine cards! ?

You have seen secondary school e, second yellow card, so cool card! ?

The most important thing is that the wave of the first group, so that the card has five bottles of red medicine, and experience value in the body, so that they can only vote for the rat, then the same red card consumption, this step down, led to the current situation.

It can be said that as long as there is less than one link, they will not go this step.

These words are hammered stones and bounty, I want to spurt out all the smoke, but the questions are calm, so they can only smile with a smile: "Captain... This card, really will pump."

Then, he tried to make a scene in the euphemistic way, just to the scene of the line, and Anshen dazzle.

"Oh, what is the use of second pumping, my sword Ji 1oo% restrained him!"

On the road, An Xiaoli smiled and said, "I just got a wave of the dog and I couldn’t transmit it, but he is now losing more blood than I am. You will support it and you will soon be exploding!" ”

However, he did not notice that there are already 12 cards in the card!

Level 4... Level 5... Level 6...

The hammer stone and bounty of the road are not terribly beaten by the card ice combination.

The hammer stone has to be grabbed several times, but just a few steps, a golden yellow card, it flies to the face, then the card is followed by a q, the ice is connected with a thousand arrows, under the equipment crushing, direct half of the blood It’s gone.

They can only get honest and tortoise, playing wild monkeys to catch, but in the early stage, the hammer stone can be reduced in the hook. Every time there is a move, the card is directly fainted, and he can’t display it. .

Open the knife and look at the card's thirty-seven knives. The hammer stone and the bounty take a breath of cold. This is to understand that this is the auxiliary card. Although it is weak, it is the main force. !

Ice is the aid!

Can not be called ice as an aid, because the ice also has twenty-three fills, plus assists, and a normal adc under the road, there is not much difference.

This scene is naturally seen by countless people.

This will understand that what card assistance is completely a team of the gods, this is a big routine from the beginning!

"I am 6..."

Ye Che reminded me.

"ok!" Sunny hit a ring, said that understand, his eyes also coldly fell on the middle of the road to the body of God.

An Shen Xuan is already a seven-level, and the Qin female only has six levels. Under the command of Ye Che, the piano girl directly comes out of the small holy grail, the magic resistance equipment.

Although 6 Yao is the son of a hero, but after all, there is no activation, so the line is indeed not as good as Anshen, the knife is pressed more than 30.

More than 30 sets of knives, this is equivalent to nearly three people, of course, it is also good, that is 6 Yao, one is not dead!


At this time, Ye Che opened.

Nodded in no time, the nightmare in the hand, waiting for it.


After the card disappeared for five seconds, the signal was beaten.

A middle road card is very noticed, but an auxiliary card is not much noticed. However, the Shenxuan team is indeed an old team and has not ignored this.

An Shen dazzling brow wrinkled, looked at only two-fifths of the blood of the violin, and the purple side less than half of the blood in the middle of a tower, or chose to retrace.

He was confident that he would open it within ten seconds.

Although the violin is out of the magic resistance, but under his strength, the same was blown up, the piano girl to the present, the knife has not even played wild.

"First withdraw...etc. The cards are showing up and killing again."

Relieve with a sigh of relief and then retreat.

I have to say that this retreat was indeed timely, and soon he came to his own tower.

But he has a strange scene, because the lynine actually crossed the line and walked directly to himself.

"this is……"

An Shen dazzle.

Before I finished thinking, I felt that it was black all around, and my vision was reduced to only a hundred yards. I almost couldn’t reach the fingers.

"The nightmare is big!"

Very bright to the human eye.

At the same moment, Anshen suddenly appeared on his head, and one eye appeared out of thin air. Then, this eye slowly opened.

"not good!"

Anshen stunned the bottom of the earthquake, and quickly retreated to the defensive tower to run deeper.

However, just two or three steps away, only one "叮呤", has been dizzy to the original place.

In the darkness, he couldn't see anything. He didn't even know where the card master was. He couldn't use the qe two-control. When he remembered that the piano girl rushed over, he suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.


The yellow card of the card just fell on him, and the body of the nightmare slammed into his body, and the e-skills were put up.

He was just awake from the stun of the card, and he was feared again, but it was not over yet. The fear was just solved, and the piano girl had already flew.

To death, Anshen Hyun did not open any skills, completely charged to death!

"Can, the English soul team can do this!"

"Nima is mad, and people are full of blood in the defensive tower, giving them direct seconds."

"The first time the nightmare and the card are perfect match, the nightmare is big, the card is big, the opposite is even in the defensive tower, and it is only destined to die. After all, even the card is not known, basically Can't play first."

With this killing, the atmosphere suddenly rose, but soon some people now, this card after killing the ball girl, did not leave the middle, but directly in the middle, brushing up the knife.

After Qin Qin chose to return to the city, she rushed down the road.

This is... change line?

Els saw this scene also stunned, auxiliary cards, one person occupied all the way! ?

At this moment, she felt that there was a kind of impulse to be pitted. This card seems to be not playing as an assistant at all! ! !

At this point, when the card masters seized the middle road, the audience was excited at once.

"I know, I know, the card master who can draw a yellow card in seconds, how can I go to the assistant, the heart, everything is a heart!"

"I understand that this is only a drill I, so I can only go to the auxiliary position in the early stage, but now I have passed the transition period. In the name of changing the line, I can stay in the middle!"

"Does this mean that he will face up to God!"

"One is the founder of the second draw card, the first ball girl in the world, and the ball girl has to go back online to have fun, haha!"

Many people have seen this scene excited.

Even Drizzt is a little excited. The master of this card is the scorpion is a horse, you will know soon!

At the same time, the North Pole, above a towering iceberg, sounded a "squeaky" sound.

At a closer look, a woman's figure appeared from there, she held some kind of hoe, and seemed to be carving something there.

Ps: Anyway, the Earth article will definitely end this month, so it’s safe.

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