The woman's graceful posture and noble temperament are naturally revealed. The sun reflected through the iceberg to her body, and there was a burst of ice crystal. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

Her blue coat, under the slender jade neck, a piece of **** such as white jade, half covered and half covered, a bundle of waist, not a grip, a pair of long legs and standing on the iceberg It seems that there is no feeling of cold at all.


On the top of the ice, the ice that condensed together, as the woman's chiseled into a grain of ice powder, floated with the wind, and then slowly dissipated.

She looked serious and kept her eye on the iceberg. She didn't even look at her eyelids until now.

Not only seriously, but also meticulous, her carved right hand strength condenses and does not scatter, every time engraving, subtle and light.

At her feet, there are about a thousand or so round engraving marks. These marks are like some kind of symbol, twisted and twisted, such as the mountain dance silver snake, with a strange crystal mans.

I want to come, she has been carving here for a long time.

Seen from the sky, the mark of the rune engraving of this kilometer or so, the proper benefits are presented in the center of the iceberg, and the overall shape is like the artist's perfect masterpiece.

As time passed, there seemed to be a hint of excitement in her awe-inspiring look. From the ground, it can be seen that this engraving imprint seems to have reached the final stage, only about ten meters away, and it will be completed.

However, when her fingers were just moving, her brows like smoke were faint, and the movements in her hands stopped.

However, as soon as the god's effort was made, she resumed the unfinished carving.


But her fingers just moved, a thick and vast voice, like a thunderstorm on the ground, suddenly burst out from this piece of heaven and earth!


In the void, the muffled sound came, and the original white and pale blue sky was dyed with an amazing flaming color in the blink of an eye. The next moment, a strong heat, was covered in the sky.

This heat has reached the point of inconspicuousness. Under the body of Ai Xi, the iceberg that has stood for thousands of years, actually has a melting momentum.

"Aich! Stop, you! This is a big sin!!!"

The tone contained in that voice is more and more dull, like the flame that has been suppressed for thousands of years in the volcano, with a boundless sense of suffocation, straight to Aich.

However, Aich did not turn a blind eye, even the eyelids were not lifted.

Her scallions-like index finger micro-hook, the **** passed through the index finger, the little finger faintly bounced, and suddenly, it was a striped road carving, which was carved out by her.


The voice was also angry. In the meantime, the emptiness of the flaming red light illuminates a glare to the extreme red awn, which shines even at this moment.


Between the collision of this energy and the void, a loud and loud bang sounded from this area.

The light of the red mans, once again skyrocketed ten times, a horror to the extreme temperature, swept out.

Almost at the same moment, I only heard the sound of "哗", and the iceberg where Ai Xi was located was completely melted.

Countless water, like a waterfall, poured down, but it just fell less than a decimeter, and under that powerful heat, it completely turned into steam.

The area of ​​this iceberg has reached at least a hundred kilometers, not to mention the volume. At this time, after being completely steamed, thousands of kilometers in this circle were completely covered by white mist, just like a fairyland.

Suddenly, there were about 10,000 meters, and the white mist disappeared instantly, and then a figure that was covered in flames slowly appeared from there.

His face, the eyeballs including the hair, are all formed by flames, his chest splits a gap, and there are countless magma rolling in the gap.

On both arms and legs, a black-red muscle line body is bulged, and in these muscle line bodies, it is clear that the flame magma blends into it.

If Ye Che is present, no... If any one is present, you can recognize that this flame man is exactly the same as the Vengeful Flame Bund in the League of Legends! !


Brand's right arm strokes, and the air on the path is steamed.

He pointed to the area covered by white mist 100 meters ahead, and his voice was low: "Aich... The wormhole in the music circle has been destroyed. Now I am going to be punished with me...other..."

"Otherwise, what are you doing?"

In the white mist, Ai Xi’s voice was faint.

Along with it, there is a tiny knocking sound.

There was a horror on Brand's flame face. He didn't know what he was thinking. At the same time his face changed slightly, a flame suddenly spurted the white mist area.

Suddenly, the white mist was pushed away, and Brand's face was transformed from a slight change to a stun.

There, the area of ​​the kilometer carved by Ai Xi is actually intact! !

In this kilometer area, except for the areas below the mark, all of them were made into water vapor, and the place where Ai Xi was carved did not change at all.

However, there are still some changes in the strict sense. I don’t know when, there are hundreds of clock ghosts in all directions of the kilometer.

The flow of these clocks "Drips and Answers", Brand's power of flame, has not passed away, it has turned into nothingness.

"You, you have already integrated the time hourglass, merge it in!!"

Brand's face was horrified.

Ai Xi faceless, continue to engrave under his hand.

Brand is standing in the deep breath of the place, the flames of the whole body, but also violently beating.


The sky suddenly split, and a purple, huge eyeball rolled out.

As soon as he appeared, his eyes fell on Ai Xi, and then, a sigh, passed from his mouth: "It seems... we can't escape this robbery... Ai Xi... This is really what you want Want it?"

The action of Ai Xi’s hand was followed by an expressionless expression: “Seven hundred years, for seven hundred years, I can’t wait!”

"Don't you forget our original heroic treaty!?"

Brand shouted.

When his voice fell, Axi suddenly stood up and looked back at him for the first time. His expression also showed a subtle change. She sneered: "The first article of the treaty is that we are not allowed to intervene in life on earth. Process, but what do you do!? Don't tell me, Jayne's business, not what you do!"

Brand’s heart snorted and looked at Eich without confidence. “ do you know...”

"Now, human beings on the earth, there is only one way to break through the boundaries of the strongest king. That is to get the blood of the evil spirit, or the blood of the soul. If I didn't guess wrong, Jayne was more than 500 years ago. It is very coincidental that in the heroic fantasy world, the Titan is injured, and thus has broken through the strongest king!"

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