League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1214: :eternal life!

Thinking about this, Ye Che’s original slightly loose heart was raised in an instant. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

What kind of existence is purple eye, he already knows it well, but it is the same heroic body as Aich, that is, the eye of the void.

He is looking for himself now, why?

For a time, Ye Che was in doubt, but he did not notice that the tile that had been snoring on the instep before the arrival of the purple eye, but did not know when, disappeared without a trace.

"You don't have to be nervous. Looking for you today is really because the world is on the verge of collapse!"

The purple-eyed voice, passing through the space, slowly fell in Ye Er'er, but in the sound, but with a trace of sadness.

"The edge of the collapse?" Ye Che reveals a trace of suspicious color. He said: "The strongest demon today is only about six or seven heads. So many kings all over the world can't cope with it. Besides, there is still no more. Are you heroic?"

"If there is such a simple, I will not spend energy to find you." Purple eyes, a little bitter smile.

Ye Chexin’s heart suddenly became vigilant. After all, Ziyan is the hero’s body, and what makes him jealous is definitely not so easy.

"This thing has to be said from 700 years ago..."

Purple Eye said, a little bit, continued: "Seven hundred years ago, I, Aich, Brand, Ainivia, Kieran, Anna, six heroes came to the earth through the wormhole And followed by the killing, there are all kinds of low-order hero replicas (evil heroes) created by Black Modinger, and various demonic creatures! In these demonic creatures, there are thirteen mixed demons. !"

"Mixed demons?"

Ye Che brows, this is a new term, but he instantly thought of the big-mouthed demon, the big bug demon them.

When his thoughts turned, he thought of Juggernaut, but then he thought that Juggernaut seemed to be a fake, and he could not be considered a hero.

"Yes, mixed breed demon!" Purple eyes said here, it seems to take a sigh of relief, continue: "The so-called mixed demons, is a mixture of hero replicas and demons!"

"What!?" Hearing here, Ye Che’s heart suddenly stunned.

The combination of a hero and a demon, just like this, makes Ye Che's body full of goose bumps.

"The hero replica believes that Ai Xi and you have already said, but because there will be special things to be born soon, I will reveal to you that Black Moldinger started **** after the layout of the hero replica. Extreme research, but progress is not as great as he imagined."

"The volume of Valoran's planet has increased tenfold, and the progress is not great!?" Ye Che's heart turned a blind eye.

The purple eye continued: "In order to obtain more powerful energy, in order to obtain more terrible power, Black Moldinger has been endlessly plundering the planet around Valloland! There are various discussions about the planet, but For Black Medinger, all the planets are divided into two types, one is the Death Star, and the other is the Life Star!"

Ye Che is silent, and her heart is cold.

His current strength, even the earth can not rush out, but also the planet, simply can not think.

"The success of the Black Modinger experiment has made his wisdom reach the point of unpredictability. Soon, one of his research goals, eternal life, seems to have done it!"

Purple eyes are not surprisingly endless.

"how is this possible!"

Ye Che’s heart is shocked, eternal life, Black Moding has done it, this is too exaggerated!

You know, even the sun, even the Milky Way, and even the universe, have their own lives.

Once the sun burns energy, it is estimated by scientists that about 500 million years ago, it is necessary to say goodbye. Such a great existence cannot live forever, and Black Medinger will live forever! ? ? ?

"Are you sure that he has achieved eternal life?" Ye Che completely reluctantly asked.

"This is related to the dead star and the life star that I just said. After his wisdom has grown incredibly, he has realized a mysterious converter that can extract the energy core that sustains the life of the star. As far as your planet is concerned, spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind and rain, these seem to be natural, but whether it is the change of the four seasons, or the wind and rain, is limited to a huge energy system inside the earth, once One of the links is missing, leaving only the destruction of the earth!"

"To maintain the energy of such a large star, but they have been converted to themselves by Black Moldinger, it will increase the life of the teenager!" Ziyan said.

Ye Che is also awkward and can't be self-conscious. Think about it. As far as the earth is concerned, there are hundreds of billions of lives. These are all based on the largest energy system on the planet. Nowadays, all these forces are gathered together. Black Modinger, this is not a human being, it is God!

"That... that's really eternal life."

Ye Che's words, a little stuttering, because his thoughts are still stuck, the energy of the entire planet is gathered in the imagination of a person, it is too horrible, too incredible.

"No... you think too simple." The purple-eyed voice was a little calm.

“Is this simple?” Ye Che stunned.

"Energy conservation believes that you understand that the energy consumed by an ant in a day is comparable to the energy consumed by a person in a day. Black Moldinger has received so much energy and consumes a lot. One day, humans I will spend it very quickly, but for those creatures whose life is only one day, it is a lifetime, so for Black Modinger, the life is still very short, the energy of a planet is not enough, so far, he Start madly plundering the planet of life!"

Speaking of this, Zi Zi is self-deprecating.

Ye Che did not understand the meaning of his smile, just "Well?"

"Black Moldinger swallowed up the energy of Valloland's small half, and then led his army. After leaving the planet of Valoran, we were only present. We used to be all the frogs at the bottom of the well!"

Not waiting for Ye Che to speak, Ziyan continued: "When Black Moldinger wears the source of the gods, when crossing the 5o light years..."

"Wait, what is the Year of Time?"

Ye Che’s voice asked, Nima’s universe had only heard of the light years, and what the light year was.

"Oh, it’s normal that you haven’t heard it in the light of the year. This is the power that can control the time in a short time. It’s the unique unit that calculates the distance in the universe. I will tell you after that.”

Ziyan said, and then continued: "5o time years, almost one billion light years, to one billion light years, black Modinger hit the first life star, and this life star, life formation... has arrived A certain point...Improved, it’s almost the same time around the Earth in the 7th century..."

Speaking of this, the purple eyes are slightly silent.

Ye Che’s heart also snorted, no need to guess, he now knows what the result of this planet is.

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