"Yes, this planet was plundered by Black Medinger... Then the second, the third... After the third life star was swallowed, the power of Black Medinger is like a god!" Originally, there was a hint of resentment, and it was already a little scared. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

Ye Che is also the heart of the tremor, full of the power of three life stars, although the planet in the galaxy, can only be regarded as dust, but was blessed into a small human body, that feeling, really and the gods .

He glanced at the intercontinental field and looked at the so-called thirteen gods on the jade platform. He glanced at Jayne, who claimed to be the strongest king. He looked at the people who cheered for the gods, but the mouth was full. A bitter smile.

These exist, I am afraid that Black Medinger will breathe, and they will turn into fly ash.

"But... when they arrived at the fourth life star, unexpected things were born... The fourth life star is actually guarded by a god-like strongman. This time, Black Madden defeated it very badly. Serious injury is coming back!"

Hearing here, Ye Che felt incredible and took it for granted.

The universe is so big that there are even stars that are more than a whole galaxy. There are also planets that are hundreds of times larger than the sun. The mysterious universe is a natural occurrence of a more terrifying existence.

"However, although Black Moldinger was seriously injured, because of this exploration and the collision with the mysterious strong, it made him completely crazy. It was a joyful and frantic madness. He had found his opponent again! Because it took too long to devour the life star, so in order to explore more powerful forces, he began to study how to combine the power of the hero with the power of the devil, so the demon mix was born!"

Ye Che has no idea what to say, this black Modinger is indeed a madman, for the sake of stronger strength, even the human body's bottom line is ignored.

"Mixed demons, in our Valoran, also known as the Devil! It is immune to 9o% of the power of the hero, immune to 9o% of the demon power damage, recovery is 1ooo% more than the simple demon, physical strength Needless to say, compared to the general demon, it is completely crushed, and... can use hero skills, even hero talent!!"


Ye Che instantly took a breath.

He finally understood the big bugs and the big-mouthed demons. Why can they use the skills, why the big-mouthed demon blew himself up.

It turns out that they can use the heroic skills and talents of the hero! ! !

Has a stronger body than the devil, has a stronger hero skills than the hero, the more than 30 of the strongest king, dead no complaints!

The product of Black Medinger is really terrifying.

"There are very few enemies created by Black Modinger, but there are still some squadrons. The 13 strongest demons on the earth today are branches, and they are still in their early years... This kind of demon, we can't kill in the case of serious injury, it only costs a lot of energy to seal it, but now, the seal has been solved..." Purple eyes sighed.

Ye Che also understands, what is the existence of the thirteen strongest devils, but this is the descendant of the black and white Dingge to fight the universe!

Although it should not be a direct bloodline, and it is in its infancy, it is simply impossible to be the so-called strongest king on the earth.

At the thought of this, Ye Che's face suddenly became blue, and if this is the case, once they really grow up, the earth is destroyed, and it is close at hand!

After all, Ye Che can also think of how terrible it will be once they break through their childhood.

Purple eyes seem to have seen the face of Ye Che Tieqing, saying: "I believe that you also understand the importance of things. Once the thirteen descendants of the Enemy grow up, the human beings of the world will perish, and there will be no energy to swallow. Next, they grow into adulthood, so the whole earth will explode because it cannot withstand such terrible power, and our heroic body will also perish..."

Ye Che’s face suddenly turned from iron blue to pale, saying: “I believe that you have said so much to me, certainly not just to intimidate me. If I have not guessed wrong, you must come to me because of the source of the gods!! ”

Before the purple eye said, Black Medinger was wearing the source of the gods, leaving Valoran.

Even Black Moldinger is wearing the source of the gods, obviously, this is extremely unacceptable.

"You are smart, good! I am looking for you, precisely because you have the source of the gods! Only the black dingdinger spends the power to build the source of the gods, can restrain the evil spirits, can hurt them! Although you set this The source of the gods is not the main body of the Black Medinger, but it is enough to deal with them!!" Purple eyes are high.

"I understand that this time they fled because of the source of the gods, but that's all. With my strength, it is impossible to kill them."

Ye Che is very self-aware, and he is only drilling I. Even if he is promoted to Van, Ye Che has no confidence to get close to them.

The combo can't be near, how to kill! ?

With Ye Che's words, Ziyan was silent for a moment. After about a dozen seconds, he slowly said: "If... let us work together to make you the strongest king in a short time?"


Ye Cheyi stunned, then suddenly looked up, watching the top of the stadium, this moment, he seems to see the body of the empty eye through the luxurious ceiling.

The strongest king, Ye Che estimates that even if he wins a year in a row, he can't be the strongest king.

After waiting for a year, I am afraid that the descendants of the British devils have already grown up.

"Yes, it is the strongest king! You are different from other people. You have a heroic combination of heroes in the body. Under the subtle influence of the hero's crystallization, such a long time has already made your foundation indestructible. It can be said that Even the most genius of Valoran, there is no solid foundation like you!" Purple Eye said.

Ye Che took a breath, only to understand that his own diamond bone and resilience, was originally laying a solid foundation.

"But there are advantages and disadvantages. It is precisely because of this that you are promoted to a much slower degree than others. Because there are only the forces that we have differentiated on the earth, the power of the ranks is worse than the power of the heroes! Now, we will be able to top you with pure heroism, and you will naturally be promoted to become the strongest king in a short time!"

"Then you..." Ye Cheyi.

He understands that these heroic ontology can be seriously injured if they transmit power to themselves.

"Oh, huh... glory and destruction, once the descendants of the British devil grow up, even the earth does not, we lose some strength and count what we have, and then we can sleep for a few hundred years later."

Purple Eye said that a gentle force fell on Ye Che, and he continued: "You are now following it."

Ye Che nodded and no doubt he was.

In fact, whether it is Ai Xi, or purple eyes, Ye Che is very trust, both have greatly helped Ye Chu.

Besides, even if you can't believe it, he can do something in the area, and Ye Che does not feel that he has anything to be remembered.

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