League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1219: : Each means!

"It’s still the same sentence, why, even if I killed the hero, the source of the gods advanced, how!"

Ye Che asked directly. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

Ainivia took a breath and looked at Ye's eyes. It seemed to pass a little pity and could not bear it, but after seeing the purple eyes squinting, he said, "To return to Valoran..."

"Return to Valloland?"

"Yes, once you kill the thirteen heroes, the set of gods on your body will rise up countless grades! At that time, Ai Xi will personally take the force to win, she can rely on the source The defense of the gods, complete the transfer of the music, return to Valoran!"

When I heard this, Ye Che smiled and said, "You lie!"

Purple eyes don't change color, but Ainivia is shocked. Does he know the true truth?

"According to your point of view, you are all seriously injured, and I killed the evil spirits. After the promotion, the source of the gods will be extremely horrible. How can Ai grab it? Go back 10,000 steps, then Isn't there still you? Are you the same hero, isn't the strength better than her!?"

Ye Che tone, has been questioned.

He understands that the current situation is big, because among these heroes, it seems that there is civil strife.

"Children... Ai Xi, we are naturally not afraid... but now she has a time hourglass and has the power to reverse the time... We are seriously injured and can’t fight..."

A thick voice sounded, and the next moment the sky suddenly turned red. Then, a figure burning in flames appeared in Ye Che not far away.

"Fireman Brand!"

Ye Che's eyelids jumped.

However, this kind of thing he can't be sloppy, Ye Che's expression is unchanged, cold and cold: "There is no basis..."

"Hey... look at it yourself!"

Ai Nivia, who was on the side, said that he suddenly fanned his wings.

Then, a space above the clouds suddenly became transparent, and then an image appeared.

"Hand over the hourglass!"

A familiar figure appeared in the image, but the words in his mouth made Ye Che surprised.

And then the picture of life, let Ye Chu silence.

Ai Xi, took Kiran’s time hourglass and robbed him...

Looking at this scene, Ye Che appeared a sway, because he can fully see that Aihi was actively attacking Kieran.

"If you don't believe this... then what?"

Ainivia said that the wings were fanned again, and that time, it had already boiled to the ultimate intercontinental field and appeared in front of Ye Che.

"My God, the diamond kills the master!?"

"What suit is worn on him? Is this what the rumor says, the equipment under the hero's body??"

"Ah...this...this, what I saw...the strongest demon saw him, actually... actually escaped!"

"Oh, buy the cockroach, the strongest demon is afraid, why are you afraid of Ye Che!?"

An incredible sound, almost horrified shouting, printed in Ye Er's ear.

Ye Che ignored them, and looked at the picture in the curtain. In the face, he was playing the gods wearing the source, scaring away the pictures of the heroes, and then playing other battles.

Perspectives are all the first perspective!

But Ye Che is sure that no one at that time could be so close to himself and filmed silently.

And after the League of Legends ranking, Ye Che is also sure that he can never be photographed, then, who is who is secretly recording, and now played out, and people all over the world have seen it! ?

"Have you seen it... Your every move... Aihi is watching, she is now playing all your incredible shots, just to let the world give you pressure, so you have to fight against the English!"

Listening to the words of Ainivia, I don’t know when Ye’s fist was tightly gripped.

He now knows how sad he is, all the glory, all the places that he seems to be proud of are built.

"Walley...you tell me...not like this..."

Ye Che’s voice was a little hoarse, then looked down at the instep.

But at the same time, it is empty, and the power is not known when it has already gone.

The wind seems to be still.

For a long time, Ye Checai looked up and looked at Brand, purple eyes and the eyes of the ice crystal phoenix. The calmness was a little scary.

"You know it is not too late. Just take advantage of the thirteen heroes who have not yet fully developed to help you achieve the king. You can directly defeat them!!"

Ainivia said seriously to Ye Che.

"Yes, at that time you can also get rid of Aich's bondage..."

Brand followed.

Ye Che is a faceless expression. At this time, his heart is actually very embarrassing. He really wants no one to believe. After all, even Ai Xi has been such a positive person in his heart. Nowadays, he believes in purple eyes and so on. hero.

However, even if you don’t believe him, what can you do directly?

What about humans, what do friends do, and where do they go!

"First come the most powerful king!"

Ye Che took a deep breath, now, there is nothing more powerful than the real strength, more meaningful!

On the other side, Ziyan, Phoenix and Brand, looked at each other and then nodded. The next second, Ye Che only felt bright, a thick purple beam, facing himself.

At the same time, a severe pain in the heartbreaking heart emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Just a glimpse of it, Ye Che is sweating.

"This is the life form disintegrating the ray, because I am seriously injured, can not directly use the power of the hero, so can only be transmitted through the hero skills to improve the essence of your life! You can rest assured that your own power of the position is actually enough Reaching the king is only limited by the hero bones. Now I just help you to find out and will not affect your potential!"

Purple eyes looked aside and said that the diameter of the purple light is not large, only about one meter.

But what is contained is the power of the hero that is unique in the world. Every wire is comparable to the force of a ton of segments.


The power of the pure hero, rushing to Ye Che's body, rushed over.

On the other hand, the fire man and Ainivia also looked dignified. Once the purple eye energy could not be met, they would have to shoot.


Ye Che finally couldn't help but scream, his face twisted, his muscles twitching, and the sweat of the beans rolled down.

For a long time, Ye Che has not felt such a pain for a long time. Since a long time ago, I have experienced the pain of the bones that have been incinerated in the fire field of the Lord of the Nether. For any pain in the future, for Ye Che, It’s all drizzle.

But now this kind of pain, Ye Che can not stand it, this is a kind of soul tearing pain.


There are countless cracks on a diamond bone in Ye Che, and it will break at any time.

However, Ye Che can fully feel that his breath is rising wildly with amazing degrees.

"Drip, warning... to reach the death ruling condition, the death ruling will be..."

A tone sounded in Ye Che's mind, but before he finished, Ye Che heard a cold-sounding cold voice. This reminder sound disappeared invisibly, and the feeling of being locked was gone.

"I can directly ignore the death ruling!?"

Ye Che’s heart is at a loss.




At this time, in a place that is a million kilometers away from the intercontinental war, a huge inferior with a cow head nearly 50,000 meters tall is roaring wildly.

Numerous marine life, both demons and humans, have been swallowed up by it.

But on its side, I don’t know when there was a woman with bare feet. The girl looked at the faint faintly, and then her fingers moved slightly, and a figure appeared in front of her.

"Oh, Aich, you are finally willing to let me out."

This figure smiled, he was bound by some kind of energy, very embarrassed, but he always smiled.

If someone is in front of him, you can recognize it at a glance, and this figure is exactly the same as Juggernaut!

Ai Xi did not speak, faintly looked at Yi Yi, suddenly a hand appeared in the hand of an ice arrow, and then the light appeared, she suddenly waved.


A broken arm, detached from the body of Juggernaut, a tremulous voice.

Jian's face was so pale, his eyes flashed the color of disbelief and sorrow, but Ai Xi did not even move his eyelids.

The broken arm, and soon under the advancement of Ai Xi power, rushed to the body of the cow head.

Ps: I don't know if I don't abuse the Lord. I don't know if there are any small partners who can see the true essence through the phenomenon. Then thank you for the reward of the voting, your mind is sinking into my heart.

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