League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1220: English magic, maturity!

In this broken arm, there are countless bright red blood, which continuously spew out. ?八一中?文W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

Too rich, this is a hero's blood, which contains the powerful blood of Juggernaut, which is like a fire column, rising from the broken arm!


A few drops of blood in the broken arm fell on the head of the cow's head, and there was a dull sound.

The enchanted **** is harder than the alloy, and it is deeply sunken.

Just a few drops of blood, it will weigh up to 10 million pounds!

The cow and the head of the singer seemed to squint, but the next second was roaring in the sky, filled with unparalleled surprises and fanaticism.


A sigh of excitement, excited to the ultimate cow head of the British devil, a direct bite, then swallowed the Jianshu's broken arm.

On the other hand, Juggernaut looked at his broken arm and was swallowed. He was shocked and angry, but he was helpless. His whole body was suppressed by the power of Ai Xi, and he could not move at all.

Although with his strength, he can completely regenerate the broken arm, but the reborn arm is much weaker than the one lost. He wants to restore the broken arm to its original state, not for hundreds of years, no at all. may.

"Why... why... because I am a copy... but... I never thought about hurting anyone..."

The face of Juggernaut showed painful color, and there was a sense of gloom in his eyes.

Ai Xi’s heart slammed a bit, but her look did not show any fluctuations, and her eyes did not go beyond Jiansheng, and fell on the hero of the cow’s head.

At this time, with the broken arm of Juggernaut being swallowed by it, a pungent scent of breath, quietly rose from this sea.

Although Jian Sheng is already a serious injury, but the physical quality, it is far from the king!

It can be said that the two are not essentially the existence of a life. Now the cow and the mouse devouring the broken arm of the Juggernaut, immediately, just like the flame met the gunpowder, it produced a terrible reaction.

The cow and the mouse are only in their early stages. They need to slowly devour the creatures to grow up, but the energy contained in the Juggernaut is too large. It was originally a cow and a cow in the early childhood, and immediately began to grow up and entered. Mature period! ! !


Under the gaze of Aich's gradual gradual change, a thunderous sound blew out from the cow and the cock.

Then, a root spur grows around its body, and its body is evenly twisted, such as the evil beast of the claws, twisted into various forms.

50,000 meters...60,000 meters...100,000 meters...

In just three or four seconds, this rat and the cows have reached the height of the big-mouthed demon and the big bug.

This height has already crossed the atmosphere, and the ozone layer has entered the Earth's ionosphere.

However, its mutation is not over yet. It can even be said that it has just begun. The body of a hero replica is absorbed by it. This is the best tonic in the world. After thirty seconds, its height is completely larger. The devil of the mouth reached 200,000 meters.

And this evolution has not stopped at all.

200,000 meters, 300,000 meters... Within a minute, this cow and the sorcerer has reached a height of 300,000 meters!

It stands there, just like a demon who climbs out of the abyss!

This is the true form of the abyss demon! ! It looks exactly like the devil who climbed out of the abyss.

"Puff puff!"

The energy of the Juggernaut's Broken Arm is still being absorbed by it.

Soon, after ten minutes, it has been pulled up to 500,000 meters. At this height, its growth has slowed down.

After another ten minutes, it really grew to 600,000 meters before it really stopped growing.

Ai Xi looked at it coldly, now Ai Xi, the void stands beside it, just like a cockroach ant, the volume difference is really too big!

You know, the height of the earth is only 1.2 billion meters.

600,000 meters, which is equivalent to the height of one thousandth of the earth!

Not to mention its size, the sea area of ​​nearly 500 kilometers has been completely occupied by it, a horror to the extreme, sweeping on the spot.

At this moment, if anyone dares to be close to here, even if it is a platinum diamond, I am afraid that it is possible to be directly smothered by it, and the pressure is torn apart!


After the evolution of the breeding period of the cow and the mouse, it was extremely exciting. After a bang, the body suddenly turned.

But its current size, that is what it is, and it is a sudden turn, the wind is raging in an instant, the waves are soaring.


Numerous sea waters were stirred up, and the waves poured out from the body around them, like a thousand horses, rushing toward the distance; like a hungry tiger and a wolf, with a son killing the dead, it swells up to the waves Ten thousand meters, this highly smashing wave, I am afraid that it is a piece of steel, it must be smashed into patties.

"Finally... the time is coming..."

Ai Xi said to herself, she looked at the cow and the sorcerer faintly, and then she flashed, and suddenly lost her traces in midair, leaving only a small snowflake, slowly falling in the sea, and then being melted... ...


The cow and the sorcerer are taking the steps of the world’s backbone and stepping out.

The deepest part of the ocean is tens of thousands of meters. Even its knees can't be touched. It walks like a shallow pond. The two landings are thousands of kilometers away.

It is covered with black spurs and the right leg is lifted. The water in the range of 100,000 meters directly becomes a vacuum.

After another fall, there were countless deep trenches on the seabed, and the ditches appeared.

They have not seen the sun on the earth for hundreds of millions of years, but now, because of this into the mature period of the magic to see the sky!

"Booming rumbling..."

Thousands of kilometers, passing by, there is no sound along the way, it has directly passed the growth period, reached the maturity period, and there is no feeling of hunger in a short time.

Therefore, the island along the road, the devil in the sea, it does not look at it at all, it will pass by.

At this time, in Africa, on an island gathering place, a group of dark-skinned men and women are stumbling on the beach and holding a certain ceremony.

Behind them, a light curtain about tens of meters tall is playing the picture in the intercontinental arena.


Suddenly, a strong sea breeze smells the sea breeze and rushes to the island.

This sea breeze was great, and many of them crouched on the ground. The children who followed the prayers rolled directly back. The bonfire that burned in the cockroaches was blown out, and the black charcoal material was scattered.

See you, everyone is a glimpse.

We must know that today is a good weather with beautiful sunshine. It is impossible to have such a large sea breeze. Generally, there are huge winds, which are bound to accompany the waves. At first glance, the sea is calm.

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