League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1221: Africa fell!

After complaining a few times, several strong young men began to plan to re-arrange the bonfire needed for the ceremony. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

However, at this time, a scream of horror to the extreme, shouted out from a child's mouth.

These hundreds of people were still inexplicable. When the chief looked angry, there was a huge roar in the sea.

The elderly chief, as well as the men and women, looked up and looked down, but the next second was completely stunned, but in the blink of an eye, the dull eyes were full of horror!

I saw a few hundred shadows in the thousands of meters away from the sea. Each of these shadows is hundreds of meters in size.

"Toothed evil beast!"

A young man, with a look of fear, screams.

The toothed evil beast, the diamond-level demon, can kill their entire island at random.

But they are usually only in the hundreds of kilometers away, but now, how come here! ?

The young man was stupid, and the chieftain was panicked. Others, already desperately screaming, were completely out of control.

"No... look at them, it seems like... is running away!"

The young man said with wide eyes.

"What nonsense, they are the teeth of the evil beast, the weakest have the strength of the drill III, this group unites, I am afraid that the human power of the drill I met, and can only escape!"

Although the chieftain was shocked to the extreme, he still directly poked the views of the youth.

But as soon as the voice fell, he and the young people and others only felt that the eyes were black. Then, under the eyes of all the people, the "objects" that were completely understood by humans fell from the sky.

This object is too big and too big, and the picture in front of them, the fullness of it, from left to right, can not be seen at a glance.

It seems that the sky is divided into two halves by the "object", and the sun's rays suddenly become extremely dark.

As soon as the "object" fell, the edge of the object was extremely accidentally stepped on the body of the evil beast. Immediately, those who were able to compare the teeth of the III were not even left.

Everyone has a trepidation. If this thing is offset by a few kilometers, I am afraid that the entire island will be annihilated.

I was thinking that the chiefs and the youth, as well as all the people on the island, felt that the body was light, and the huge waves that had been rolled up by the "objects" had been rolled up to the sky, and countless trees rose up.

On this island, many people have already reached the gold, and immediately take time to look at the island under the guard.

But now I can still see the island, where it has been completely engulfed by the waves.

"This thing..."

When the young man’s heart is shocked, he has to look at what the falling object is.

However, his eyes just turned, and the feeling of being poured from the head to the feet directly caused him to freeze on the spot.

God, what did he see, the object, actually... actually moved!


This dark, sturdy, huge object was lifted from the sea, and then instantly entered the atmosphere, and then slowly stepped on.

This step has already reached 500 kilometers.

At such a long distance, the young man finally saw what the object was, and looked at the shape... it turned out to be a leg!

At this moment, not only the youth saw it, but the rest of the people who were flying up to the sky by the waves also saw this scene, and the heart of each of them was exploding.

There are such big legs in this world! ?

The spurs look like this, it’s just like the body of the devil!

They are scared of cold hands and feet, when there is a lot of cold sweats, there are many people, but they are shouting "not good", because the direction of the giant legs is the African plate! ! !


Ten minutes later, an amazing news spread throughout the world, Africa fell, one of the strongest demon seals, out of the trap, the total number of the most powerful demons has reached nine!

Then, a group of images that made the world fly away, and the flying came out.

This kind of cosmic news, the upper layers of many countries can not hide, and do not dare to hide.

The image was taken by satellite, and at that distance, the whole picture of the devil of the cow was completely photographed.

In the image, the body is like a cow, and the demon with the head like a mouse is just moving the left foot, lifting the air and screaming, the clouds are annihilated, and the moment of falling, there is just a city, in the range of its left foot.


After a loud bang, the city that is large enough to accommodate millions of people, eight out of ten directly turned into powder, the other two tenths, in the aftermath of its lifting legs, also turned into fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, a city was destroyed.


It is still advancing, the giant foot falls, and even the magnetic field power is not used. The ground that has been squared for hundreds of kilometers has completely collapsed. What kind of diamond or master is the dragon, it is directly trampled into the meat.

But fortunately, the devil of the cow and the mouse does not seem to be interested in the creature, it is just rushing to the place where the strongest demon is sealed.

But even though, there are countless humans who have not been able to leave along the way, and have died at its feet.

Looking at the devil of the cow, it is completely beyond the volume and lethality of human imagination. The world's human beings are silent first. Then, a desperate spread to the world with an astonishing trend.

This volume, this destructive power, how to fight! ?

In the previous movies, some monsters, after a kilometer, the destructive power is already amazing, and it is extremely difficult to kill, but now this cow and mouse demon is full 600,000 meters, standing to give people Playing, it is like tickling!

This kind of volume, I am afraid that only the sci-fi movies, those human spaceship warships can be compared.

The United States, the Intercontinental Arena...

After the video was released, the originally unconventional intercontinental field was suddenly silent, and it was suppressed to the extreme atmosphere, sweeping the entire arena.

After a silence of about a dozen seconds, an angry roar, roaring out from the British seat.

"Lyle, what do you want to eat in the American League, and the strongest devil has grown to this level, you really don't know!!!"

Lyle in his mouth, equivalent to the former president, was elected by the American League Kingdom to deal with various issues.

Lyle's position is not high, only the general. After all, many people understand that the so-called president is only a vain job. The real strong man has no time to deal with these chores. Once he has a big event, it is sure that the strong people have the final say.

With the voice of this person, immediately, the entire intercontinental arena detonated.

"Oh, I bought the cockroaches, even the devils have appeared. We are still sitting on what is called the intercontinental war!"

"Why is there no satellite detective to it!?"

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