League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1223: Pointing to Ye Che

"What about the suit?"

Tens of thousands of people in the intercontinental are all in one, but the next moment is bright!

"Yes! The suit seems to be very bad. Big worms and big-mouthed demons. After seeing this suit, if you see the ghost, you will be terrified, absolutely not!"

"At that time, Ye Chu, but the area drilled III Diamond IV, because of this suit, but the most powerful demon scared to escape!"

"Haha, why didn't I think about it!"

"It's no wonder that Jayne's sages are not in a hurry, and they have long been confident!"

"This suit is suspected of being a heroic subject, saying that it is because of this, the heroic body is not able to defeat the strongest demon. Eight?? One? Chinese network W? WW.81ZW.COM"

"Although I don't know why this leaf can get this level of equipment, but this is our only way to live!"

The people in the whole game all said with excitement.

But soon, someone raised doubts, and the person who spoke was actually Unosen!

This Unorson is the **** of the wilderness of the Order of God. At this time, there is a lot of people responding.

"On that day, the big-mouthed demon and the big bug demon, but just grown up, can't be compared with the current cow-and-mouse demon, Jayne, you determine his set of heroes, can it work?"

His voice fell, and immediately attracted a lot of people to shock, right, with the horror of the current cow demon, really fear the hero suit! ?

However, Unosen seems to be the stage of the removal of Jayne, but Jain does not reveal the trace of a smile to him.

"Norsenti's problem is very good! We can't take this risk, but it is our only hope. We must try it! But we still have opportunities. If Ye Che fails, we can send more. Strong people go, don't forget, he only has a diamond segment. Under the control of the diamond segment, the hero suit can shock the strongest demon. If it is controlled by the vanity, even the strongest king!? And I will also In person, we may not have the power of a battle!" Jayne said forcefully.

At this time, the bottom of the folds, sunny, knife Qing Cang, Yunlong and others are a sinking face.

Some of them understand the meaning of this Jain. Once Ye Che fails, the hero suit is only for the master.

"What about the gods? Why don't you come back??"

Zhao Xiu said a little anxiously, at this time the focus of the audience fell on Ye Che, but the party was not present, which was too bad for him.

"I don't know, it has been more than an hour..." Folding clothes also frowned.

At this time, everyone just felt a sway in front of them, and a figure had already appeared in front of them.

"Where is Ye Che?"

Jayne stood in a distance from the fold, 6 Yao and other people a dozen meters away, asked awkwardly.

He didn't have a big voice, even a sigh of relief, but everyone still felt that his body was sinking. At this moment, there seemed to be a mountain standing in front of them.

On the other side of the table, Anshen Hyun, An Xiaoli, Unosen, and many people who looked at China's extremely unhappy, looked at this with a sneer.

Second draw card? The more difficult the challenge? Pass mythological assessment?

is that useful? The genius of the peace era is called genius. At this time, there is no place for genius. What is needed is a strong person who can directly play a role!

After all, the end of the world is just around the corner, the so-called genius, there is no time to grow!

In their view, Ye Che is definitely dead, a district diamond, want to fight against the current cow and mouse demon, is tantamount to death!

Looking at Jain’s presence, Zhao Xiu stuttered: “He... he left an hour ago...”


Many people's brows are wrinkled.

Jain looks the same, just faintly spits out a word: "Search!"

As soon as the voice fell, "嗖嗖嗖", countless figures, from the seat on the ground, shot outside the arena.


Intercontinental field, over ten meters!

All over the sky is for the purple color, and the thick purple clouds are rolling. This is not a cloud, but it is formed by the power of the heroes of the vastness. The degree of the power of the heroes has reached an extremely terrible level.

This kind of pressure, even the strongest king, is chilling.

Ye Che closed her eyes, and the whole body was lying in the air in a large shape. He felt that the diamond bones in the body had been completely broken, and then under the nourishment of heroes, another re-coagulation!

But now this kind of cohesion can no longer be called a bone, but the power of a complete hero!

Ye Che's bones are completely energized and can be turned into particles at any time, and can be condensed into bones at any time!

At this time, even the outer layer of Ye Che's skull was moistened by the power of the hero, and the outer layer was completely wrapped by the power of the hero. This only weakness has strengthened countless times.

Arms...body...and then thighs...

The root of the diamond bone splits and then dissipates into the invisible, and is then taken over by the power of the incomparable hero.

At this moment, Ye Che did not know how to think of the "space-time transmission" that Ai Xi said.

"Time and space transmission" is to completely destroy the body, differentiate into particle state, and then reorganize, and the state of the bones in Ye Che's body is somewhat similar, but it is qualitative difference.

For example, "space-time transmission" is the complete destruction of the human body, whether it is the heart or the brain, it is the most primitive particle state.

In Ye's current body, only the bones are turned into fly ash, and then reorganized by the power of the hero, the two can not be compared.

Soon, as the roots of the diamonds fell apart, the power of countless liquefaction segments flowed out of them.

At this moment, Ye Che is now, and in his own bones, he has absorbed so much energy.


The power of countless heroes converge, and an explosive force is slowly waking up in Ye Che.

You must know that Ye Che once borrowed only a handful of heroes, which made the heroic skills increase tenfold.

Now that the breakthrough has been made, the bones in the body are all condensed by the power of the hero, and its power has reached the point where Ye Che can't imagine.

“Ye Che, we are now transforming your body according to Valoran’s current high-end grinding method. This is a metamorphosis at the level of life! Now it’s just bones, waiting for you to reach a higher level, then muscles, blood vessels All of them can be energized. By the time, between the thoughts, you can transform into everything, play your fingers, and move the sky! Of course, these realms are us, and there is no footstep..." The sound of purple eyes slowly The ear sounds.

It just sounds like it sounds a little weak.

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