League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1224: Ai Xi, the world!

Because the energy rejection reaction has ended, there is no painful feeling at this time, but he still has to maintain the power of the hero in the body, so Ye Che did not open his eyes, just a thought, said: "That Black Modinger... did you do that?"


Purple eyes are somewhat silent, for a long time, they said: "The current high-end method of building foundations in Valoran is what he developed..."

Ye Che suddenly silenced, and nowadays it is only the power of the skeleton hero, he has already realized the power of it. Eight?? One Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). (a) C (one) O (a) M

This made him simply can't believe that if the whole body can be quantified, then how will the realm of such a world be stunned, it is no wonder that the power of the entire League of Legends can not fight against Black Moldinger.

Just as Ye Che was secretly shocked, a voice of anger was introduced into Ye Er’s ear. "Ai Xi, you dare to!!!"

Although he closed his eyes, Ye Che still heard it clearly. This voice was whispered from the mouth of Fireman Brand.

"What happened!?"

Ye Che’s heart was shocked.

At the same time, an angry Fengming is also printed in Ye Er's ear.

Ye Che suddenly felt shocked. Could it be that Ai Xi came over?

At the time when he was thinking about thousands of times, the power of the hero who was infused with the purple eye was chaotic, and only the last step was to build the right leg bone, which was actually broken.

Ye Che’s heart was shocked. I must know that now is the most important moment. Once the right leg bone hero is forced, it is the real transformation and become a true master!

And if it fails, it will be a fatal flaw! !

For a time, Ye Che’s mind was sinking, and the power of the hero of the right leg was controlled by death, so that they did not break apart.

At this time, the power of the heroes condensed above the sky has gradually reached the limit. Although many of them are instilled in the body of Ye Che, but the power of the hero of the purple eye is huge, there are still many piled up together. If you let it pile up again, I am afraid that even this piece of heaven and earth will be crushed down.

"Ye Che! The situation has changed. Ai Xi has advanced the plan of extinction. The mature demon has appeared. We must rush to stop! There is no time now, waiting for you to advance to the strongest king!" Has brought the meaning of chill.

"Destruction plan!?"

Ye Che was shocked.

"Yes, when all the creatures on the earth are turned into the nourishment of thirteen heroes, only the powerful heroes can be killed. The source of the gods can grow fast, and once the source of the gods grows up, Ai I can use it and return to Valoran!!" Purple eyes said heavy.

All creatures must be reduced to the nourishment of thirteen heroes! ! ! ?

Hearing here, Ye Che’s heart is bungee. If he doesn’t understand it correctly, it means that all creatures on earth will be destroyed! ?

"Ye Che, now I can only help you to reach the master, you leave the last step to complete the transformation!" Ziyan said.

"how about you!?"

Ye Che heard the sound of the purple eye.

"I will rush to stop Aich, but it will not stop for a long time. You must rush over, and the singer has not yet grown up, killing directly!!" Purple Eye said.

"it is good!!!"

Ye Che did not hesitate, knowing that the situation is urgent and directly responded.

"You are careful!" Purple eyes finally said a word, and then Ye Che felt that the body was light, and the power of the hero who began to condense the right leg was actually more intense!

Before, there were purple eyes to help control the power of the hero. Now that the purple eyes are gone, Ye Che is promoted to the road of vanity, and the difficulty has increased ten times in a moment!


Purple eyes left, but the smoldering in the purple clouds, the cloud of the heroic force that permeated the kilometer, was slowly distorted at this time.

Although Ye Che closed his eyes, he secretly started the field and immediately observed this scene.


The power of the hero on the sky is getting faster and faster. The next moment, a loud bang slams up! ! !

At the same moment, closed eyes stood in the intercontinental arena, waiting for the search for Ye Che's Jayne, but suddenly opened his eyes, a sultry light, flashed away.

This loud noise was not only heard by him, but the tens of millions of people who were searching for the whereabouts of Ye Che, and also raised their heads one by one and looked at the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of diamonds that were searching in the sky, the masters, and the kings, suddenly turned back, because the explosion sounds, they are just 100 meters away.

However, the place at that time was covered by purple eyes, so they could not perceive it.

“Good energy fluctuations!”

"This wave of volatility... I’m afraid even if it’s the strongest king, it’s just that!”

"Come, check it out!"

Immediately, countless people shot at the height of 10,000 meters.

Jayne, Unosen, Anshen Hyun, and the strong men of all countries, in a blink of an eye, flew over 10,000 meters.

Also arrived, there are also folding clothes, sunny, 6 Yao and others.

At this time, any moment of turmoil can make people frightened, so the strong fluctuations in energy here immediately attracted everyone.

In less than ten seconds, this 10,000-meter high altitude has already set up tens of millions of people, which is simply vast and boundless.

Then, everyone saw it with sorrow, and the clouds there were actually torn apart by the tears of life, and a huge torrent of energy slammed down.

The torrent of energy, like the waterfall that hangs down from the ups and downs of the nine days, comes down with an earth-shattering momentum, and finally falls into the figure that lies in a large shape and lies in countless gaze.

"This... this is Ye Che!"

"God, look at this, is he going to advance?!"

"Before, he was drilling I, which means he will soon become a master!"

"This is not the point. The focus is on Nima. Who have you seen such a grand promotion!?"

"What is the energy contained in the purple cloud? How do I look at it at a glance? Is there a thrilling feeling?"

Countless people have talked about it.

Sunny, folded clothes and other people, but also looked at Ye Che with amazement.

But they didn't show up, Jayne's eyes were full of endless killings. "The power of the hero is actually the power of the hero! This kid, it really is the ember of the hero's body!!!"

As soon as these people appeared, Ye Che felt it, and his heart suddenly shocked.

If some of these people are upset, it is afraid that it will cause the failure of promotion, so he immediately uses his wholehearted efforts to do his best to complete the final step!

At this time, the waterfall formed by the power of the hero comes, and the energy contained therein is earth-shattering, but Ye Che must concentrate the concentration of these heroes, concentrate it, and then concentrate it into the right leg bone. step!

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