League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1225: Extraordinary master, Ye Che!

The power of so many terrifying heroes can be piled up together. It is extremely difficult to control. Moreover, it is necessary to stabilize it to form the right leg bone. Before it was purple eye to help maintain it, now it can only rely on Ye Che. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

"No time... Listen to the purple eyes, Brand's tone, I am afraid that the situation is already extremely serious, I have to advance to success, and then go to the confluence!!"

Ye Che secretly said, at this moment, the face of the Oriental Nishang, Dongfang Jian, 6 Yao and others have flashed through his mind, he will never let the world ruin!

"Give me a condensate!"

Ye Che is low.


The air trembles, under the horror of everyone, the energy of the thousands of feet, straight into the body.

"Good guys, it’s a diamond that can kill all the geniuses. Now, if you advance to the power of the mortal, you can compare the king. This will not be the case when you advance to the king!"

Someone was amazed.

No one answered, because after this inexplicable energy, all of them poured into the body of Ye Che, there was no movement, only he was quietly lying in the air.

Everyone looked at it with amazement and waited for Ye Che to finish.

However, the situation was not so optimistic. After the last heroic power poured into the body, the feeling of heartbreaking again came from the deepest part of Ye Che’s body.

"Puff puff!"

The power of the hero is so strong, even if Ye Che is promoted to the Van, he can't control it. His flesh is under the collision of the hero's power and begins to be torn. The veins in his body are also broken.

"not good!"

Ye Che’s heart trembled and knew that he was still the lethal force of the power of the small hero. Before using the Ten Commandments, he could make himself hard to resist when he was drilling V, not to mention the power of so many heroes at the same time.

Before, there was purple eyes to stabilize, he still had no feeling, but now when the purple eyes are gone, Ye Che feels its horror.

"Crash collapse!"

The veins and blood vessels in the leaves of Ye Che, the blood vessels, begin to rush and break, the body is also split, and the degree of self-repair of the body is more than the destruction of the power of the hero.

"Oh... do you see how bleeding on him?"

A drill III master suddenly said with amazement.

Suddenly, a thought came into being in the hearts of all people. This Ye Che, there was a problem with the promotion!

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on Jayne and wanted him to make a decision.

"hold on."

Jayne shook his head. He understood that his energy system and the power of the hero were completely different, so he would not rush into it.

What he wants is the living Ye Che, not the dead!

On the other hand, Ye Che's body has been destroyed to more than 5o%. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will die long ago, but Ye Che is not an ordinary person. This degree only makes his consciousness slightly blurred.

"I can't stop it. If I go on like this, I will definitely fail to advance. But Ziyan thinks that I can succeed. I think there is something there, I have ignored it!"

Ye Che gritted his teeth and his mind turned like a storm.

At this time, the power of the hero can not gather under the bones of the right leg, has swept away in one of the most important places in Ye Che body, where is the heart!

"Where is there...what is the place I ignored?"

On the door of Ye Che’s head, there has been a dense sweat, and once the heart is damaged or even destroyed, even if it is the strongest king, it will be on the spot.

"Fast...what is the place I didn't do it!!!" Ye Che was dying while controlling the power of the heroes.

Soon, the power of the violent hero, from the heart, has been less than five seconds.

At this moment, Ye Che calmed down and began to think back to the words of purple eyes.

“Ye Che, we are now transforming your body according to Valoran’s current high-end grinding method. This is a metamorphosis at the level of life! Now it’s just bones, waiting for you to reach a higher level, then muscles, blood vessels All of them can be energized, and when they are in the mood, they can be transformed into everything, and they can move between the fingers and the earth!"

"The transformation at the level of life... No... When it comes to higher realms, muscles and blood vessels can be quantified... Everything in the mind is avatar... Right! Incarnation!!!!"

At that time, Ye Che’s eyes are bright!

At the same moment, because of the uncontrollable, the power of the tyrannical hero is only one step away, and it will be blasted on the heart of Ye Che.

But it was almost just a blink of an eye. The bones that had been built in Ye Che’s body suddenly turned into the most pure heroic power, and then the shackles were in front of the uncontrollable hero.


Ye Che’s low voice, the power of the heroes he has controlled, is stirring wildly. The power of these heroes is the sum of the arms, the bones of the body, and the bones of the left leg. It’s just a breath of effort, and the hero of the tyrannical Force, accommodated in.

"Hah, sure enough, since the power of the hero can be condensed into a bone, naturally it can be turned into a hero again! Now, start building again!" Ye Che's mouth provoked.

Then, the power of this mighty surrendered hero began to restructure the body in accordance with Ye Che’s will.


A bone with a radiant glow, purely composed of energy, appears in Ye Che.

His split body was repaired quickly, and it was strengthened in countless times because it contained the power of a hero.

In the body, the blood vessels of the tendons are strengthened by layers of layers and are fluorescent.

This time, the degree is extremely fast. Ai Xi once said that it is good. According to the theory of "time and space transmission", human cells have independent memory functions, and Ye Che is now the same hero.

Because the bones have been completed before, Ye Che is just a moment of thought, and the power of the hero is quickly condensed into a skeleton form.

This kind of bone that is purely condensed by the power of the hero, Ye Che feels a bit, more than a hundred times stronger than the previous diamond bone!

One is the material skeleton, and the other is the energy skeleton. The two are not at one level at all.

Material bones can be broken, and even destroyed when they are strongly attacked.

However, the energy skeleton formed by the power of the hero does not have such a defect at all, but somewhere is subjected to a brute force attack, and when it is broken, the heroic power of the rest can be quickly added.

In other words, as long as the power of Ye Che’s hero is enough, the bone will never be destroyed! ! ! This may be another level of immortality.

"It's no wonder that Black Maddinger is going to plunder the energy core of other planets. It turns out that... If Black Medinger's veins, blood vessels, cells, and even the brain are all energized, then as long as he has enough energy, Will survive all the time..."

Ye Che was a little shocked and whispered, then slowly opened his eyes.

Then, his eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Ye Chexian, the world of this moment, in his own eyes, seems to be very clear, the trajectory of the wind, the particles contained in the light, the atmosphere that is driven by the tens of millions of people who breathe, and some people secretly The power of the condensed ranks is presented in their own eyes.

It seems that...it is really different. Is this what the purple eye said, the transformation at the level of life?

Ye Che quietly thought, looking at the clouds around, the sun, that is never clear.

In the past, Ye Che heard a word that is the realm of Buddhism. This sentence is very familiar. That is to see the mountain is the mountain, the water is the water; the mountain is not the mountain, the water is not the water; the mountain or the mountain, the water or the water water.

Ye Che did not go deep into understanding, but now suddenly realized.

In the past, he looked at the sun, looked at the clouds, and looked at the images, all of which were images that were simply presented in the retina.

Now, these substances fall into Ye's eyes, but they are turned into the most primitive state.

With his involuntary meditation, Ye Che's breath is more and more ethereal, no longer seeing sharpness, no introversion, giving people the feeling, ordinary and incomparable, like ordinary people.

However, Ye Che’s move made many people dissatisfied.

In their view, this kid is standing in a quiet voice, it is too rude, so many people stand here, there are thousands of the strongest kings, and the master diamonds are even more numerous.

That Ye Che did not come to see the ceremony, but there was a deep look there, they were naturally annoyed.

"Oh, a big shelf... I’m just ignoring it, and I’m starting to ignore us?”

An Xiaoli was the first to be difficult. He stared directly at Ye Che and smiled.

Ps: Ah, it’s time for the code word hand to be a popsicle.

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