League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1226: Face the strongest king!

Being interrupted by An Xiaoli, Ye Che was not annoyed. He slowly extended his right hand to the void in front of him, and then looked at the front end of the palm in front of him, whispering: "The so-called void? Not empty! We... ...just covered my eyes..."


At the moment of the fall, Ye Che’s right hand was gently pulled. The void in front of him suddenly burst into a tear like a cow leather. A two-meter-high black crack suddenly appeared. ?八一中文?W≥W≥W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Then, Ye Che did not look at An Xiaoli and others, and they had to step in.

An Xiaoli’s eyes were bright at this moment. Before that, he was abused. He couldn’t find a chance to take Ye Che’s hate. After seeing Ye’s move, he couldn’t help it!

"Where to escape!"

An Xiaoli sighed and couldn’t wait to shoot.


When the screaming began, a kilometer-sized flesh-colored palm emerged from the front of An Xiaoli, such as the Stone of the Millennium, and slammed it against Ye Che.

"Stop!" Yunlong, sunny and Yunzhishu, etc., their faces changed greatly.

An Xiaoli is the strongest king of the goods. This palm shot, Ye Che will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

6 Yao cold face, it is necessary to block the front end of this flesh-colored palm, sunny, the same is true of the book of the cloud, etc., the power of the position is surging, intends to intercept.

However, everyone only feels that the body is sinking, this moment can not be moved!

Under the bungee, I quickly looked at the source of heavy pressure, and now Jain did not know when it was a step forward. It was this step that they could not use even the power of the ranks.


The face of Yunlong and others was very pale for a while, so I knew how big the gap between myself and Jayne was.

At the same time, the hand of An Xiaoli's illusion will soon be shot on Ye Che.

"Get away!"

Folding clothes, a dream into the dream, including Jun Yu Yu, are shouting at the bottom of my heart.

In all fairness, Jun Luo Yu does not like Ye Che, but now that the eyes are clear, Ye Che is beaten by the people of South Korea, but the face of the whole China is lost.

However, Ye Che did not seem to have the intention of avoiding it at all. He just made a slight step in his footsteps, then looked up and looked at the huge palm of the bang.

Once upon a time, Ye Che was in the heroic fantasy world, in the sea of ​​chaos, watching the iron-clad giant feet, and the huge palms of the smashing illusion, shocked to heaven, but nowadays, the giant palm of this kilometer falls into his In the eyes, it is so full of flaws.

For ordinary people, this kind of material that is compressed by the force of the segment can no longer resist, but for Ye Che, who now has the power of heroes, it is nothing but the rabble.

After all, the power of the paragraph and the power of the hero are completely qualitative differences!

The right hand swayed, and many people did not see this movement. Ye Che’s right hand palm was already printed on the palm of the kilometer.

At this moment, Ye Che's pupils were miniature, and the power of the hero in the right arm trembled fiercely, and then the scene of everyone's stunned appearance appeared. The moment of the giant palm of the kilometer was struck by lightning, and it collapsed directly!


An Xiaoli’s big eyes burst into the air and looked at the broken giant palm. The whole person was stupid.

After knowing that this leaf-clear diamond can fight against platinum, he shot this time and deliberately used nearly five layers of strength. You must know that this is the five-layer power of the strongest king. Generally, everything can be touched!

Now, Ye Che is not only not injured, but in turn, the attack of An Xiaoli, the understatement, has been defeated.

And An Xiaoli can fully see that Ye Che did not move at all!

This scene is also a slap in the face of everyone who is here.


An old man in the ranks is squatting with his beard. Looking at this scene, the beard is directly cut off. He does not care about it. He stutters: "This...this is not scientific..."

He once saw it with his own eyes. One of the strongest kings revenged for the deceased, and the palm of his hand, without such a great power, easily killed more than a dozen people, but now...

The old man was stunned, and many of the rest were also in the same place.

Ye Che did not have time to delay. Before listening to the tone of the purple eye and other people, the situation was already severe to the extreme, so he blocked the attack of An Xiaoli and directly entered the space crack.


An Shen Xuan screamed coldly, and a huge field of 10,000 meters behind it quickly appeared, directly blocking this space.

Ye Che immediately felt that the space crack was blocked by a powerful energy field.

A faint smile, a group of heroes emerged from the body, and then he was gently photographed on this powerful field of energy, "啵", like a bubble burst, under the unbelievable look of everyone, this The energy field of the stock was actually directly smashed!

Then, Ye Che entered the space crack and disappeared into place.

"How can this be!"

"How did he do it, the energy field of the king, he was broken and broken!"

"Oh, buy it, this is too buggy, he just promoted to the master!"

"Hero, this is the real enchanting!!!"

After returning to God, countless people were horrified.

And the old man who broke the beard, was surprised: "You feel that there is no... the energy he released... seems to be somewhat different from the power of the paragraph. I just felt a little bit, and there is an extreme heart. Feeling!"

He still wants to say that Jayne is cold and cold: "Don't talk nonsense, chase!"

A chase, awakened everyone.

At that time, there were countless spaces on this sky, and all the people who had reached the king’s strengths all entered, following the leaves of Ye Che, and eagerly chased the past.

On the other hand, Ye Che just stepped into the crack in the space, and felt a very warm feeling passed over. This is a feeling like a fish.

The bones in his body have been energized, although the space energy is not a category, but it is the same energy. In this case, the distance of the leaf tearing space teleport is actually not much worse than the king.

At this point, Ye Che stopped at a space node, and was planning to re-connect and open the next transmission, but it was a glimpse. He now directly felt the next space node.

Generally, when the king tears the space and expands the second teleport, it will step out and re-diagnose the space proof, so as not to make mistakes in the direction of the teleport.

Ye Che estimates that this should be related to the energyization of his own bones, making himself and the space more harmonious, eliminating this.


Ye Che’s heart was happy, and immediately launched the next teleport. He estimated that the position of himself and the purple eye should be about twenty minutes away!

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