League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1227: The power of time!

"倏", Ye Che disappeared at the node. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

And about a second, Jayne, Anshen Hyun, An Xiaoli, and the people of Sunny, Yunlong, Yunzhi, etc., have appeared in the place where Ye Che just happened, then went out and re-splitting the space, and then chase!

However, after four or five times, the face of Anshen Hyun and others became more and more black, and Yunlong, Qing, Junluyu and others were more and more surprised.

As the most powerful king of the class, they can't catch up with Ye Che! ?

Continue to pursue, the kings are all sighing, not to mention the masters, but also far behind.

In a blink of an eye, it took more than twenty minutes to pass.

At this point, Jayne happened to step out of a space crack, just as he wanted to continue chasing, but his face changed.

"There is the atmosphere of the heroic body! So much, is it..."

Jayne’s body trembled and actually stopped.

The rest of the country's seven or eight hundred strongest kings, but this scene is not present, still biting their teeth, desperately sensing the breath of Ye Che, the crazy tearing space is close.

Ye Che naturally felt the unpredictable spatial fluctuations behind him, but he didn't care, because immediately, he would have to arrive at the location of the heroes such as Ziyan.

The last time, "嗤", the space was once again torn by Ye Che, but suddenly, he did not react, and he only felt a numbness in his body, and a powerful power that was shrouded in himself.

Ye Che has to use the power of the hero to resist, but a strange scene appeared. At this moment, the power of the hero actually began to decrease frantically.

First, the power of the hero who condenses into the right leg bone, directly collapses, then dissipates, followed by the left leg bone, then the body, the arm, and within a second, the power of the hero disappears.

Ye Che's eyes are wide, and he is frightened, his own position is going backwards crazy.

In a twinkling of an eye, it has already been dropped by the master, then drilled IV, then drilled IV, drilled III, and soon, it fell to platinum.

The bones in the body are all made into white gold bone.

Then, for the golden bones, silver bones... the position is still falling sharply, bronze, black iron... Then, ordinary people...

In just three seconds, Ye Che has fallen from a master to an ordinary person, and then his body began to shrink, his fingers became shorter and thinner, his body became shorter and smaller, and in an instant he had regressed to adolescence. It has regressed to the babyhood, and at this moment, his consciousness seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only a piece of darkness.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Che suddenly opened his eyes and saw a purple eyeball, staring at himself.

"Are you okay?"

Purple eyes seem to have some concerns.

Ye Che looked at his safe and innocent body, and he felt the power of the hero who had no change in the body. His face was instantly shocked and asked: "Just... just..."

He is sure that everything that has just been is definitely not a dream!

"Fortunately, you broke into the time ecstasy under Echbu, she is merciful, if it is other people, I am afraid that there is no residue left now!" Purple eyes said, looking into the distance.

Ye Che saw in his direction, and he saw a huge clock hangover there.

The clock is round and light blue, and the size is nearly 10,000 meters. In the upper part of the clock, a golden hourglass is slowly flowing, such as stardust-like gravel falling from above.

"Is it... this thing that just made me a baby?"

Ye Che is extremely embarrassed. At that moment, he has a feeling of turning back the clock, what hero power, what the master, under the power of time, is as small as dust.

His eyes moved down and immediately saw a familiar figure, it was Aich!

Ai Xi is still in the blue, with no expression on her face and standing there quietly.

“What is she doing?” Ye Che asked in amazement.

"I don't know... she has got the hourglass now, I can't push the things that will happen, but no matter what she wants to do, we have to stop it, otherwise it's not just you...including the whole earth, including our heroes, It must be destroyed!" Purple eyes said quietly.

On the side, Fireman Brand's eyes are full of tyranny, Ye Che can feel the anger in his heart, if it is not the existence of time enchantment, it is estimated that Brand could not help but shot.

It’s just that the look of the ice crystal Phoenix Ainivia is very strange. Looking at Ai Xi’s gaze, it seems to be with a trace of desolateness, but this silk disappears and blinks, and the eyes are firm.

"Then we are now..." Ye Che asked.

"Wait!" Purple Eyes said forcefully.

On the side, Ainivia said: "Not long ago, a mature period of the devil was born, it is out of the hands of Ai Xi, we will never allow the emergence of the second mature period of the devil, otherwise, even if you are promoted to the strongest The king is also unpredictable!"

"From the hand of Ai Xi..."

Ye Che's heart, it will be heavy.

At this moment, the sound of "嗤嗤嗤嗤", continuous sounds, the space split, and the strongest kings finally arrived.

"Oh, run, you continue to run, little rabbits..."

When An Xiaoli came out, he locked Ye Che according to his breath. However, when his eyes fell on Ye Che, he did not know what he saw. The whole person slammed three steps and his lips trembled and looked at Ye Che. Direction, stuttering: "British ... English ... heroic body!!!!!"

The rest of the front is sneer, and the king who is struggling from the cracks in the space is also dumbfounded.

Looking at Ye Che, next to the vast purple eyes, and the flame-filled Brand, and the ice crystal phoenix, one by one, the infinite shock.

Sunny, Knife Qing also stayed.

"This... this...the **** really knows the heroic body!? Hey..."

The knife slammed and took a breath.

An Shen Xuan, An Xiaoli and other people in the Korean Empire, all scalp, if Ye Che knows the hero's body...

When you think about this, you are all cold.

The purple eyes squinted at them, and they looked a little indifferent and had no words.

Brand and the ice crystal phoenix, they are not blinded to them. For them, the so-called strongest king is a group of mortals. Without the power of heroes, the body can't be energized. Sooner or later, it will be turned into a loess. .

Instead, Ai Xi in the distance suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes swept through everyone.

At this point, I saw the purple eyes indifferent, no one dared to speak, all stood honestly, but soon, they all appeared 10,000 meters away, the huge time clock.

"That is……"

"The energy fluctuations of good looks, the power of my position has just been explored and dissipated in an instant."

"The people inside...is Aich!? God, I actually saw the body of Aich!"

The kings who were present were all excited.

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