League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1228: Ye Che VS the strongest demon!

Soon, there were more than a hundred thousand masters who arrived. They reacted more intensely than the strongest kings. Many of them were exclaimed and their eyes were full of fanaticism. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

However, without waiting for their excitement for a long time, Ziyan had an abrupt opening. "Come on..."

The sound is like a morning bell, and everyone’s eardrums squeak.

"What is it?"

Everyone has a glimpse, Ye Che is also unknown.

But after about ten seconds, the face of someone at the place was a bit pale.

They clearly saw that, thousands of kilometers away, more than a dozen giants who entered the sky and stepped on the ground were marching in this direction.

The behemoth on the left is even bigger, the volume of light is five or six times more than other behemoths!

Each of them can span three or four hundred kilometers.

"1...2...3...9...11...12...13...this is this...the thirteen strongest demons, all broke the seal!!!"

The strongest king of a jujube face, the lips are shaking.

"How come... How could it be... too fast, how suddenly... all unlocked the seal!"

"What to do... What to do! Right, Jay's sage!"

Saying, the king quickly looked at the crowd, but there was no trace of Jayne.

For a time, many people's hearts were cold.

"What is anxious, isn't there a heroic body!?"

Suddenly, a voice spread from the crowd, and everyone’s mind was fixed! Yes, the heroic body has come out personally, and the strongest demon in the district is definitely not afraid!

However, the scene that made everyone stunned, as the strongest demon went closer, purple eyes, Brand and ice crystal phoenix, actually stepped back half a step.

Although this move is very revealing, it is indeed retreating, and it is subconscious. Is it true that even the hero's body is the strongest demon! ?

For a time, everyone was amazed.

Ye Che is also looking at the three heroes with some awkwardness.

There is no slight color on the purple-eyed face. He said: "The mature magical... The body contains a mixture of the power of the demon and the power of the hero. This energy is like sulfuric acid for us, so Valoran, the mature demon, is equivalent to absolute taboos! No one dares to approach them unless they are active guards."

Ye Cheen sighed, looking at the eyes of the British devil, could not help but taboo.

At this point, with the approach of the demons, Aich suddenly moved.

"Fast... We joined forces to block Ai Xi, you first find a chance to kill one of them!" Seeing Ai Xi's movement, the purple-eyed tone changed, and quickly said.

In the distance, the sound of "rumbling" is still mad, and as they approach, Ye Che feels that the whole world has begun to tremble, and all their existence along the way is destroyed and destroyed. The dead humans are no longer able to Estimated by numbers.


Purple eyes once again drink low, while the eyeballs roll slightly, a thick purple light to the extreme, and slammed into the distant Ai Xi, shot past.


Brand's arm waved, and a thousand-meter fire column rose into the sky.

Ai Xi just got out of the scope of the enchantment of time and was forced to go back.

The kings on the side and the vans, all look silly, what is the situation of Nima, heroic fighting! ?

Ye Che took a deep breath and turned his head slightly, his eyes falling on those friends.

Folding clothes... sunny... Yunzhishu, Zhao Xiu, a dream, and 6 Yao and others who still accept the memory.

Looking at 6 Yao, Ye Che smiled, suddenly remembered the first time to meet with 6 Yao, when she cried to treat herself, but unfortunately at this juncture, she lost her memory.

Looking up again, Ye Che’s eyes seemed to pass through the white clouds and saw the satellites outside the Earth.

At this moment, there must be countless eyes in the world watching this place. There should be Dongfang Jian... Oriental Nishang, and the old friends of the Tianlan team... They should be alive... and they must live.


Thirteen heads of the devils, another step, a thousand kilometers away, but they are too large, at this distance, people in the place can already see the thread of the bone spurs on them.

At the same moment, Ye Che moved, he did not have to choose, before so many kings joined forces, can not help the newborn hero, let alone now.

This time, he shot for himself and for all the creatures on earth!

"Boom! Boom!"

Ye Che's whole person has risen up and rushed to the British magic, because the degree is too fast, resulting in a strong sound of sound.

Everyone’s eyes are smashed.

"Since the hero's body says he can deal with it, it will definitely be able to deal with it!"

"He has a suit from the hero's body, and it's absolutely no problem!"

Many people are screaming in the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, even Anshen Xuan and others are also holding their breath. After all, it is about the life and death of everyone.


Ye Che flew past, the air along the road was steamed, and soon, he had a strong energy storm, came to the place where the magical magic is far.

Looking at the English magic in this distance, Ye Che has a dry mouth feeling, because it is too big, all the eyes are filled with the body of the British devil, the blue sky and white clouds are all covered.

This... can you really play it! ? Ye Che asked himself.

However... he has no choice!


The power of the heroes all exploded, and an unrivalled power swept out of Ye Che.

Although he is too small in volume comparison, even the ants are not, but the breath that he burst out in an instant makes the thirteen heroes stop the pace!

Thirteen heads of the British devil body, Ye Che feels this moment, it seems that there is a cold vision on his body.

With the strength of the British devil, the magnetic field is swept away, even if it is the smallest tiny dust around, they will not miss it, let alone the leaves of the heroes!

The power of the heroes seems to be very attractive to them. At this moment they just stopped the pace, and all the heroes raised their giant feet and stepped on Ye Che.


Ye Che took a deep breath, and then the parts of the source of the gods, the pieces of the body from Ye Che, appeared.

As Ye Che was promoted to the ranks, the source of the gods also promoted, and the whole became blue, a sense of sharpness, through the body.

In an instant, Ye Che’s heart flashed a glimpse of the mystery. The source of this level of the gods has an attribute, that is, nothing, and the sharpest to the extreme! He picked the smallest of the demons and stabbed them in the past.

This inferior, should be the combination of the end of the day and the clown, the body is extremely embarrassing.

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