League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1235: The Millennium (the sixth, the end of the earth!)

"Vicks's plan... is to wait another six hundred years. After all the human powers have been upgraded, they will use them as nutrients and use the earth's nuclear energy as a catalyst, so that we can all return to Valloland. ...but... I can't do it... For more than seven hundred years, the earth is already equal to my second parent star... so..."

Listening to Ai Xi said here, Ye Che is full of horror, purple eyes, they are actually planning this!

"So... I decided to break the ground and implement this plan ahead of time! This plan is to raise all the heroes with all the heroes and all the creatures on the earth, and the source of the soldiers can get enough energy. Protect your safety and prevent you from falling into an eternal time circle!"

Speaking of this, the blue light suddenly appeared on the hourglass, and Ai Xi continued: "This is a time hourglass. Because of the time, its energy has disappeared by 99%, but the source of the gods, there are two sets, and one The set is stored in it, so when I am swallowed by the enchantress, it can continuously extract energy from the body of the enchanted... After the energy is sufficient, it can set the time according to my settings. Always settle for the moment you arrive seven hundred years!"

Ye Che suddenly looked up, his body trembled, he understood... finally understood Ai Xi’s plan. Bayi Chinese Network W=W≈W≤. 81ZW. COM

"Yes... whether it's Vickers, Brand, or all of your friends, and the people who died after the emergence of the British devil, they are not dead... but they are fixed in the place you just came to Earth. In a node for a period of time, if no one is going to restart the hourglass, they will eternal freeze here..."

Not waiting for Ye Che to think, Ai Xi continued: "I think... you are skeptical about what I said before... Oh, I am different from them, I am indeed dead... I am carrying a time hourglass, When swallowed, it will turn into energy and melt directly into a part of the time hourglass... Time can be reversed, but time itself... but it can’t be reversed... In order to implement this plan, I put on another set of sources to capture Time Hourglass, but because of the influence of the source of the soldiers, my memory has also been chaotic from time to time ... so easy ... I was treated as a replica..."

"why why why……"

Ye Che whispered, looking at the blue hour of the hourglass, his thoughts, and he returned to the snow that accepted the inheritance of Ai Xi.

That little Ai Xi, a small figure, a woman who is determined to be a queen, a woman who is determined to make Freir Zhuo eternal peace...

Originally, they only had to wait another six hundred years before they could return to Valoran safely. However, for the earth... Aich had made the most unresolved decision.

She did not say, but she was afraid of being stopped, or she might be afraid of being replaced. It turned out that... she has always cherished the partners who fought side by side.

Unfortunately, until now, they don’t understand the purple eyes.

"Don't be sad, after a long, long time, we will all die, and I just want to go home... without hurting the earth... Go home..." Aich's voice suddenly weakened.

"Aich!" Ye Chemo meditated, I don't know when, a crystal teardrop, suddenly dropped from his eyes.

Ye Che didn't think that he would cry... This time, his heart has been tempered and tough, but this moment is out of control...

A woman... can do this for the earth, for the companions... Ye Ching can't calm down.

"The time node where the earth is located will be maintained by the hourglass for about a thousand years... Ye Che, within a thousand years, you must grow strong enough, then return to Earth to start the hourglass, otherwise... all this Your companions, human beings, and even the whole earth will be annihilated..."

"A thousand years……"

Ye Che revived his thoughts.

"The time on the earth is reversed, this is not perfect... When you come back and restart, it may be able to restore what it used to be... Now everything I do is for the redemption after we destroy the earth... Go ... bring the time hourglass to the North Pole... There, I have prepared a transposition line for you..."

The words of Aich are here, and they are already very weak.

"Go ahead... Goodbye Ye Che... With my last wish, help me take care of Frey Zhuo De, I am sorry for the people... Help me see Valoran again... Goodbye... Goodbye..."

With the last words, the surrounding area has returned to tranquility, leaving only Ye’s breathing...

a long time……

"Da da da……"

Ye Che said nothing, went forward, held the time hourglass in his hand, and then the arm swung, the space was directly torn open.

Half an hour later, on a suspended ice layer in the Arctic, Ye Chejing stood still.

There is a circular glyph on the ice layer, and Ye Che has just landed on it. The hourglass in his hand suddenly bursts into infinite blue light.

Then, from the palm of Ye Che's palm, it fell heavily at the center of the transmission line.

"Aich... a thousand years... Valoran..."

Ye Chemo meditated, and then countless faces, flashed from Ye Che’s mind.

6 Yao, Oriental Nishang, Folding Clothes, Oriental Jian, Shi Jin, and Xiao Qing and others who have been fixed by time, they are now... all in the time node...

If they don’t come back within a thousand years, they will all turn into dust and drift with the wind.

"Wait for me... I am Ye Che... I will definitely come back! For the souls of the earth, there are partners..."

Said, Ye Che's eyes fell on the hourglass, and said silently: "And for the earth you want to protect your life... Hometown..."


The light swelled, and a dazzling light came out from the hourglass.

In the meantime, the curved world at the foot of Ye Che sent a burst of madness.


This area seems to be distorted, and the next second has returned to normal.

However, Ye Che’s figure has disappeared here.

Then disappeared... and there was a faint flash of blue light, a time hourglass.


Ps: Must see.

Yesterday's four, today's six more, the earth is also over, maybe there are some details that have not been clearly explained, but in detail it is estimated that there are six or seven chapters, some small partners say water, so there are still unclear places, Can leave a message, I will reply to the answer.

But I think that there are some things that don't need to be too deep.

In the following chapters, I will write more carefully, not careful, but because it is a new chapter, so there are many new outlines and so on, it will take a lot of time.

So the next four days, I will be two more every day, but after four days, I will really make a big splash.

I hope everyone understands, a new chapter will definitely not let everyone down! ! !

[Well, I just want to steal lazy in the Christmas, cough... And in fact, this pit, in the first sentence of the introduction, has been written...]


"One day"

One day

Cosmic chaos

The earth fills the sand and the earth

One day

Earth turns green

Crawling dinosaurs appear among the trees

One day

You and me wake up

Holding hands and smiling on the grass

One day

The world is getting cold

The earth is covered with sand and dirt.

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