Second: The Millennium



Bow, hold your head, bend your knees, close your eyes!

This set of actions of the boy is extremely skilled, and obviously he is not the first time to do so. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈ He tightens tightly into a sphere shape, body instinct and past experience tell him that doing so will minimize the pain.


Almost the next moment, more than a dozen fists had been slammed on the boy's body. His original clothes were immediately torn, and suddenly a black and blue scar appeared from his arm and back.

These scars of black and blue should have existed for a long time. Now there are signs of opening, but with the chaos of the dozens of fists, the bruises begin to appear purple with the naked eye.


Suddenly, another foot kicked directly and kicked directly on his head, but the boy’s arms were always guarding his head, so he only felt the pain in his arm, and his head didn’t matter. .

However, due to this heavy kick, he has been unable to maintain his body's balance. For example, he fell off his hand and fell on the ground, and rolled a large circle on the ground, holding his blood on the ground.

"Waste! Let's do things well!" A little bit of tender voice sounded, but the tone was with a fierce meaning.

The boy did not dare to refute, because the young boy who spoke was called Deo! There is also a status that he will never be able to reach, followers!

He didn't know what the followers were, but once saw the boy directly in front of countless people, killing an adult and no one dared to pursue responsibility, he seemed to understand the vagueness, followers, is a Kinds of people who can arbitrarily kill without being punished.


Someone stretched out and kicked it across the boy's elbow. The pain of the heart pierced the boy's nerves again and again, but the boy was still silent and there was no resistance.

At the beginning, the adult was refuted by Deo... and died!

Five minutes passed, the boy could not remember how many fists and ankles he had licked. He only felt that his breathing was getting heavier and heavier, his eyes were getting more and more blurred, and the laughter of the same age children fell into his ears. But it makes his heart colder.

"Forget it, this fool's home has finally gone out of a follower. Although it has been missing for seven or eight years, it is difficult to prevent it from coming back. Killing him will increase the trouble!" Deo said in an old-fashioned manner, not looking at him. It’s hard to believe that this is just a teenager who is only about twelve years old.

The fist that was bombarded like a raindrop finally stopped.

The children around the boy did not even breathe in the atmosphere, and apparently had good physical fitness.

"Let's go! Don't let my big cousin wait!"

Deou said with a sigh of relief, watching the children's swift and respectful encirclement, his heart could not help but some smug.

This action, he followed the big cousin to learn, then he was shocked as a man of heaven, I feel that this expression is too lethal! So I always take this expression from time to time to shock my children.

Soon, Deo had gone, and the boy was tired on the ground for nearly twenty minutes before he staggered and stood up.

The boy has no name, or he has a name, but he has been deliberately neglected. Almost everyone called him a fool except the mother and father and the little girl called his name.

He is really stupid, and there is always a fault in memory. For example, he just slammed it. Maybe he will completely forget it in a few minutes. If he is slap in the face, maybe even the next second, he can’t remember. Who is the fan of himself?

This situation makes anyone can bully him.

But I don't know why, the fool didn't forget his mother, maybe it was the person who gave birth to him. It was a kind of induction in the bones. And Deo, he did not forget, maybe he saw the **** scene of Deo murder, which shocked him, so he always remembered the name of Deo and the fear he brought to himself.

At this point, the boy stood up, and he looked around in confusion for a long time. Not long after, he chose a direction and walked steadily.



A knock on the door sounded, the door was wooden, but the color was green. This green color did not seem to be stained, it seems to be born.

"The door is not tied... Come in..."

Inside the house, a man’s tired voice came.

The door opened, and a large-scale old woman led the boy in and then pushed the boy in front of the man, bluntly saying: "What about biogas?"

"On the table, take it yourself..."

The man sighed, then the right palm stretched out, and some of the pity touched the boy’s arm full of bruises and blood, saying: "Is it painful?"

The boy grinned and said: "Pain... Who are you? Do you know where my mother is?"

"Stupid boy... I am you!" The man seemed to be happy, said with a smile.

When I saw the man laughing, the boy laughed too. I don’t know why. He felt that his body suddenly didn’t hurt so much.

The old woman, who looked like a big woman, turned up the green biogas beads picked up from the table, showing a smile of satisfaction. After glance at the boy, she could not help but say: "Don’t say I said, Ye Yongfan, you kid is stupid. Don't let him run around, I suggest that you can close it directly, and you will waste a biogas bead almost every day. Why bother!"

Ye Yongfan kept his smile as always, his face did not turn, faintly said: "He is my son, not a farm!"

Daxie rolled his eyes and said: "You have to get it, with you... you Ye Jia, it’s been defeated by him... a biogas bead, it takes four hours to collect, you and your daughter-in-law will also be one day. Collect four, meet the marsh magic, and even no harvest for half a month, you waste a dozen or twenty for him a month, hard to live in this fascinating swamp from the top tenants, for the intermediate residents, really... ..."

"My son has to take a rest and rest..." Ye Yongfan interrupted.

The old woman was speechless, and after she licked her mouth, she left.

The old woman just left, Ye Yongfan’s gaze fell back to the boy, and laughter said: "This Kathy is awkward, there is nothing wrong with it, that is, people around are not better than her. I heard that her son has a poison in the marsh. She will take care of him at home for a long time, and advise me to shut you down. I am sure that other people will get this cheap..."

The boy showed a stunned color and seemed to be somewhat incomprehensible.

Ye Yongfan seems to have been used to it for a long time. After touching the boy's head, he smiled and said: "You can't learn Cassie in the future... Come... I will give you medicine first..."

"Oh oh..."

The boy nodded.

Ye Yongfan suddenly turned to take the medicine, but there was something in the handcuffs. When he looked closely, he didn't have his legs, but he walked with his arms on two green logs.

His body is a little thin, his face is right, he is not very old, it looks like the thirty-seventh, but the body is filled with a calm atmosphere, obviously Ye Yongfan's heart is very good.

Take the medicine and smear the boy's bruises, and soon the door opens again.

Then, a woman with a somewhat messy but elegant head came in with a little girl carrying a smashing arrow behind her.

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