League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1252: Heroic skill!

However, if Deyizhi did not kill himself, he would not be able to slap his hands. Although his cousin had a hatred with himself, Deyizhi did not complain with himself. If he directly robbed the talents, That is too unprincipled. ????八一中文W(八)W?W?. ?8 (a) 1? Z (eight) W (a). ?C?O (eight) M?

Thinking of this, Ye Che took a look at Deou, and then said to Deyizhi: "In this way, you borrow the talent from me, I can..."

Said, pointing to Deo, continued: "I can, spare him a life!"

"Forgive my cousin a life!?" De Yizhi was laughed at the air and said: "You don't think you are the robber logic? My cousin..."

"Your cousin once smashed me six times, kicked my **** eighteen times, hooked me twenty times, grabbed my snacks eighty-five times..." Not waiting for Deyizhi to finish, one A large number of crimes against Germany and Europe were listed by Ye Cheluo.

De Yizhi suddenly became speechless.

"I originally wanted to find an opportunity, and broke him... But now, just break him one leg, crystal plate, you give it to you!" Ye Che's tone, some intolerance.

"Cousin, don't give it to him! This kid is just a fool. It's just that I don't pay attention. Even the power of the hero and the talented **** tree are not used. Otherwise, he will definitely beat me! Quickly, kill him. Kill him to avenge me!"

The pain in the broken leg seems to have eased, and Deou began to shout.

Deyizhi’s expression was flickering. After seeing Deo’s broken foot, his heart was somewhat unwilling. He said to Ye Chedao: “The talent is a plate, I bought it for ten wins, I think so. It’s not easy to take it! This way, let’s learn a little bit, you win, I don’t say anything to you, but you lose, the talent is still my, and the hatred of you and my cousin is also written off. Naturally, his broken feet have nothing to do with you, is it good?"

Listening to the words of Deyizhi, Ye Che could not help but look at him. Now that Deyi is cautious, he has not lost his face.

In the name of the discussion, he not only has no worries about his life, but once he wins, he also retains his talents. However, if Ye Che loses, he does not believe that Deyi will let himself go, and he will definitely suffer.

However, he is too lazy to care about this now. A year ago Ye Che may not be able to guarantee that he will win 1oo%. After all, this Yi Yizhi must have awakened the talent, and certainly more than one layer, maybe there are other means.

But now it is different, the power of heroes contained in Ye Che's body is at least ten times that of Yi Yizhi. The so-called one force falls ten meetings, Ye Che is naturally not empty.


Ye Che nodded.

The eyes of Deyizhi began to gather together.


His black robe is windless and automatic, and the shadow of a **** tree appears from behind his back.

Deyizhi did not have the slightest sorrowful Ye Che. He had been in the upper bound for so long. He deeply understood that many masters were blinded by the enemy and fell to death.

Ye Che is still standing still, and he has faced hundreds of millions of meters of enemies on the earth. Now, facing any enemy, his heart has long been unable to achieve the slightest wave. Ye Che’s eyes fell on the shadow of the **** tree behind Deyizhi. Now his talented **** tree is two grades larger than Deo’s, about five meters high, and the talent layer also lights up the third floor. This third layer of lit leaves is shaped like blood!

Ye Che has a doubt at the bottom of her heart. Although the fierce series, the cunning series, and the resolute series of three talents are exactly the same as the talent system in the League of Legends, he is still unclear about the role of this talented **** tree. Is it a gift with the League of Legends? System integration.

Moreover, there is no strengthening and how much has been strengthened. These are all things that he does not know at present.

"Kill! Kill him!"

Deo is still screaming in a cold face, and his face is killing and unwilling. Obviously, he thinks that he was directly injured because he did not take it seriously.

"Ye Che, you are Ye Che right... It used to be the only fool in the misty swamp. I am very curious about how your body will suddenly be so strong!"

Deyizhi looked at Ye Che and said that his head was floating under the stirring of the power of the hero. On the leaves of the talented **** tree behind it, a red line has been connected with his body.

"I won't win if I win!" Ye Che smiled, and the next moment he traversed his footsteps, the power of the hero in his body swayed.


At the foot of his foot, there was a small pit in an instant, and Ye Che’s palm stretched out and he had already taken it to Deyizhi.


Deyizhi faced Ye Che’s palm, but he did not retreat. He snorted in his mouth and leaned directly against him. The power of the hero in his body worked, and the blood seemed to surge. The black robe shrouded in him, such as Applaud like a ball.

A strip of strong blue veins, like a green snake wrapped around his neck, the body muscles, like a wire rope, twisted together.

The original Deyi's face is not rude, but with his strength, there is a kind of iron-and-blood warrior-like tough!

However, the one he repaired is a warrior, hard hit, is his best fighting skills!


Ye Che, who did not have the power of a hero, fell on him, and hammered the sound of thunder, but Ye Che’s heart was a microseismic. At this moment, he felt a huge anti-seismic force. The body was uploaded back, and the palm of his hand was a bit numb.

Not only that, this paralyzed feeling swept the whole body with amazing degrees, Ye Chechu slightly felt a bit, his mobility has fallen by at least half!

"Hahaha, I have eaten my cousin's Laurent's heart knife, and I am dead!"

Deou laughed.

"Laurent's heart knife!?"

Ye Che’s heart was shocked. Isn’t this the skill of Jian Ji? How is Deyizhihui! ?

Before I thought of it, Deyizhi said that he has already integrated three hero skills. Is it true that hero skills can be combined freely! ?

At the same time as Ye Che was suspicious, Deyi’s eyes were fiercely flashing, and a seemingly long-awaited killing was swept out.


The air began to stir, such as the thunder and thunder, the leaves that had been lit on the shadow of the **** tree behind him, flashing wildly.

"The power of the body!"

De Yizhi’s shot was full of strength. In an instant, his fist suddenly slammed into a flash of shadow.

This glove box looks like a steel alloy. Although it only shows a bit of effort, it is clearly seen by Ye Che.

"The heroic skills of the Picheng Law Enforcement Officer? This is... Heroic Skills!!!!"

Ye Che has a big shock at the bottom of his heart. He doesn’t want to think about it. The power of the hero in his body is all rolling and moving, and a layer of light is shining from Ye Che.

At the same moment, I only heard a deafening loud noise, and Deyi’s punch had already hit Ye Xue.


A layer of tangible white gas was punched from the hand of Deyizhi, and then passed through Ye Che. Five meters away, the wall of the steel bar was swelled by the lingering aftermath, and a deep appeared. Deep fist print.

The floor layer at the foot of Ye Che is broken and tumbling. The power of this attack is obviously great. The average person is afraid of bursting directly.

However, on the side of Deo, it was too late to be happy. He looked at the frowning in the field, and seemed to be thinking about what the problem was. Ye Che, who had not suffered any harm at all, was dumbfounded.

Deyizhi is even more ecstatic, because he has already felt the power of the hero in Ye Che's body.

The intensity of this heroic power is at least ten times more than yourself! !

Ps: It’s early today, ^_^.

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