League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1253: God tree imprint!

"This...this...this is impossible!" Deyizhi couldn't help but exclaim. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

Just kidding, I have been a summoner for ten years, and I have worked hard to cultivate a few heroes, but this age-old child has not only cultivated the power of heroes, but also the power of heroes. More than ten times richer than myself, for a time, the attack of Zhiyi Zhiyi was forgotten, and the direct stop was in place.

Ye Che is also unable. He didn't want to reveal the power of the hero. However, the heroic skill of Deyi Zhizhi was really different. He actually ignored his physical strength and caused almost paralyzed effects.

I am now in my childhood, and my body has achieved the same effect.

Before, on the earth, my own defensive power was high, but it was because of silver bones, gold bones, and the like. But the so-called warfare body is actually composed of the power of heroes, while others have the power of the ranks. In terms of quality, there are several grades. At that time, the attack of the same level or even above can completely be blocked by **.

But Yi Yizhi also has the power of heroes. If the physical quality is not completely crushed, Ye Che can have no confidence and no injury without using the power of heroes.

This is not the focus. The focus is on the effect of Deyi’s use of heroic skills. It seems to be different from that on the earth, but in the end it is different. Ye Che can’t say it at any time. Anyway, when Yi Yizhi just used heroic skills, It made him feel awkward.

Ye Che's thoughts are thousands of, and Yi Yizhi also stopped the attack, joking, the hero of the opposite child is ten times thicker than him. This gap is not at the present stage by the talented **** tree and hero skills. ...unless you can become a senior warrior, Deyizhi meditation in his heart.

At this time, Ye Che looked up, seeing Deyi Zhi staring at himself, the bottom of his heart could not help but a little funny, but his mouth said: "Heavenly?"

"Gifts can give you, I can even spend a lot of money for you, so that you will get a chance to awaken talent after one year! But I hope you promise me one thing, then when you arrive at the upper limit, tell them You are my follower, but please rest assured, this is just a gimmick, not really let you become my follower!" De Yizhi said with a serious face.

He knows very clearly that a child who is only ten years old has such a terrible heroic power.

If this kind of genius is his follower, he will surely receive a massive reward.

The German and European sides were anxious, but just about to open, they were stunned by Deyizhi.

"What do you mean, even if there is a talent, I can't wake up now?" Ye Che did not directly agree, but asked the fork.

De Yizhi nodded and said: "Yes, talent is only equivalent to communicating with the upper bounds. If your breath is not included in the rune, then you can't be given the mark of the **** tree, and naturally you can't wake up. ”

Ye Che is a bit stunned. It is no wonder that when Deo was awakened, he felt that there was a mysterious power falling from the sky. It turned out to be the mark of the gifted **** tree.

"What is the place of the rune and the mark of the **** tree?" Ye Che continued to ask.

"The land of Rune!?"

In the eyes of Deyizhi, there seems to be an extreme enthusiasm for the death. He said: "The land of Rune is the most supreme place in the upper bound! For example, our warriors go down to the trainee warriors, up to the strongest conquest. The Blades are all managed by the Rune. Other categories, such as Master, Tank, Assassin, Shooter, and Auxiliary, are the same! But the land of Rune does not limit our freedom. The so-called management is just to avoid confusion and maintain it when necessary. The entire upper bound order."

Seeing Ye Che’s thoughts, De Yizhi continued: “The imprint of the natural tree of God is naturally born in the land of runes. Only the place where the **** tree is imprinted and then communicates with the talents through the upper bounds can awaken the talent. !"

"It turns out that... I don't know what the conditions are needed to get the mark of the **** tree?" Ye Che asked.

"One is to complete the test of the trip to the upper bound, and then win a League of Legends victory, to achieve these two conditions, you can get the land of the gods for free!" This is a stupid way, after all, you Even the League of Legends has never heard of it. More than 99.999% of people will be defeated directly in the League of Legends after they arrive in the upper bound. The League of Legends is also a product of the runes."

Ye Che smiled at the bottom of his heart, joking, how can he not know the League of Legends.

However, if you abandon the identity of your rebirth, you really don't know what the League of Legends is all about. At most, you have only heard these four words.

"Why is the failure rate so high? Is it a summoning of the teachers, will not teach their followers before?" Ye Che thought of a doubt.

De Yizhi smiled and said: "When I became a summoner, I signed a confidentiality agreement with the place of Rune. If I reveal a trace to the non-summoner, or even a content about the League of Legends, I will be deprived for life. Summon the identity of the teacher, and then break into the rune prison! This is not for me, but everyone will sign when they become the summoner. It is said that one is to be fair and take care of the teenagers who rely on their own strength to reach the upper limit. It is to dig out the true heroic alliance genius! Of course, many summoners do not believe in evil, in order to make their followers show their eyes, before they reach the upper limit, they reveal the tone, but they just got to the upper bound and are controlled. It’s clear that the mysterious extent of the rune’s land is their imagination.”

Ye Che's look is moving. In this way, the failure rate of the League of Legends is as high as 99.999%. It is not an exaggeration. After all, I am afraid that many people will even make up the knife. Even if they don’t know what it is, they will fight for the League of Legends. The teenager will also be the newest newcomer.

"Because of the confidentiality agreement, many teenagers first started the League of Legends, at least ten times, twenty times, or even thirty times more than fifty times to pass, but they only have one chance to fight the League of Legends every day, so this will Delayed from one month to two months, compared with many talented youngsters, will lose the opportunity!"

Having said that, Deyizhi smiled and said: "But if the awakening talent is different, then if you don't pass the League of Legends, you can also cultivate the talent tree, so as not to delay the big wave time, my condition, I don't know. What do you think?"

Deyizhi treated Ye Che at this time, just like treating a peer, and did not treat him as a child.

According to his estimation, I am afraid that I have reached the peak of the intermediate fighters. This age has such a powerful heroic power. Only some top-level children in the upper bounds may have possession. .

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