League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1254: You can't, it doesn't mean I can't!

However, Deyizhi felt that he was now proposing this condition. It is impossible for the child to refuse. After all, this condition is not good for him, but he will stop in the next second. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

Ye Che shook his head and said: "Follow? Sorry, I really don't have this interest."

"Not really let you be my follower, with your talent, I don't have this style, just want a name." De Yizhi quickly said.

Ye Che still shakes his head.

Deyi is in a hurry. "I tell the truth. Once a genius follower appears, the singer who trains him will receive a lot of rewards. The reward will be the most important victory. You may not know the role of the win. This is about the acquisition of hero skills and..."

" Needless to say, I can't agree, this is a matter of principle." Ye Che interrupted.

Being a follower of Deyizhi, although only doing it, but Ye Che is unacceptable, it is like once on the earth, he rarely called someone like a brother, Ye Che knows that he is not special, but one person You must feel that you are special and not mediocre.

If the reward is very good for Ye Che, but only the League of Legends wins, this is completely at your fingertips for Ye Che, so he does not care what rewards.

"You are a little boy, there is a fart principle!" Deyi Zhi’s heart was awkward, but he saw Ye’s heart has been decided, and he has nothing to say.

However, Ye Che’s talent has also been seen. Naturally, he does not want to give up this opportunity. He can’t help but say: “In that case, I am not reluctant to you. So, in the future, if you have a heroic technical problem, you can always ask me. ”


Deo's face suddenly changed.

However, Deyizhi did not look at him at all, but looked at Ye Che with a look.

"Forget it, I will go to the upper bounds a year later, and I will not practice the reckless swing in this year." Ye Chedao.

"A year later, you have to go to the upper limit!!!?"

De Yizhi suddenly stopped.

Deo looked at Ye Che’s eyes and looked like a fool for a moment.

"How can't you?" Ye Che's little face reveals the old-fashioned autumn color.

De Yizhi said with a smile: "You still don't know? The ladder is open every seven years. Our planet, the distance to open the ladder again, but there is still a full three years! If you do not open the time and go to the upper bound The difficulty will increase by dozens of times. Even during this period, I am completely unsure of reaching the upper bound."

The difficulty is increasing... Ye Che smiled, but said: "You can't... don't mean me can't!"

Deyi’s face was extremely exciting.

Ye Che stunned Deo, but he did not intend to let go of this kid, but seeing that Deyizhi knows everything, and that Germany and Europe have broken their legs, Ye Che did not pay any attention to him, and turned away. Go out.

Seeing Ye Che finally left, Deou could not help but mourn: "Cousin, my legs..."

"But the bones are broken, and three years is enough to nurse." Deyizhi said with no anger. He now suspects that Ye Che does not accept his condition. It is related to Germany and Europe, and he naturally has no good face.

But even so, after all, is his cousin, he quickly **** to Germany.

"Damn, this fool is whimsical and wants to go through the sky one year later. I don't know how to live."

"Oh, I don't know what to do, I have developed the power of heroes, I really think that I am a peerless genius!?"

"After a year, he didn't climb the ladder. If he climbed, he would definitely fall and fall into a meatloaf!"

De Yizhi wrapped the injury to Deou and listened to his resentful resentment.

Deou had to hate, although the legs can be restored, but the training effect of the three years is only to be greatly discounted, directly affecting his future.

However, Deyizhi did not have time to pay attention to the broken thoughts of Germany and Europe. His thoughts have been tied to Ye Che. He has to find a way to re-establish the relationship!


Time, the blink of an eye has passed for half a month, a news I do not know who passed it out, rumors that the former fool Ye Che, actually planned to go to heaven after a year!

The news was naturally released by Germany and Europe. When Ye Che did not dare to go through the sky, he would have to be laughed and despised for a long time. He could not beat Ye Che and he would die.

After the news came out, most of them were dismissive, joking, the ladder is so good! ?

If they are so good, they have already traveled to the upper bounds. How can they live in this place for generations?

Of course, there are many people who do not believe this kind of news at all. After all, a 10-year-old child, who dares to dare to go to the ladder during the closing of the upper bound, is simply hilarious. But no matter what, because of this news, Ye Che’s name was frequently mentioned by the people in the water swamp, as a joke after a meal.

In the operation of Germany and Europe, the news spread throughout the thorns of the jungle, the stone forest and the dead valley.

On this day, Ye Che came out to eat rice, but now the parents and sisters look at their own gaze.

"What happened to you?" Ye Cheqi took a meal.

"Hey, I don't know where the rumors came from. I actually said that you have to go through a day trip after a year. Isn't that true?" Mother Zhao Yingxi said unhappy.

Ye Che stunned, and in a twinkling of an eye, it seemed that Deo’s kid was uneasy and spread the news out.

However, this is not a big deal. He said casually: "No mistakes, I really intend to go on a day trip after a year."


Ye Yongfan, Zhao Yingqi and Xiaomei’s chopsticks all fell on the table.

Ye Che is not flustered, after touching a corner of his mouth, it is even more surprisingly exporting: "Not only that, but I also hope that you will join me in the upper limit."

"You are talking nonsense!?" Ye Yongfan widened his eyes.

Ye Hao was crawling over the table and touched Ye Che's forehead with his hand. He said to himself: "My brother didn't burn...", while he was talking, he was still squatting.

"Go! Go! Go……"

Ye Che opened the hand of the leaf, and then smiled: "I already have the power of the hero, summoning the teacher, Yi Yizhi, to accept me as a follower, and go on a trip to heaven, he will escort."

"Ah, Chee, you are a follower!" Zhao Yingying was shocked, and there was a flush in his face.

Ye Hao also slammed his mouth and looked at his brother unbelievably.

Ye Yongfan, not to mention, slammed the table with a bang, yelling and laughing: "Wife, fast food, hahahahaha!"

Ye Che’s heart is warm, he doesn’t want to lie to them, but it’s too much trouble to explain. After all, parents don’t know whether they are the power of the hero or the ladder. They just listen to it, so they use the German Yizhi as a shield. ,Convenient.

The so-called emperor is no more than the parents, the power of the summoner and the prestige of Deyizhi. This area is well known and they will not be denied.

After getting the parents, Ye Che returned to the house and began to guide the hero.

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