League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1258: Hands free bracelet!

Ps: Waiting for a long time, today is the sixth! Continue to explode tomorrow tomorrow! Thank you everyone for your book! !


This is a rock-like floating suspended object, but it is polished to be extremely delicate. It is surrounded by various fine lines, and the middle is flat like a lonely boat. August 1? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

From the end of the ladder, there is a path.

On the ground on both sides of the path, starting from the direction of Ye Che, the words -1ooooo, -9oooo, -8oooo all the way to o are written in the form of engraving.

"what is this?"

Ye's brow slightly wrinkled, and then the left hand was loose, and the three leaves were released.

"Don't move, let me go and see." Ye Che said.

The three nodded, and his father Ye Yongfan and Zhao Yingxi took Ye Hao’s palm. They also felt strange. Why is the end of the ladder, it would be like this. What does the number mean?


Ye Che's foot, stepped into this path.

But at the moment of falling, Ye Che’s face changed slightly. He only felt that the whole body was slightly heavy. It seemed that there were dozens of pounds of things, which were pressed down.

After a few more steps, the invisible pressure that has been received has become more and more heavy.

"Oh... this is nothing... gravity force field!?"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed strangely, but why is the number negative?

But this is not important at the moment. Ye Che continues to move forward and wants to see what will happen when he comes to the end.

One step... two steps... one hundred steps...

The number beside him has changed to -999oo...

Ye Che felt it, and at this moment he had already suffered more than a thousand pounds. However, under this weight, Ye Che did not even need to use the power of the hero. After a short pause, he continued to move forward.


After reaching the range of -99ooo, Ye Che's face changed, and the power of the hero did not hesitate to swell out. In this position, the gravity he received has reached more than 10,000 kilograms!

Ye Che's eyes are dignified, this is only the scope of -99ooo, Ye Che can not imagine the top of this gravity zone, how much gravity will reach!

"Here... what exactly is it?"

Ye Che’s heart was filled with infinite doubts at the moment, but just as he stepped into the -989oo area, a grand voice slammed from the loss of floating objects.

"Congratulations, you have been able to adapt to the gravity of one-tenth of the rune star and reach the requirements of going to the upper bound. Now you are free from the heavy hand ring!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thin-winged wristband with one and a half arms came from a distance, and Ye Che reached out.

"Free bracelet, you can protect you from gravity in the upper bound, which is the rune star! But the weight-free bracelet will be charged to the degree of gravity, gravity is free, you need to pay 1ooo per month. Text, gravity exemption -999oo, pay 999 deacons... Gravity exempt -9oooo, pay 9oo futuristic, and so on!"

"When the bracelet is worn, start timing, remove the timeout! Go to the Rune Star and go to the rune matrix at the end of gravity!"

When the voice came here, it stopped.

Ye Che's eyes are full of strange colors, the upper bound is called the rune star? Navalolan, where is Valoran? The land of Rune is a part of Valloland's 6th, Ye Che has a hunch, this rune star is absolutely associated with Valloland!

Thinking about it, Ye Che put the hands-free bracelet on his hand.

The weight-free bracelet is white, a bit like crystal, very thin and light, and worn on your hand like nothing. On the bracelet, there is gravity to remove the selected button. Ye Che has indulged a bit and did not immediately open it. Instead, he turned to his parents and Ye Hao.

"Come, let me bring you through the gravity zone."

Ye Che said, the power of the hero filled out, forming a cover and wrapping the three.

"Che, be careful."

Zhao Yingyi said, and then stepped down, Ye Yongfan and Ye Hao quickly keep up.

Soon, it reached a thousand times of gravity. In an instant, three bracelets flew over and landed in the hands of Ye Yongfan.

"Well, let me wait for me before sending the matrix, how many times I can try to achieve gravity." Ye Che said.

The three of them nodded and then licked Ye Che a few times to be careful. The three men opened the hands-free bracelet and left Ye Che’s protection. For a moment, an invisible wave mark was on the hands-free bracelet of the three of them. Spreading away, the three were not affected in this area.

"The Runecoin doesn't know what it is, but it must be very precious. Otherwise, it won't be so cumbersome. I look at where my limits are. When I run the Star of Rune, I can adjust the hands-free bracelet according to my own limits. ”

Thinking, Ye Che swayed the power of the hero, and in the distance, the eyes of the three parents and the younger sister, they are moving forward.

One thousand times gravity... two thousand times gravity... three thousand times gravity!

Ye Che's bones and muscles are extremely dense. Although he is only 11 years old, he has reached a hundred pounds. Three thousand times of gravity is equivalent to the weight he has already received 30,000 pounds!

The power of the hero begins to fluctuate with instability.

"Although I have already supported this kind of gravity, I can only reduce the expenditure of 3o-character currency every month. I hope that the rune will not be too rare..." Ye Che’s helpless words.

He can no longer support others, he has parents and younger sisters, so he has to fight for dozens of runes.

carry on!

Four thousand times... five thousand times... ten thousand times!

At this level, Ye Che’s muscles trembled, and to this extent, he has withstood a force of 100,000 pounds!

Although it is 10,000 times, it sounds a lot, but now he only bears his own weight, and if he takes any of the things at random, for example, he is holding a thousand pounds of objects, he is afraid of even one hundred. The gravity of the times is gone.

"Okay! It doesn't make sense to fight hard, it's 10,000 times!"

Ye Che sighed out, then opened the hands-free bracelet, and there was no pressure at all.

"Let's go, let's go to the rune star!"

Ye Che wiped the sweat and walked over and smiled.

" Ten thousand times of gravity! My son is really powerful." Zhao Yingxuan came over and wiped a sweat for Ye Che.

"That is, don't look at who the son is!"

Ye Yongfan said happily.

"That is, don't look at who is the brother!" Ye Hao immediately learned to say.

Ye Che suddenly laughed out, took a small head of Ye Hao, took the lead to the rune matrix, crossed in, white light flashed, and the four disappeared in this place.

At the same moment, the ladder over the dead valley suddenly stopped shaking, and the frost disappeared instantly, and everything calmed down.

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