League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1259: Rune Star, Zuan Star!

"This... Ye Che passed the way!?"

Deyi's face appeared unbelievable color, and then the body moved, a few steps jumped to the ladder more than 100 meters, but the ladder did not have any movement. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

"It’s over... It’s really... The ladder has returned to normal difficulty...”

De Yizhi said dumbly.

Then, he stunned the same stunned Wang Wang, one hand grabbed the stupid Deo, and shouted: "Fast, the ladder because Ye Che climbed successfully, has been open to normal recovery in advance, you start now Going on a trip to heaven!"

“Open in advance!?”

Deou was overjoyed, and the haze of success due to Ye Che’s trip was swept away, and with excitement, he rushed over the ladder.

"Ye Che, you only occupy the power of the hero. Only when I come to the upper bound, I will report the hatred of the foot!" Deo’s heart shouted loudly, the faster it climbed, and the German Yizhi Follow him behind and climb the ladder.

At the same time, on the boundless rune star, a large, unspeakable object is slowly moving in the air.

Its body is like a liquid flowing, with cold light, and its body changes from time to time into various shapes, just like having life.

The gravitational force on this rune star is more than 100,000 times that of the ordinary planet, and this huge giant can fly in the air, obviously the origin is extremely extraordinary!

At this point, somewhere in the body of this life flying body, suddenly there was a strange wave of fluctuations, and then the white light flashed, Ye Che four people suddenly appeared.

"Is this the rune star? I don't know where it is now in the rune star..."

As soon as Ye Chugang finished the transfer, he began to look around for a quick time, but at a glance, he was all white, but he could see where he was at his feet. It was the transfer matrix.

Around the white light from time to time, and with the white light surging, many male creatures wearing black robes or warrior suits, or magnetic creatures appearing from them, are followed by one to two young creatures.

Of course, there are also human beings.

"Fan brother!"


Ye Hao and Zhao Yingqi were surprised and a little scared.

These creatures, some of them are octopus, like mice, and some of them are as tall as five or six meters. They look awkward and it is no wonder that they are afraid.

Ye Che is also secretly surprised, but he knows that these creatures must have been successful in other affiliated planets.

Although the ladders are open every seven years, the time difference of each planet is different for each region.

These creatures have the same weight as the leaves, and they all wear a hands-free bracelet.

"Oh... so scary..."

Suddenly, the eyes of the leaves showed a horrible color. After exclaiming, they directly rushed to the side of Ye Che’s waist.

It turned out that a male creature wearing a black robe, in the moment of turning around, revealed a huge head like a fly, almost scared Ye Hao.

The male creature was wearing a black robe and was an adult. It was obviously a summoner. After hearing the words in Ye Qikou, he couldn’t help but see the two fly-like compound eyes, which flashed the cold hair of the cold hair. To the leafy cockroach.

Ye Che's unmoving step forward blocked the saga of the summoner, and the power of the hero slowly surged, and an inexplicable breath swayed from Ye Che.

The summoner stunned and turned his head.

"Don't be afraid..."

Ye Che took the next leafy shoulder and smiled.

Ye Hao did not dare to stay away from Ye Chu, and he was close to death.

At this time, white light has become more and more, with the number of people reaching about 100 people, a tree-faced creature, coming out of the white fog, he glanced at everyone with a faint look, said: "Follow me. !"

Finish, go to the fog.

Ye Chexian, the tree-faced creature, wears a heavy-duty bracelet on his arm.

"It seems... the gravity of the Rune Star is not so good to overcome..."

Ye Che said to himself.

As the tree-faced creature turned around, everyone quickly followed, Ye Che did not hesitate, holding Ye Hao’s hand and going to the white fog with his parents.

In the white mist, everyone’s face is full of vigilance, especially those summoners. In their eyes, there is a bloodthirsty glow from time to time. It is not a good class at first glance.


After about ten minutes or so, the tree's human body's right hand waved, indicating that everyone stopped, and then turned around. It seemed quite helpless to say: "Give you ten minutes to prepare, ten minutes later, you will fight, you all Only half of the people can stay! The remaining half will be able to perform the summoner assessment tomorrow!"


"how come!?"

The creatures heard the words, and the moment was awkward.

Ye Che is also shocked at the bottom of my heart.

"Hey, you have to give a statement. As far as I know, there is no such thing in the summoner's assessment! You, change the rules!"

Compared with several breaths, a lot of powerful summoners asked for a low voice.

The tree-faced creature sighed a little and said, "You are waiting for the planet for seven years. Maybe you still don't know... In order to resist the invasion of the Noxus Star, the Zuan Star has already joined us with the Rune Star. Elite and efficiency, the summoner has a strict assessment."

"Star of Noxus, Zuan Star!!!"

Ye Che's pupils shrank instantly. If he didn't get it wrong, it was Noxus and Zuan! ?

For a time, Ye Che’s heart suddenly became extremely excited. Finally, she finally heard some words related to Valoran, but listening to the meaning of this tree-faced creature, Noxus and Zu’an are independent. Planet! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Che was shocked, an incredible thought that made him rise to his heart.

Is it... Many of the forces in Valoran 6 have split into independent planets! ? Or, from beginning to end, the so-called Valloland is actually a huge star group!

Ye Che is still thinking, and many of the summoners in the crowd are exclaimed.

"God, the league! The star of Zuan, finally joined us with the rune star!!!"

"Hahaha, finally, finally, the animals of the Noxus are still not dead!"

"I said early, since we don't have any opinions on the additional regulations, hahaha!"

Many of the summoners present were extremely happy.

But there are also some summoners who are gloomy. Obviously, they have no confidence in their own strength.

The tree-faced creature pressed down and pressed, laughing: "You still have five minutes to prepare..."

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