League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1260: Bloodsucking habits! (fifth!)

It is said that there is a glimpse of the heart in the place, and then with a tacit understanding with his followers, back to the back. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM

The white mist here gradually dissipated, and the creatures were born. It is actually a fenced high platform.

How do you fight this?

Ye father Ye mother stunned, they did not call the teacher to be present, only Ye Che was the hero's power.

"Cheer...we...we will go back, these are all summoners!"

Zhao Yingxi said that Ye Yongfan and Ye Hao are the same, their faces are extremely pale, and the sturdy atmosphere around them can easily crush them.

"Reassure, let's go to a corner, you stand behind me, if I can't stand it, it's not too late to leave."

Ye Che said.

This is not because he is making a joke about his parents' lives, but because he has handed over with Yi Yizhi, he has a bottom in his heart.

Seeing Ye Che’s attitude is determined, they are not against it. After all, they know that this is not a life-and-death fight, and Ye Che will fly, and it should be safe to evacuate.

But they don't know, once they really fight, they are not so easy to get out.

"Five minutes! If you don't have confidence in yourself, you can leave the battle platform yourself. If you can't hold it, you can also scream and admit defeat. Others are not allowed to attack and admit defeated people. Otherwise, they will be severely punished! They will also be eliminated from the battle platform within the time limit. The summoner is not allowed to attack the followers, the followers are free to choose the target, then... start!"

The tree face voice has just fallen, and the summoner who has great confidence in himself has already shot.


A masked human body shook, a blue tree with a blue glow, appeared from behind his back.

Obviously, his awakening talent is deceitful!

"Blackmail talent, 8o% chance is the Master, first solve, otherwise the deterrence is great!"

A heterosexual summoner turned his mind and turned his back. He also slammed a talented **** tree, and his red light flashed.


The summoned slayer on the arm slammed the battle platform and selected the target as the human being.

"The Shadows of the Shadows!"

The man snorted and pulled out a series of phantoms in the moment. He didn't hide at all. He went to the strange summoner. He was flashing in the light, and the moment he slammed on the alien caller, the hero The force burst open and directly tore the armor of the alien caller.

The alien summoner snorted, the shoulder joint of the arm, the elbow joint, and the wrist suddenly exploded, and no sound appeared, but the air at the three joints exploded.

In an instant, a white virtual shadow ball appeared out of thin air, and it fell heavily on human men.

"What, Tianyin wave!?"

The human summoner’s face changed dramatically, and the bottom of his heart was not good. The next moment he did not wait for the alien summoner to be close, he directly said: “I admit defeat!”

There is a hint of appreciation on the face of the tree-faced human body. Although the human summoner was defeated by the second, it was very wise, and he also blamed him for his bad luck. He met the warrior who practiced the blind trick, and he was also swayed by the sound waves. Hit, otherwise he relies on the shadow of the shadow, enough to deal with any soldiers in the field.

This human summoner lost in seconds, like gunpowder, and the entire battle platform was incomprehensible.



Many people are very vomiting and vomiting blood, and the air is shaking, and the heroes are flying.

Ye father Ye mother and Ye Hao three faces pale, when did they see such a battle, this is a group of summoners, actually vomiting blood vomiting blood, fell to the ground.

At this time, over the white fog, a man and a woman are floating there, watching the battle in the field with great interest.

This man is a personal class. At this moment, he just saw the human summoner who was practicing the enchanting enchantress. He was defeated by the second. He directly yelled: "Stupid, it is stupid! As a mage, there is no tail in this melee." Being a man, I dare to attack first, this is good, and I was killed by the show."

Then, I commented on another alien caller. "The degree of heroic technique is too rubbish. Even the heroes can't be turned out. It's the bottom!"

"Weak, weak, weak, and the extent of this heroic skill is only 1%, even 1% of the original power can not be squandered!"

"Oh... this is OK, the level of heroic skill has reached about 1o%, reaching the threshold of the intermediate assassin, the most important thing is that the age is not big, but the fit is not the same, nor is it human..."

"Hit him, hurry up! It’s so stupid, it’s a direct fight, no one dares to shoot at you, stupid!”

The man groaned, and the woman beside him, his ears did not know when to cover it, blocking the sound.

Her face is very delicate, her temperament is spotless, but her ears are sharp and not like humans.


In the battle platform, the situation was ever-changing, and in just six or seven seconds, more than a dozen people were eliminated.

At this moment, Ye Che four people have finally been stared, it is the creature that is like a fly head.

His face moved slightly, and it seemed to set off a strange smile. The next second was like a civet cat flashing lightly. Then he lifted his arms like a ditch and pressed down. He immediately grabbed the left side of Ye Che’s body, straight. Pulled to the left neck of Ye Che.

Ye Che is quiet, feeling the power of the hero in the body of this fly monster, he secretly doubled, and then blocked.


During the contact, there was a shock, and the leaves were not moving. The fly head creature was a step back from the earthquake.

"how is this possible!"

There is a hint of horror in the eyes of this fly creature. How can this child have such a powerful heroic power!

I don’t have time to think about it, but now the child is already indifferent with a fist and a fist.


The talented **** tree emerges from behind it, its red light flashes, and the third layer of talent leaves is already lit!


The fly creature screamed, and there was a red light in the talented **** tree immediately. At this moment, he rushed to Ye Che’s arm and was infected with incomparable redness.

"Puff puff!"

The air, like a bellows, swells the sleeves of the fly creature.

Ye Che’s heart was alert, secretly increasing the output of the hero’s power, but his face changed when he touched the fly creature’s fist. At this moment, he only felt a strong suction from the fly creature’s fist.

Under this suction, the blood in his body began to flow backwards, and the power of the hero was directly pulled apart. When the power of the hero was scattered, Ye Che couldn't resist it. He slammed back three or four steps, and then looked at the fly creature with amazement.

Behind him, Ye father Ye mother, and Ye Hao face suddenly changed.

The fly creature said with a cold face: "Hey, look down on me!? Don't send out the hero tree, you can't stop my blood-sucking habit!"

"Hip-sucking habits!?"

Ye Che’s head lifted and fell on the natural tree behind the flies. The left-handed talent leaves on the third floor were flashing at a frequency of one second, apparently reaching level 1.

"Hip-sucking habits can not only make the enemy's blood flow backwards, but even disrupt the trajectory of the enemy's heroic power, and this is only level 1 only... If the level is full, I am just afraid that under one touch, I will lose.工具

Ye is secret, but now it can only be crushed by the power of heroes. After all... he has no awakening of talent.

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