League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1262: Summoner's House!

Ps: 4/4, and continue to explode again tomorrow, and then resume the three more, the eyes can not stand. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. COM


"When you get to the place, remember not to talk too much, don't whisper!"

At this point, the body of the tree face does not return to the body.


Ye Che screamed, if he did not guess wrong, this is to fight the League of Legends! Thinking of this, Ye Che's mouth was slightly moving, and a voice passed to the parents and Ye Hao.

"After the meeting, there will be a League of Legends, the so-called League of Legends is ... you choose someone... outfits... you must keep in mind!"

Ye Che began to give them an overview of what the League of Legends is and teach them common sense.

After all, the summoner signed a confidentiality agreement and did not sign it. If the estimate is correct, this test will not be too difficult, otherwise those who have never touched the League of Legends will not be able to pass.

Ye Ye Yemu looked at each other and began to strengthen her memory. The younger sister Ye Hao was even more vocal in her mouth, repeating Ye Che’s words. Obviously they also knew that this matter matter.

After about ten minutes, I finally passed through the fog area, and then a huge cylindrical tower-shaped building was printed in the eyes of Ye Che and others.

This tower is only afraid of hundreds of thousands of meters high, at first glance, there is a dense window in all directions of the tower, like an ant nest!


Ye Hao directly screamed, and Ye Ye Yemu also opened his mouth, when did they see such a magnificent building! Only Ye Che's look is the same, joking, even the size of the planet has reached the size of the hero, he has seen, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of meters high building.

At this time, the human body of the tree face turns around and looks at Ye Xue: "This is the tower of the summoner. Once you become a summoner, you will live in this tower for countless years."

"What do you mean?"

Ye Che’s face changed, would it be restricted to be a summoner?

The leaf father and the leafhopper are also a glimpse.

"Oh, look at you still not happy?" The biological face of the tree face squinted at Ye Che and continued: "Let's tell you, we are called the Summoner's House here, the greatest place on the Rune Star." One, as long as you stay here, will be free from war and oppression! The strongest who can escape from the Summoner's House on the Rune Star, the lowest is no need to avoid heavy bracelets, characters like you Once you leave the Summoner's House, you will soon become a slave or a prey!"

The four people suddenly felt a big shock.

"That... if you can't leave here... Isn't it like being imprisoned?" Ye Yongfan asked.

The tree-faced creature turned his eyes and said: "Who said that he can't leave? It's easy to leave. First, when you don't need to avoid the heavy bracelet, you can apply to leave, so that you don't have to pay attention after you go out. The existence of the bracelet, others can not judge your strength, the danger will be greatly reduced. Second, joining the army to become a soldier, you can also leave, but I think this kid is still a little talented little genius, I said straight, so-called Soldiers, 9o% are cannon fodder!"

Ye Che was silent and asked: "Where are the original inhabitants born on the Rune Star? Will they not be invaded?"

"Indigenous inhabitants?"

The face of the human face tree is extremely silent, saying: "You a little indigenous to compare with the original inhabitants of the Rune Star!? I am not against you, these original inhabitants, when they were born, their heroic power They are ten times thicker than you are now. At your age, you don’t need to run without a heavy hand ring."

Ye Che was stunned, suddenly remembered what the heroes said, it was true that in Valoran, the adult who landed the diamond was true!

"Okay, don't be too far-reaching, you should spend an honest forty or fifty years, and take off the heavy-duty bracelet. At that time, you will have the opportunity to go to the rune star, and the heavy bracelet will be true. The symbol of the weak!"

After that, the creature of the tree body shook his head and took the lead to the tower of the summoner.

"Let's go, son, this is actually a good thing. Since the Summoner's Tower is so safe, life is nothing for life."

Ye Yongfan touched Ye's head.

"Your dad said it is good. The environment here is much better than the water marshes. Once you become a summoner, your life will be greatly improved. My dad and I can reach the present level. I am very satisfied." Zhao Yingxi also laughed. .

Ye Che nodded and agreed, but he did not know what he thought.

Soon, Ye Jia and his team followed the creatures of the face tree into the tower of the Summoner, and the eyes swept away. The first layer of the Summoner’s Tower was extremely spacious. There were hundreds of long towers from all directions. Walked in, and there was a long queue.

At the end of the dragon is a black lacquered door with strange sounds coming from time to time.

"Okay, you are here to line up, remember, don't talk too much!" said the creature in the face of the tree, shaking his head and leaving.

The team is the followers in the row, and many of the familiar summoners are standing next to the followers, laughing and talking.

The two followers in front of Ye Che, the summoner beside them are also chatting.

"Your followers are good, the bones are amazed, there is hope of passing directly!"

"Go and go, who are you ridiculous? In the Summoner's House, there is no one-time genius in the past 100 years, and my followers can burn me in ten times."

"Hey, I will yy again. After all, if you pass it all at once, it will be cool, you can get 100,000 characters!"

"There are still 100,000... I guess I will keep the bottom, up to 10,000..."

Listening to the arguments of the two summoners, a summoner with a worm face screamed: "You will be content, 10,000 characters will be enough for you to avoid the cost of the bracelet for more than a year. The weight-free bracelet is, in more than a year, you can completely improve your strength in the summoner's tower!"

"Oh... what you said is also, but this million-character currency is not easy to earn. It’s all hard money... This seedling I found in the 4th star for four or five years, then waited for five years. It took ten years to earn this ten-character currency."

"It’s better than those new summoners. They have to work for more than ten years to get enough money for the task."

Listening to the chatter of these summoners, Ye Che’s eyes lit up. If it was a one-off pass, there would be a reward of 100,000 symbols. With the words of these summoners, this rune is extremely rare. Many summoners have been wasting ten years and can only earn about 10,000.

Ye father Ye mother and Ye Hao did not think much, they did not know the League of Legends to be held, will be associated with the rune currency.

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