League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1263: "God"-like teammates

"The original Summoner came to our planet for the rune currency. Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥ 8 = 1 ≤ Z = W ≈. COM" Ye Hao crisp and live.

"It seems that the summoner is not as chic as we think."

Ye Yongfan also sighed.


At this time, hundreds of long dragons moved quickly, and soon it was Ye Che.

"Remember what I just said, fight for a one-off pass!" Ye Che turned to his parents and sister, he said that he did not pay attention at first, after all, they did not pass this time, but the second day can continue, but now If you pass it all at once, but there is a full 100,000 currency, which will lead other summoners for a hundred years!


The three people focus on the head.

"Brother, come on!"

Ye Hao holds the fist and drums.

“Reassured.” Ye Che laughed, then walked inside the dark lacquered house.

For the League of Legends, he is still very confident.

Walking through the channel with only the bright stars, a bland room appeared in front of Ye Che, although the house looked plain, but large enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

As Ye Che walked out of the passage, the other ninety-nine passages connected to the house also continued to walk out of many followers. They also looked left and looked at them, full of curiosity.

But soon, the eyes of everyone, including Ye Che, fell on the five people in the room.

The five people have different shapes and belong to five different races, but one of them is a human being. This human being does not look big, and there is a goatee in the corner of his mouth. He is sitting there with a sullen look.

However, Ye Che is a pupil shrinking, because he is not on the arm of these five people, there is no heavy hand ring!

“Not the original inhabitants are the real strong!”

Ye Qingxin said.

At this time, one of the five people was covered with scales on the face, faintly said: "You are 100 people, arranged into a team of ten people!"

His voice is not big, but it is easily printed into everyone's ears, as if it is directly in his head, with an irresistible power.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, after a burst of voice, ten teams were arranged.

"What you are going to do is the League of Legends! League of Legends, frankly speaking at the Summoner's House, is useless, but in the rune star, it is extremely important! Every great **** who is proficient in the League of Legends is Rune Star's baby, so as long as you show your talent, you can get the key training!" Scales said.

"How can it be considered a passable talent?" asked a follower.

The scales are not salty and not faint: "We have our own criteria for judgment. You only need to conduct your assessment in your own way."

After that, he glanced at the creature wearing a white robe. The creature's body was covered with a tentacles at both ends, but the face was triangular and inverted, which was very horrible.

But this is only Ye Che’s feeling that 95% of his followers are more strange than this creature.

At this time, the scorpion creature stood up. This station was almost 20 meters high. His body was flat and slender, and there were many limbs around him unconsciously swinging. Many young followers screamed intimidatedly. Subconsciously, a few steps back.

There was no expression on the face of the creature. After the eyes of the needles swept over everyone, he said coldly: "Remember, I only say the rules! After entering the League of Legends, you can choose a hero to fight, you can buy equipment. Improve combat capability, money can kill people to push towers or kill small soldiers to get, the ultimate goal is to push off the opponent's total base, then ... League of Legends war, start!"

His rules were vague, and many followers didn't understand it at all, but in the next moment, sitting in the middle, a creature with no words, and a purple skin swiftly waved.


Ye Che only felt a glimpse in front of her eyes, and a steaming spring in the next second had already appeared in front of his eyes.

This spring is more than a hundred meters high. Ye Che stood in front of it like a small one. When he looked down, he saw the rounded surface with strange light, and the white light that surrounded the sky and surrounded the spring.

"This is... this is the spring in the Summoner's Canyon!?"

Ye Che's eyes wide open, the purple creature is just a wave of hand, the space is converted, this is too exaggerated!

"This is on the rune star. Space is 100,000 times more stable than on Earth. If the king of the earth comes here, even gravity can't overcome it, but the purple creature can convert space with a wave of hand. Putting him on the earth, you can tear the earth without waving! Horror, absolute horror!"

Ye Che scalp is somewhat numb.

"Everyone, this is a small plane that I developed on the rune star. Close your eyes and you can choose the hero and other configurations. Then, I will hand it over to you at home!" This voice, with a sense of ethereality There is another feeling of confusion, which sounds awkward.

Ye Che didn't have to think about it, and knew that the sound was from the purple creature.

Just as he had a lot of thoughts, the four companions around him had begun to pick up heroes.

"Hey... are these so-called heroes? There seems to be a heroic introduction below, let me see..."

"Introduction? Where is it?"

"You see, you can't see it so clearly!!"

"Who do you say?"

"Oh, you can't see such a big word, you can't see it??"

"Don't quarrel, look at each hero first is a heroic introduction. We seem to be destroying the total base opposite."

"Look at a hair, I don't understand it anyway, just pick one."

As a result, the four followers looked at each hero with a sullen look, and began the initial splash of the League of Legends.

Ye Che is speechless, no wonder the pass rate is less than 99.999%.

I was too lazy to pay attention to them. Ye Che closed her eyes and looked at a hero icon. She chose a sword of a primary school student, and then quickly selected the rune talent. After buying the Dolan sword, she went outside the spring water.

However, when I opened the store, Ye Xue appeared, there is no recommended equipment on it.

"Do you choose a hero?"

A ugly appearance, the creatures with their folds on their faces saw Ye Che to choose a hero so quickly, and then walked out of the spring, and could not help but stunned.

"It is estimated that it is a sb. You can conduct a summoner assessment on this random attitude. You can't pass it at first glance!"

A female creature said while scorning, while seriously watching the introduction of each hero, and then selected the fallen angel, and then another face thoroughly studied the talent runes, and then gave her a match... Move the essence. The rest of the glyphs, what imprinted, is all kinds of hodgepodge, what kind of gold coins are obtained every ten seconds.

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