League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1264: The other party has been killed by the defensive tower...

"Hey, the old lady moved the essence of the three, can kill the enemy, retreat can run away, the rest of the rune glyph is also a full-scale exhibition, absolutely strong!!" This female creature is proud. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

The other three creatures were bright, and quickly said: "Good idea!"


"Worship you, love you!"

After the three grotesque creatures finished, they quickly purchased the essence of the movement, and the rest of the configuration also referred to the female creature, exactly the same.

Then, after they pretend to put their talents in place, they started to buy equipment.

Soon, the fallen angels went out with the gorgeous grass shoes, and summoned the skills to sprint and clear.

Then there was the blind scorpion of the Dolan Ring, the jewel knight with the Dolan sword, and the face of the hunter hunter amulet, with the glory of disciplinary insight...

After the four people bought the equipment, they followed the road sign and rushed to the middle of the road.

"When the five small scorpions meet, we will kill them!" With the brilliance of the hunter's amulet, the ferocious said.

"Well, I am surrounded by a sprint, the gems hit the output, blindly meet you! The female creature calmly begins to lay out.

Suddenly, her eyes were cold, and she said through the friendly channel: "Whoever... you go to the top to die, come to us, five people gather to kill them!"

"That is, come on, I think the conditions for the success of the assessment must be to see who killed more. Once you reach a certain limit, you will be able to pass the customs!" With the blindness of the Dolan ring, a face of wisdom .

Ye Che felt that his eyes had been greatly persecuted, and that his ears were also, and his wisdom was greatly insulted, so his eyes were not seen as net, and his clothes were dumb.

"Hey, don't come, don't come, as long as we cooperate well, you can kill a lot!" Female biopath.

This is to hear Ye Che secretly nodded, but fortunately they also know the cooperation, knowing to kill the enemy.

Without paying any attention to them, Ye Che has already made up the knife in front of a tower 100 meters high. This operation is the same as that in the magical world of the Earth, through transparent operation buttons. (Do not spit it out, just want to preserve the essence of the League of Legends.)

When Ye Che completed the third wave of soldiers, he saw that the four heroes with spicy eyes appeared in the middle, and the opposite was faster than their own. They had already formed a five-player battlefield in the middle.

"A strong momentum!" The female creature sounded dignified.

"It is very strong. You look at the body of the opposite hero. It must be very abnormal. We should be careful not to be killed by them!"

Said with a blind man with a multi-lane ring.

Ye Che turned the picture and looked at it. Well, with the multi-lan sword, the Cui Shen, the Dolan sword, the Dolan sword, the Dolan sword stone, and the Dolan sword sentry, they are very abnormal.

"Look at their equipment, so that they are unified, I don't dare to beat them!" said the jewel knight with the Dolan sword.

"Well...we want a way to defeat them, and I will interfere with them from the side, you will kill one!" said the female.

"it is good!"

"no problem!"

The three nodded again and again.

Ye Che: "..."


The 20th patch is in the bag, but he is afraid that he is too out of the box, otherwise he is afraid to make up for 36 or seven.

At the same time, the battle in the middle of the road is a hit!

When the two sides met, they didn’t even look at the little soldiers, and they fought together!

"Ah, kill, use skills, I will give you blue!"

The female creature screamed and opened the clearing.

"I will light up your vision for you!" said the aura, and the face of the five faces across the face was an insight into the past.

"Good! Kill!" Blind, gems are soaring!

The opposite side is not to be outdone, and the light that shines on the green gods is transmitted to the small soldiers behind the four people here, and seems to want to surround.

"Want to surround us? Ah, ah, fight! Look at my degree, they can't touch me!!" The female creature smug, and then sprinted and rushed into the opposite five.

Then...and then there is no more, this is not a real battle, and he can't touch him. Ye Che sees three things and destroys them.

At this time, the battle in the middle road has been white, screaming, roaring, and screaming into the ears of Ye Che, but there is no voice of the dead.

"Ah! Kill!!!! Hey... where is my hero?"

"My God, what about me? Where are you going!"

"I rely on, what kind of demon method is used on the opposite side, I can't find where I am..."

"No matter what, the momentum can not be weak, kill me!"

Ye Che: "..."


He turned off the friendly channel without hesitation, and finally quieted.

At this time, the hero of the middle road, under the automatic level a, has already died several times. As the heroes decrease, they finally find out who is their hero.

Only because the female creature was the first to die, the remaining three, they automatically attacked but the opposite, and soon the only gems were left.


Everyone screamed, and the gem knight was also scared. After he managed to control his hero, he quickly fled back.

The opposite four are chasing after each other, then...

"The other party has been killed by the defensive tower..."

"The other party has been killed by the defensive tower..."

"The other party has been killed by the defensive tower..."

"The other party has been killed by the defensive tower..."

Looking at this line of advice, four people like female creatures are overjoyed.

"Ah, hahahaha, good!"

"Great and powerful, actually 1V4 killed them all!"

"Strong and strong!"

The female creature proudly said to the gem: "Listen to my essence, it's right, they can't catch you, hahaha!"

"I am glad to hear from you, otherwise I will die." Gems said with a lingering heart.

Female creatures are not even more proud.

At the moment when the prompt appeared, Ye Che’s hand shook a little, then looked at his level, six levels, and then he did not hesitate to open the return journey, he could not stand it.

I bought a red shoe for the straw shoes, and Ye Qing walked silently toward the middle road. Because this group of teammates is only one level, the resurrection time is short, and the resurrection has gone straight to the middle.

Soon, some earth-shattering roaring anger rang in the middle of the road, "war battle!"

"kill and kill!!"

The heroes are quiet and flat...

I am still going on.

The heroes are still automatically leveling a...

The blood volume is getting lower and lower, "Hey...", Ye Che's Juggernaut has opened a big move.

Ten seconds later...

"Pangak! Oh, kill!"

Ye Che silently began to kill the soldiers and push them. This five kills is a shame for him!

Looking at the four teammates who are still looking for their heroes, Ye Che suddenly felt that the 99.999% failure rate was too low.

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