League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1266: The essence of hero skills! (five more)

Going upstairs, Ye Che is now a well-dressed young man who has stood still waiting for himself. ?八一中文网???W(一)W(一)W(一). ?8?1 (eight) Z?W?. ?C?OM

"Hello, Mr. Ye Che, I am the top leader of the 10,000th floor in front of the Summoner Tower. I will introduce you to the Summoner's Tower now! Please come with me." This young man is not because of Ye Che's It is contemptuous to age, but it is very polite.

"Top leader..." Ye Che said to himself, and he realized it in an instant. It must have been arranged by the appraisers.

After a few steps with the leader, he began to introduce Ye Qi to the Summoner's Tower.

"You have just become a summoner. Originally, you need to take a piecemeal task to earn a rune, but since you are coming up from this staircase, it is obviously not lacking the rune, then we will wake up now. Talented tree, then buy the magic room for cultivation!"

Ye Che’s head was slightly biased and he was quite puzzled: “Is there any difference from this staircase?”

The guide smiled and said: "The general summoners are all coming from another channel. You can come up from here to show that the potential has been recognized by the appraisers. If you have the potential, you will naturally have resources. As a guide for more than 20 years, as long as the people who walked from this channel are extremely rich."

So, Ye Che nodded.

"The summoner's tower has a total of 100,000 floors. You have just become a summoner. The number of layers that can be active is two to one hundred. When you reach the trainee, you can freely move in the area of ​​more than one hundred layers and less than one thousand layers. The primary activities range from less than 1,000 layers to less than 10,000 layers. The intermediate activities range from 10,000 to 50,000. This area is the largest. When you reach the advanced level, the scope of activities is 50,000 or more. Below the level, and the last 10,000th floor, only the top power of the Summoner's House can set foot!"

“When you cross a boundary, you can get a better spiritual training room!”

The guide said that he saw the doubts on Ye Che’s face and could not help but smile and continue to explain: “God skills training room, divided into six categories, warriors, mages, assassins, shooters, assistants, tanks! When you choose one The category you want, after spending the text, you can go in and practice. You and I are all human beings. About 65% of the chances of talented trees will be blackmail, so the most suitable one is the Master."

After he finished, he kept his feet, but he extended his right hand, and a faint light appeared on it.

"The power of the hero I am using now is about the level of the trainee. You are now using the same level of hero power to attack my right hand," the guide said.

Ye Che understands that this guide should want to let himself understand what, so the power of the hero is slightly condensed, almost the same level as the leader, and then shot against his palm.


After the leader saw Ye Che’s movement, he suddenly fainted.

On the right hand of his hand, there was a slender gold chain. The golden chain was in an illusory state, but it was solid in the blink of an eye. Then it seemed to be conscious and heavily slammed against the palm of the leaf.


Just listening to a soft sound, the power of the hero formed by Ye Che, was directly broken, and the golden chain of his palm did not change.

Ye Che's face changed a bit.

"You can now try the power of the hero of the whole body." The leader's tone is not humble, but the language reveals his strong confidence.

Ye Che didn't care. He was completely attracted by the seemingly conscious chain, but he didn't have the power of a hero. Otherwise, it didn't make any sense. He used about five times the leader hero. The amount of force.


Another whisper, the right hand of Ye Che was shocked again, and the power of the hero was broken again, but the power of the hero in the leader's palm was only a little consumed.

"How could this be?!" Ye Che was really shocked this time, the power of the hero he used, but more than five times the leader.

The leader smiled and said, "What is the heroic skill in your opinion?"

"Hero skills...the amount... should be the power to accommodate the hero, and then become a different means of attack?" Ye Che said.

"You are only the most obvious understanding... Hero skills... It is actually the essence of this world power, or it can be said that through the heroic skills, you can understand the essence of this world!! To some extent, even the power of heroes !"

The leader reveals a meaningful color.

Ye is confused, this is unheard of.

The leader is not in a hurry, he smiled: "I just used it, it is the heroic skill of the enchantress, the phantom chain!"


Ye Che suddenly blurted out, joking, just the guide used by the chain, but made a move like a whip, how the enchanting chain of the enchantress may have this effect.

"You don't rush to deny, listen to me!"

Saying, the leader once again reached out, the twisted golden chain began to lengthen, and then appeared in the air as if it were the essence. This scene made Ye Che completely look at it, which is completely empty to make the real thing!

"The heroic skills of the enchantress enchantress, such as the magical shadow, can use the space to ban the enemy's phantom chain, can be classified into the space class, space is an extremely ethereal existence, plus the space of the rune star incomparable In fact, I can't understand the power of space at all, but through heroic skills, I can get a clue. Once you truly understand the space, you can easily use the heroic skills of space. It can produce ever-changing effects. When the combination of hero skills comes out, no one can stop at the same level."

Having said that, he made a slight meal and continued: "Of course, these are too far away for you. What you want to cultivate now is the skill of the hero. When the fit reaches 1oo%, you can feel it." The essence of heroic skills, such as through the enchantress's heroic skills to understand the space, through the heroic skills of the revenge soul flame to understand the flame, the goddess of the twilight goddess of the sense of light, once you get started, the hero skills can be like me, to shape At that time, this heroic skill can truly belong to him. At that moment, whether it is physical or mental, it is impossible to move. As long as there is the power of heroes, the hero can directly condense the heroic skills to kill the enemy! The power of heroes, as long as you have a high level of comprehension, you can borrow the power of space, because at that time, you have been separated from each other in space, and now, from heroic skills to heroic skills!"

Hearing here, Ye Che couldn't help but feel shocked. He finally realized why he couldn't use hero skills after he was born again. It turned out that on earth, he didn't learn real hero skills at all!

Those heroic skills are set by the heroic ontology, just like the mold imprinted!

"If a junior mage and a mid-level mage play against each other, there is no big surprise that the primary mage will be defeated, but if the primary wizard's heroic skill fits 1oo%, and the bug is understood, then the middle-level wizard can turn him off. Of course, this situation does not exist at all. After all, when the degree of fit is generally understood to be 1oo%, the power of its own hero has almost reached the threshold of a senior mage, and the stick of the weaving stick above the senior mage, All are aware of the existence of the essence of the Master!" The leader said with a smile.


Ye Qingmo sighed, but his heart was extremely hot. There was a voice in his heart, and what he is going to cultivate now is his true self! Will not be lost because of rebirth, or loss of power!

As long as there is space for light, flames or other substances, he is the strong!

Moreover, if you understand the essence of time space, you may be able to return to Earth!

"So, I will help you to condense the **** tree."

The leader said, stopping outside a door, a finger flicked, the door seemed to be distorted, and then opened and opened.

"This is also the initial use of space." The leader smiled and walked in.

Ye Che's eyes are hot and hot, but also step by step, just turning around, they saw the corner of the corner marked with the third to one hundred stairs, the people above, I am afraid that the degree of fit has been cultivated very high Let's go!

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