League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1267: Shaped ten layers!

Approaching the house, the leader's palm was drawn in the air, and there was a circle of marks on the space there, and then a talented disk appeared in his palm. ? Bayi Chinese network W ≥ W ≤ W ≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W≠. ≥C≥O≠M≠


Ye Che stayed a little.

"Storage, a little trick of the Master Space class." The leader smiled a little.

Is this a little trick? Ye Che’s heart is dark, and even if he restores the power of all heroes, it is estimated that he can’t afford the slightest wave of space in this place, and this guide can use space to store things. The gap is not that big.

For a time, he could not help but raise a lot of interest in this guide.

"I don't know what you call, you should reach the level of the weaving staff?" Ye Che asked curiously.

"The name is not important to us as a guide. You can call me on the 9th." He said, he smiled again and continued: "You are too lifted. I am now a senior six-star wizard. The senior nine-star mage has a distance from the boss, not to mention the weaving staff on top of it!"

"Six-Star Master, Nine-Star Master?" A glimpse of doubt in Ye Che's eyes.

"You don't have to know this at the moment. After all, waiting for you to become a senior mage or warrior is a matter of decades, but since you asked, I will tell you casually..."

He said that he put the talent on the table and sat down and said: "In the lower bound of the planet, each region has been the most basic heroic cultivation method thousands of years ago, passed down from generation to generation. Going on, and when people practice heroic skills over the years, some talented people may sense the existence of the power of the hero, and in the meantime, it is equivalent to having begun to practice the fit with the hero. However, there is no really formal method, so the degree of convergence is very slow."

It's no wonder that Deo can sense the power of the hero through the reckless slash of practice. It turns out that...but thousands of years ago... Is it a thousand years since they left here? I understand... here and the time on earth is different...

Ye Che is still thinking, the No. 9 leader has continued: "Just take our Masters as an example, from the Master Master to the Intermediate Master, the difference is only the strength of the hero, and the gap between the hero and the skill. There is no requirement for the trainee mage and the junior mage, but in order to reach the intermediate mage, in addition to the hero's power to reach the standard, the fit of the hero skill must be at least 5o%, so that it is worthy of the title of the intermediate mage, and wants to become Senior Master, one of the most basic conditions is that the hero skill fit is 100%!"

“100% fit?” Ye Che asked.

"Not bad! One hundred percent, one less and one less!"

The No. 9 leader continued: "Because only the fit degree is 1oo%, you can comprehend the hero's technical form! The heroic technique is divided into ten stages, and the completeness of its shape is to see your understanding of the department. Which step has been reached, in the ten stages of the heroic technique, the first nine stages are the stages of pursuing the complete integration of heroic skills!"

As he said, his arm moved, and the phantom chain was drilled out and then solidified in the air.

"I am now a six-star senior mage. The level of heroic skill has reached six levels. You don't see it as a physical entity. In fact, you just don't understand the department, so you can't see it. Now you touch it with your hand. "No. 9 leader said.

Ye Che went up two steps and reached out to the phantom chain, but the scene that surprised him was born, his fingers were like being caught in a slightly illusory liquid, and the periphery of this phantom chain followed his finger. Pressing, actually sinking down.

"It seems to be a real existence, touch it, but it is not so real!" Ye Che's eyes wide open.

"Senior Seven Star Master, Senior Eight Star Master, are all stages of hard work of heroic skills. If you want to become a senior nine-star mage, you must really complete the complete skills! For example, now I am If it is a senior nine-star mage, then the phantom chain that condenses will exist. It is the real chain! I don't have the power to maintain it, it can be placed in reality for hundreds of years, and this step is reached, its hero The power of technology will be unimaginable!" No. 9 leader said and his tone was inexplicably excited. Obviously, he also wanted to reach this step.

"What is the real thing to come out..."

Ye Che took a breath and finally understood how the so-called heroes and heroes were produced on Earth. Obviously, Ai Xi and other heroic ontology have already reached this step, the heroes used around the world. And there are heroic techniques like the ones that are made by them!

"And among the Masters and Senior Masters, the Senior Nine Star Master is also the richest!" continued on the 9th.

"how to say?"

"Before I said that the senior nine-star mage can create the heroic skills of the entity. If you think about it, if the senior nine-star mage took out his own hero skills and sold it, would you buy it?" asked on the 9th.

Ye Che's eyes are sharp and wide, which is also said to be bought, and the heroic skills made by the nine-level senior mage, once activated against the enemy, how powerful this card will be.

"So I understand?"

"Call... understand, but you are not saying that the heroic technique has ten levels? The last level..." Ye Che asked.

The No. 9 guide looked at Ye Che without a word and said: "The last level is related to the essence. Once you understand it, you can step into the weaving stick. When you swing the space, you will resonate in the space. Destroy the land! It is too far away from you, even me."

In Ye's eyes, there was a fascination and a hint of concealment!

"Well, put your hands on the talented disk and awaken your talents. Today, you have said so much, you don't have to be so far away, this is also because your talent is recognized by the appraisers. If it is another summoner, these need It will be known as a mid-level summoner." The 9th guide smiled.

"Let you bother." Ye Che is quite grateful that there is no such 9th guide, I am afraid that I have to know a little for a long time.

"In the matter, after all, this single down, I can also get thousands of runes."

The 9th guide made a joke.

Ye Che is also in a good mood. Although the 9th guide is powerful, it is also very approachable. It is not because of his age, but has no slightest scorn.

Looking at the talents in front of the eyes, Ye Che's eyes were slightly condensed, and then the seeds were removed from the Summoner's Ring and placed on the plate, and the palms were pressed up.

(Analysis: The talented **** tree is real in the League of Legends. Some friends who have never played League of Legends are assured that this is not my own.)

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