League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1288: Fight against each other!

This young man let himself go to the downfall. He just wants to give Yuna a sigh of relief in front of everyone. In this way, maybe he will climb the high branch of Yuna. If it is the average person, he really gives him success. It is.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. COM

"Put your mouth clean, or you will tear your mouth now!" The young man's face sank.

Ye Che was silent, thinking about whether or not to use the black hole dark elements to swallow him, but thought of the lord, Ye Che did not want to extravagant.

The young man saw Ye Chu’s silent appearance, but thought he was already scared. He couldn’t help but sneer at the bottom of his heart. “You have no choice but to be killed here or to collapse. I promise not to kill. you!"

"Do you really kill me?" Ye Che asked, 1vn or 1v1, Ye Che is not stupid, naturally choose the latter.

"Of course, after all, I want to thank you, not you, how can I relate to Youna? Hahaha!" The young man laughed.

"Okay, I am going with you!"

Ye Che's mouth is a hook, why is it possible to turn over the rune in his hand?

"Okay, it's refreshing, I like some of you now!" The long youth flashed a smirk on his face, then waved his hand, leaving half of the people to guard the place, and went directly with Ye Xue in the direction of the ring. .


Only the middle and high-level towers exist, and it is also the fastest place to earn the rune!

When Ye Che was taken to the ring, there were only a few hundred people sitting in the battle table. The other summoners were either resting or submerging. In general, the masters who really have a good look at the battle will be notified the day before, so there will be more people watching the place, but obviously there is no master today.

However, although there are few people, they are full of wild and **** atmosphere.

The young and the young red smiles are in the forefront, and their hearts are full of expectations.

"Hey, this silly boy is really stupid and cute. I really thought that you would let him go." The young red man touched his nose full of freckles, and his eyes flashed in blood.

"After all, it was just a small child, but it is said that when he was an adult of Youna, Jia Zhuo was also in the middle. He added him to the middle-level tower in a month. Obviously, the talent is very good, the grass does not remove the roots, and the endless troubles. Since he decided to shoot him, it is natural to kill!" The long sneer voiced.

Ye Che naturally does not know that they are talking about their own life and death, even if they know it does not matter, he is now sweeping the field, looking for places to place bets.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he finally found it.


At this time, Ye Che was guarded by three young people, and the long youth went to the back of the scene to talk for a while, then came back with an inexplicable smile.

"Get it, just in the next game!"

"Strong brother is powerful!"

"It’s the face of the Sword King’s old man.” The young man smiled lightly, and then glanced at Ye Che’s eyes.

Then everyone found a place to sit down.

“The cloud is winning, who is the next challenger?”

On the ring, a man with a breath like a sword, after a sword defeated a lean alien, the white referee announced.

This whit judge is about the size of a human figure, but the ears are sharp and pointed, like an elf.

"Yunji, this guy has won the second game, and winning is a three-game winning streak. How have I never heard of him before?"

"I have never heard of normal. In fact, this guy is a newcomer. Just two years ago, when he stepped into the middle-level tower, he won five consecutive victories in the battle of the ring and earned nearly five thousand runes! By these runes Coin, he directly retired for a whole year, and today is a battle!"

"A full year of retreat? It's a terrible guy. The double-skilled mid-level summoner insisted on him for ten seconds. I guess he has reached 8o% of the gold system."

The audience on the stage talked about it, Ye Che listened in the ear, could not help but look at the cloud a lot.

The double skill summoner represents that he has mastered at least two heroic skills, and they are extremely lethal.

When I got here, I used the intermediate summoner to describe the masters. It is not enough to describe them. Some really powerful summoners have mastered three or even four heroic skills. The high-level intermediate summoner can even be an enemy. Even with one enemy.

"Clouds, but won two games, do you think you are invincible!?"

A big man with a tauren jumped into the field. He was also a stranger. At this time, he apparently saved his companion with a sigh of relief.

In the tower of the Summoner, the racial consciousness is very strong. Generally, the same family is killed, and the killer will not be killed. For other people, the trick will be paralyzed. The dead is a very normal thing.

"Just by you? It seems that my three-game winning streak is at your fingertips!" The cloud was extremely contemptuous, and the long-sword in his hand began to condense.

"This cloud is too arrogant, and I don't put the cow two in my eyes."

"Yeah, good yak two has been here for a little half a year, and there is also the strength of almost double skill summoner. It is not a good thing to lighten the enemy."

Seeing that the cloud is so arrogant, public opinion began to fall to the aliens.

When Niu Er heard the clouds, he laughed and slammed, and a weapon like a hammer condensed.

"It’s at your fingertips? It’s a miracle that you can live in the Summoner’s Tower until now. Your good luck ends here, let’s die!”

Niu Er said, a hammer to the cloud!


When the platform was shaken, the body of the cloud disappeared like a phantom.

"How fast, this guy has definitely cultivated the wind hero skills!"

Ye Che saw at a glance that this cloud was far from himself, and the fit of his heroic skills was not comparable to himself.

"Genius, fury! Hero skills, Promise Kendo!!!"

The cloud whispered, and for a moment, a tree of gods rose from behind him, and his long sword, which was transformed by the elements of gold and the power of heroes, has disappeared into the wind. At that moment, the endless wind between heaven and earth It is the sword of the cloud, with the bonus of talent and fury, it is everywhere, it is impossible to prevent!


For a time, I don't know how many swords are on the weight of Niu Er, so that his sword is almost out of hand.

The power of the hero was shot out, and the cow was shocked in the heart.

However, the sword of the cloud is like a skeleton, and it cannot be avoided.

Niu Er violently screamed to make his tricks, but now he has already taken the lead by the cloud. He is so slow that he can’t shoot at all. At the same moment, the three swords are crossed with strong gold elements. Sting.

"Puff puff!"

Niu Er screamed and his body flew out. There were three blood holes in his body, and he fell heavily on the ground. The blood stained a large piece of rock.

"Not dead? Count your life!" Yunji dismissed the already dying cow.

The whole game was shocked, but the battle was only five seconds, and the outcome was already divided!

Under the stands, rushed up several aliens and quickly carried the cattle down.

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