League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1289: Ye Che VS crazy strong

"The cloud is three consecutive victories!" The white referee announced. Eight?? One? Chinese network W? WW. 81ZW. COM

"Three-game winning streak, retreat for one year, one shot is a three-game winning streak. This cloud has absolutely exceeded the coordination of heroic skills by 8o%. The second shot of the cow can only be defended. His age is only 16 or 17 years old. There is still enough time, if he can live forever, in time, he can become a character like the Seven Kings!"

"A new star has come out, but the Summoner's Tower has seen countless new stars in the past few years, but only a few dozen people can really reach the height of the Seven Kings."

"Well, the more you go up, the harder it is."

People talked about it, and Yunji ended up after three consecutive victories.

According to the custom of the summoner's tower, the general summoner will not play three games in a row, and the high-intensity battle will be exhausted. The strength of both physical strength and heroism will be very powerful. Unless the strength is too strong, there will be five games in Lien Chan. The situation of ten games.

"Next, who else is going to play?" On the ring, the white referee shouted.

As his voice fell, the young man stood up and smiled, looking at Ye Che, and his eyes narrowed.

"Come on, rest assured, I will be merciful."

Ye Che’s ear rang the true yuan of the long youth.

"This guy, I really thought I was eating me?" Ye Che was speechless, but he also blamed his age for being too deceptive, and newcomers. The young people naturally didn't care.

Ye Che went to the ring, and the young man had already stepped onto the stage.

At that time, the whole audience was a big one!

"My God, I didn't take a look at it? Isn't this the madman under the sword king? Is he fighting today?"

"Nima, big news! The crazy hero skills have been transformed? This strength, who dares to fight with him??"

"Is it the other king's people? It is estimated that, besides the masters of the seven kings, there are very few heroic figures in the middle-level towers. Haha, this is worth seeing!"

"Quick and fast, let people come, the battle of heroic masters, have to watch!"

In the stands, countless people were excited to say it.

Ye Che, under the push of the three young men, also went to the ring, but Ye Che’s footsteps suddenly said, “Wait, I’ll buy a few notes.”

"Oh, it’s still a small gambler. Why, I’m afraid that I’m being beaten too badly, would I like to gamble for medical expenses?”

The three young people laughed.

Ye Che has already walked to the front of the betting counter, faintly said: "I bought myself to win, 90,000 notes!"


The youth behind Ye Che, suddenly dumb, 90,000? This is 90,000 characters, this child is so rich! ?

After Ye Che really paid 90,000 yuan of coins, after getting the proof of buying, the three young people are not calm at all. If Ye Che is dead, the money can be drowned. After all, they are unable to Take the lead.

"Boss boss, don't let this kid die, he is too special, rich, full 90,000 coins!"

The red youth quickly voiced.

"Ninety thousand character coins? Where does he come so much?" The madman is a strong glimpse.

At the same time, Ye Che has swayed to the stands and then stood there.

"Isn't it? This short-haired boy is a madman's opponent!"

"Cute me? This little thing, I can wave my hand and shoot, the madman is doing something!"

"It’s so speechless, I thought I had a good show, I didn’t expect it to come out!"

Many people are speechless in the stands.

But soon, someone was surprised to say: "Look, this kid seems to be Ye Che, ten days ago, was smothered by Una adults!"

"Oh, that's true! How did this kid appear in the middle-level tower, and was caught by the madman?"

"I understand, madman is trying to avenge everyone in the presence of everyone!"

"It turns out that this is a silent silence for this kid!"

Everyone showed a faint color, and then showed the expression of gloating on Ye.

At this point, the madman was strong and both hands were constantly rubbing together, looking up and down Lin Ming, his dark lacquered eyes, and the greed of the color, let Ye Che gust.

"Heroes are technicalized, which means that you can manipulate the elements to the enemy as you like, and the power of heroic skills is also increased by geometric!"

Ye Chesi is thinking about these kinds of things, and the quiet beginning begins to condense the elements of water with the power of heroes.

Heroic skills are not transformed, so there is only a single means of confrontation, such as Ye Che, it is only able to condense the "glacier path" against the enemy, can not be assisted by water elements!

"It’s really serious..."

The madman felt that Ye Che began to condense the water and laughed with disdain.

"Now start betting, current odds, 1o: 1!"

The referee said.

Immediately everyone started betting on the charms. Of course, as long as they are not idiots, they will buy madmen and win. Soon, the odds of the two have soared to 3o:1!

"The battle against Taiwan, start!"

For a moment, the strong look of the madman has changed. If it was still light and windy, this moment is extremely fierce, and it is a violent flash.

"Little guy, just relax, my attack is not painful."

The madman grinned and smiled, and silently, a golden sword, appeared out of thin air in front of him.

The attack power of the gold element is called the strongest of all the elements. If it is hard, it will be unstoppable!

At the same time, only listening to the "hoo", the surrounding environment suddenly changed, above the ring, a sharp stream of air, a lot of tiny gold elements condensed into a sword, looming in the air, it seems to become gold In the general battlefield of Ge, the audience around the area only felt that there were countless swords in the heart, as if they had been unloaded, and many of them fell into the illusion of gold.

This kind of self-interested environment can only be achieved if the hero is technicalized.

Before the cloud attack, it was stronger than the madman, but it was much more single.

"Direct heroes have been technicalized. Looking at this power, the heroic technical form of the madman has progressed. I am afraid that it will reach about 5%. In this golden elemental environment, this new person will not die. Be seriously injured."

"Haha, human beings have died a genius, great people!"

Many aliens, laughing a lot.

There are too many geniuses in the tower of the Summoner. There are not many Ye Che, as long as Ye Che is dead, tomorrow, they will forget Ye Che’s face. .

When everyone in the audience talked about it, Ye Che stood still in the center of Fujian and Taiwan without any reaction.

"Dare to humiliate my goddess Yuna, blame only your broken mouth!" The madman smiled coldly.

With a wave of his arm, a long sword made of gold elements has been shot sharply on the thighs of Ye Che. He wants to cut the leaves into pieces of meat with a sword and a sword!

At this time, Ye Che’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the heroic power of the whole body burst out. His own heroic skills are indeed better than the madman, but the power of the hero is perfect. Ten streets!

If the power of ten times heroes can't be beaten, I will be twenty times, twenty times less, and I will be thirty times!


The power of the hero burst, a nearly ten-meter-high crampons condensed out from the front of Ye Che, and then teared the air, and collided heavily with the Golden Sword!


In the eyes of everyone, the two crampons and the golden swords are shattered, and the most basic elemental particles are dissipated.

"This...when...when is the water system hard to hit the gold system? Is the ice so hard?"

"The key is the power of his hero... It’s too big, I’m afraid I’ve already been a middle-level summoner!”

"God, how did he cultivate!?"

In the stands, the humans or aliens who were originally smirking, stood up subconsciously.

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