League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1290: Instant kill!

The madman’s strong look changed, and such a situation completely missed his expectations. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

According to what he thought, the power of the hero condensed the blow of the gold element, and the thigh of the kid could be cut off directly, but it is expected that this Ye Che actually has such a powerful hero!

"Kicked to the iron plate! No wonder this kid dares to hit Youna adults. It is no wonder that Jia Zhuo adults personally protect him to buy heroic skills. His talent is so abnormal! It is only 14 or 5 years old, but he is better than me. The power of the hero is also much richer, and once he waits for the hero to fit, it will be!"

The madman's strong face was gloomy. Before I heard that Ye Che had 90,000 characters, he also planned to keep his hands and not kill, but now, I just want to keep my hands.

"Kid, don't blame me for being so hot, blame your talent for making me jealous!"

The madman said with a strong voice.

"You have a lot of nonsense!" Ye Che’s voice fell, his arm waved, and a piece of water condensed crampons shot against the madman.

This water element has a heroic force that is ten times stronger than a madman, which makes him have to fight with all his strength.

"Kid, you forced me!" The madman's face flashed a glimmer of color, and the skin on his face was completely distorted.

"Genius tree, the hero is fully functional!"

The madman has a strong drink, and behind him, a **** tree suddenly rises out, and its red light is burning, which is daunting!

"The madman is going to be awkward!"

"Crap, the power of this kid's hero is terrible. It is estimated that he has stepped into the threshold of the senior summoner. The madman can only respond to the gift of the **** tree!"

"But when the **** tree is opened, the power of the hero will be doubled and consumed. The outcome will soon be there!"

With the voice of the audience, the madman's talented **** tree, the first three layers suddenly flashed.

"Oh... the madman is a strong man of the sword king, and the first three layers of the fierce class are all lit up!"

"It is estimated that this Ye Che's talent makes the madman strong, and he wants to fight!"

"It’s terrible. The first layer of my talented **** tree has just been full, and once it’s right, it’s estimated that it’s going to be seconds.”

Many people look at the talented tree behind the madman and start to change color. They can't help but imagine that if they are strong against the current madman on the stage, can they resist it?

The imaginary results made them unable to hold back the cold.


The madman's strong talented tree is activated. Each of the first three layers has a red silk thread that extends to the madman's body. Under the increase, the gold elements around him are also fluctuating wildly, and the power is greatly increased!

Around Ye Che's body, it has almost become a vacuum, and the water elements are forced by the gold element to leave only a little.

This is the gap between the skill and skill of the hero. Even if Ye Qi’s heroes have more power, they can’t gather more water elements. If they only talk about elements, Ye Che is already losing.

furious! fresh blood! Congenital qualifications! Broken! ! !

The madman was strong in four hits, and with the anger of Jin Ge, he smothered Ye Qi in the past. The air was torn along the way, and the gold element with strong attack power matched the power of the hero, and its power was shocking!

However, just as he rushed to half, he only heard a "bang", a talented tree that was stronger and taller than a madman. It appeared suddenly after Ye Che, and at the same moment, this talented **** tree The top four layers of talented leaves, lit up!

"how is this possible!!!?"

The madman is strong and shocked, how come, this is only the 13-year-old hairy boy, how could it activate the four-layered talent leaves! ! ! ?

He is still yelling, but his eyes are involuntarily passing through Ye's eyes, but the whole person can't help.

I only felt that the scope of sight was full of darkness, the light disappeared, and the mottled figure disappeared around me. Only the two rounds of darkness in front of my eyes made his breath almost visible to the naked eye. A dead silence.

Many people in the outside world saw a strange scene. The madman had just rushed out of the seven or eight steps, and the whole person stayed in the same place, just like what was captured by the mind.


Ye Che disappeared in the same place, with the "Glacier Trail" appearing behind the madman.

At the same time, I only listened to the sound of "哐", the madman is strong like a broken glass, directly bursting open, broken a place!

If it was before, Ye Che may still have the leisure to use the madman to slowly test his strength, but now he only masters a heroic skill, and then the experiment has no meaning, so directly use the black hole dark elements to directly kill!


"Ye Che wins!"

The white referee squatted for a while before declaring that the audience was silent.

Whether it was the four-layered leaves that Ye Che suddenly burst out, or the madman suddenly and utterly lost all the movements, they made them unbelievable. They sat there in shock, and they dared to speak.

"This... is this winning?"

"Crap, masters are all in one mind, not you die or I die!"

"It’s only sixteen years old, awakening the four-layered talent leaves. The power of the hero reaches the critical point of the senior summoner. It has unknown means, and if his talents come together, who else can stop it??"

"Oh... I think... it’s going to be a day!"

"Who can pick up the seven kings, I am afraid that they will become the first force soon!"

"He and Yunji are the two new stars in the ring today. But the same is a newcomer, this Ye Che is more horrible, and the cloud is coming here for a year before retreating to have the present strength, and this Ye Che It has reached this point without being cultivated, and it is even more terrifying!"

"You are nonsense, even the madman is killed by him, how can the cloud match!?"

"I only know that this kid has to make a big profit. He seems to be betting himself with 90,000 coins!"



"Is Ye Che stronger than me? Haha... I admit that this kid's last move to make the madman lose his mind is very weird, but it must be related to the effects of other elements. Only when I am careful, it is impossible to win!" Very cold smile.

"Take this Ye Che and I are in the same breath, thinking that I have been closed for a year to reach the current level? I do not know that I had the current strength a year ago, a year of retreat, just to study other wind hero skills! Crazy Strong waste, age is more than 60 years old or a mid-level summoner, the use of heroic skills and talented **** trees, it is not unusual to die in the vegetable field, and die in his hands!"

The clouds are rising at the corners of the mouth, looking at the eyes of Ye Che’s eyes.

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