League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1291: God level training room!

“Who else wants to challenge Ye Che?”

Ye Che stood on the ring, and the white referee shouted. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The reaction under the stage is not very intense. Ye Che’s strong battle against the madman has already made them know that this guy is definitely a little enchanting.

Who knows the hidden strength of Ye Che? After all, there are no masters who are coming today, and they are all people who have set foot on the intermediate summoner.

"Intermediate tank, Zhao Yan, request a battle!"

With a slightly thin male voice, a small summoner jumped on the stage.

He is a personal class, his face is very tender, and his eyes are not too good. Ye Che sneaked a little, this kid, is it a hidden master?

"You are not my opponent." Ye Che glanced at Zhao Yan, and combined with the momentum of the other show, Zhao Yan's strength will soon be judged almost.

This age can become an intermediate summoner, and it has been extremely stunning. After all, the German and European teachers taught by the intermediate summoners are all fifteen years old and have just reached the level of the junior summoner.

However, in the tower of the Summoner, Zhao Yan’s talent is not so amazing.

"I know." Zhao Yan said indifferently, "I am from the 8th Indigenous Star, but I can't find an opponent of the same age there, so I want to summon the tower of the teacher. I want to find a strongman and look for the strong. The land gap, today's Ye Che little brother's battle, I saw very admired, want to try their own and the top genius gap in the end, first declare, I am very poor, there is no oil, so please brothers you start lighter."

Zhao Yan said that he smiled here.

After listening to Zhao Yan’s words, Ye Che was dumbfounded. The other party saw that he was a human being with him. He would leave a few sentiments, so he dared to go on stage. Indeed, such a young summoner like Zhao Yan is very good at the middle level. It’s hard to get along, they don’t want to win, they can play once, it’s a rare experience.

Ye Che couldn't help but feel a little bit. This is the heart of strength. It seems that he has to tighten up. Once this is done, he will improve himself madly. After all, for himself, under the power of such a hero, the intermediate level There is no challenge at the tower level. Only the strong towers such as the high-rise towers of the clouds are the targets of today!

I am now staying at the middle level, just for the hero skill fit!

"Game start!"

The white referee announced loudly.


Zhao Yan shouted, and countless earth elements condensed, and then formed a shield.

Only the shield has not been condensed, Ye Che with the blue claws, has appeared in front of Zhao Yan for a moment, the ice thorn on his finger, pointing to his throat.

Sensen’s coldness emerged from the tip of the thorn, and Zhao Yan only felt cold in the back. At this moment, he almost thought he was dead.

"I lost."

Zhao Yan sighed, the gap is too big, under the huge gap of heroic power, he condensed the skill of the hero, simply not comparable to Ye Che.

Unless his heroic skills reach the level of metamorphosis, he will always be in a situation of spike.

Ye Che nodded and cast a rewarding color.

"In the future, my strength will improve, and I will find you to fight." Zhao Yan said, flying down the stage.

The white judge asked if anyone continued to challenge, Ye Che was too lazy to compare, directly took the proceeds of the bet and left.

The young people who are strong with the madman have long known that they have gone there, and it must have been reported.

"Go to the newspaper, I will retreat for a year, and the time will come!"

Ye Che smiled, then bought a few heroes of the dark system, and after a full set of Frost Witches heroic skills, went to the counter of the heroic magic room.

"Sister Sun, help me open a three-level training room for a month!"

"Okay, 3ooo Rune!"

"Well, take another battle of the king of armor! Rent a month!"

"A total of 4ooo runes!"


When Ye Che was just approaching, he saw a young man holding a thick plate, and some of them were sore and excited to leave.

There were still more than a dozen people in the past, and Ye Che was not in a hurry. He carefully looked at the practice room and the battle array next to him.

The spiritual training room is divided into eleven levels, and the 1ooo rune of the first-class magic training room can be rented for one month.

The ten-level spiritual training room needs 10,000 a month, that is to say, if you want to spend one year, you need a full of 120,000 charms!

But the top is the god-level practice room, which requires a full 100,000 character coins a month!

Seeing this, Ye Che is speechless. I need 100,000 characters in a month. This is too dark. I used to be rich enough before, but now I can't even rent a god-level training room for a year.

“Fortunately, before the bet won 270 million notes, it is enough to rent a year!”

Ye Che secretly said, he does not feel extravagant, since the god-level cultivation room is so expensive, it must have its truth, as long as it can quickly improve its strength, even if it costs all the rune coins!

Then, Ye Che's eyes glanced down again.

Combat Frontier: Only the most exciting fights will be included, and there are even more senior warrior mage assassins, and even the stick of weaving, the top of the conquering blade of the top of the strong...

"The stick of weaving, the top of the conquering blade and other top powers?"

Ye Che took a deep breath, and he has until now heard that they have never seen them play against the top powers such as the Weaver Staff.

Ye Pei is very much looking forward to what they will be.

At this time, the people in front of Ye Che have already purchased.

The younger sister looked at Ye Che lazily and said: "New people? The rules are read. The training room is divided into ten, which training room should I rent?"

"It's not that the training room is divided into eleven grades, and there is a **** level." Ye Che thought for a moment, and asked.

"God level?"

Sun Jie took a look at Ye Che, a little intolerant, almost 99% of the god-level practice room is empty, after all, the charge is too high, unless it is a famous figure, she is generally too lazy to introduce.

One hundred thousand calendar coins a month, such an expensive price, no one can afford it.

Therefore, it is generally rented out for ten days, but even so, there are very few people who want it. Ten days and twenty days of price, some monks in the middle-level tower are naturally affordable, but they are too expensive, and they use liver pain. This is like the poor, although they can afford to buy silk, but they will never buy it. It is better to use the money to buy ten cotton cloths.

However, this god-level cultivation room is indeed worthwhile. It is a day of cultivation, which is equal to the cultivation of other cultivation places for four or five or even twenty days. Some middle-level towers are often faced with bottlenecks. At that time, once a blood, enter the **** level training room for a period of ten days and a half, to see if you can break through the realm.

Ye Che naturally didn't know this. He saw that he easily won a million runes of coins, and thought that the rune coins were not rare at this level. He said: "Let's rent for a year."

"One year?" Sun sister stayed, and the body that was lazy and half leaned against the chair was also suddenly straight and straight.

"you sure?"

"OK." Ye Che nodded, he is now eleven years old, and he is twelve years old a year later, so he retired for one year and soon.

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