League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1307: Tower battle! !

"Thank you!"

Ye Chezhen said that the black and white tower owner looks very young, but the age is at least four hundred years old. The teaching in this half-month has made Ye Che feel that he is also a teacher and a friend. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥8≠1≥Z≤W=. ≈C=OM

"Don't thank, for you, for myself... As long as you can pass the test of the gods, our third summoner's house will touch your light." The black and white tower owner smiled and waved and went out. .

Ye Che took his gaze back from his back, his arm waved, an invisible dark scorpion spread through the dark elements, hit the door, and he heard a "click" and the door closed.

"In the past two months, my understanding of the dark elements has been greatly improved. Then, in this year, I mainly practice the manipulation of dark elements! Well, I am trying to control nine dark and dark elements at the same time. Yuan explosion!"

Thinking, Ye Che sat down, in front of him, nine invisible three melting dark elements, slowly trembled.

The invisible frequency of fluctuations in a strand begins to sway between countless ordinary dark elements, such as water, such as ink...


In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In the cultivation room, Ye Che stood quietly there, and the nine elements of the three dark elements were invisible to the naked eye, surrounded by his eager rotation.

"The eighth hundred and twenty-nine times, this will definitely be successful!"

Ye Che took a deep breath and suffered more than 800 defeats, which made him quite confident about the Jiuzhong Zhenyuan explosion. After the last successful experience, he had a hunch that this will definitely succeed!

Nine grains and three melting dark elements, he can control the limit, if this nine-series earthquake is used successfully, it means that you can once again condense the new three-melting dark elements, and its strength will leap forward!

"First, first control their tremor frequency...and then aggregate them in equal degrees...and then..."

Ye Che is engrossed and does not dare to have the slightest effect. This can be different from practicing heroic skills. If you practice heroic techniques, you can do it according to specific moves. You will always practice the meeting, but use elements to create a suitable attack method. The elements have a high degree of control and a high level of understanding.

Many summoners have not been trained for decades, and their progress has been minimal.

Finally, the matter that needs attention, Ye Che passed.

However, Ye Che has not slackened, the most important step has not been completed, that is, at the same time shock!

Taking a breath, Ye Che's eyes are condensed, and the heroic power of the whole body is squeezing at the same time against the nine elements of the three dark elements. "哗", a dark wind suddenly blows up in the flat, and only sees the leaves. The dark space outside a few meters is like being stirred by the invisible big hand, like a black snake twisting the disk, and it is abruptly rotated.


Ye Che is low.


The black snake that turned sharply, with the low drink of Ye Che, screamed, and formed the nine elements of the body's body, and trembled with all strength.

In the twinkling of an eye, the dark elements of that area collapsed straight, and a strong force of engulfing appeared, making it completely vacuum-free, and the free elements of the various elements were actually swallowed.

"Call... finally succeeded!"

Ye Chechang took a sigh of relief and showed a satisfactory color in his eyes.

The Jiuzhong Zhenyuan explosion is stronger than the seven-fold earthquake. It is now in the face of the elemental weapon of the frost mark. Ye Che is sure that only two or three times of the heavy shock will explode.

"Next, condense the tenth three-melt dark elements..."

Ye Che kept on scratching and re-sitting, and then the dark elements began to gather, and soon they drowned him...


Time has passed for another half a year.

In this year, Ye Che’s heroic power has grown to a level of 10%, which is almost the stage of the two-star senior summoner.

For the real-life serial explosion, stealth, and distorted space, Ye Che can also be combined and skillful.

Of course, the most gratifying thing is the condensation of the three melting dark elements, which has reached eleven!

However, Ye Che can only use the Jiuzhong Zhenyuan explosion. Since last month, Ye Che has been practicing the Ten Earthquake, but it has been in failure. It is obvious that the Ten Earthquakes are not so good.

Today, as always, the cultivation of the power of the hero, the cultivation of the true character and the training of the actual combat, Ye Che began to practice the Ten Earthquake.

It’s just been practiced three or four times, and the door to the practice room that hasn’t been ringing for a year is ringing.

"Well? Has the time been in the past year?"

Ye Cheyi stunned, but after the reaction, it was a bitter smile, it seems to be too desperate, and even forgot all the time.

Then, with a wave of his arm, the door opened directly.

The black and white tower master came in, and without saying a word, there was a strong dark element tide in the cultivation room.

"Come, let me try your year's results!"

The black and white tower master smirked, and this powerful dark element tide rushed over Ye Qi.

"There is this intention!" Ye Che's eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and the mind stunned, and the dark elements in the tide that rushed from the air slammed a series of explosions, causing the degree of slamming to slow down.

"Okay, twenty-eight bursts! Then try this!"

The black and white tower master grinned, and suddenly there were more than a dozen black hands in the dark elements of the tide, and then they caught the past.


In the darkness, the inexplicable tremor was heard, and Ye Che’s body swayed and disappeared from the ground.

The dark elements around the main tower of the black and white tower were only a tremor, and they sensed the existence of Ye Che, and then the dozens of black hands suddenly swept away toward the stealth leaves.


Ye Che's eyes are condensed. In the past year, he was not a white cultivator. His originally disappearing body suddenly trembled slightly. The dark elements around him followed and trembled, and they kept exactly the same frequency.

In this way, under the dark elements of the same tremors, the black and white tower master could not judge his position at once.

At the same moment, Ye Che was plunged into the dark tide, and the power of the hero surging. Wherever he passed, the surging dark tides were actually fixed in the air, just like what was imprisoned.

"Good! The darkness of the characteristics of the darkness, the stealth, the imprisonment, and the imprisonment are all well used. We can start the next stage..."

The black and white tower owner smiled and then stopped.

Ye Che also appeared from the air and gasped slightly: "What is the next stage?"

"Combat!" The black and white tower has a flash of light in the eyes of the Lord.

"In actual combat?" Ye Cheyi, he has to fight with alien monsters every day, is this not actual combat?

Seems to know what Ye Che is thinking, the black and white tower main road: "I said that the actual combat is to let you fight with the summoner of the senior tower! Only then, you can fly forward! I have already informed the senior tower, tomorrow I will personally preside over the tower battle. I personally preside over it. Those geniuses who are retreating will inevitably break through. This is your chance... But in order to avoid their heart, I will not reveal your identity!"

Ye Che nodded and fought with the senior summoner. He also looked forward to it for a long time.

"I have already arranged for you the first opponent. He ranks 18,564 in the senior tower, strength, four-star advanced assassin, this will be the starting point of your tower battle!" Suddenly picking a smile.

"What, four-star advanced assassin!!!?"

Ye Che has a cold heart.

After so long, he has learned that each star represents the mastery of a layer of features, four stars, that is, mastered four! There is one more than myself, but the four-star senior summoner compares his strengths to more than that.

There is also a hero who is deeper than himself, and the talented tree is estimated to be the same, as well as combat skills.

"And, in the battle, you are not allowed to use the darkness to devour the essence, I need to strengthen your understanding of the foundation of the darkness." This statement of the black and white tower master completely sealed Ye Qi's last card.

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