League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1308: Alliance battle, Ye Che VS black and white tower master!

Ye Che is a wrinkle, saying: "Is this somewhat unfair? In the senior summoner, there are also some elements that are essential to get started. If they use this power, what should they do?"

"Fair? When you carry out the test of the Shenmen, those indigenous residents will not give you fairness.? Bayi Chinese W ≤ WW.81ZW.COM"

The black and white tower owner smiled and continued: "The dark elements are stronger than other elements. I just want to lay a solid foundation for your dark elements, but you can rest assured that there will be an elders supervision during the tower war. Once you admit defeat, it will protect you."

Hearing here, Ye Che nodded and understood.


The black and white tower master suddenly dragged a long sound, and then said: "But if you reach the point of defeating the six-star senior summoner or even the seven-star senior summoner a few years later, then you will be allowed to use the dark element essence. The power! Of course, I think it is impossible. After all, your foundation is too weak, but there are exceptions to everything..."

"Why? What is the difference between the senior summoner of the Six or Seven Stars?" Ye Che asked curiously.

"Different, very different! The power of this level, the power that can be used, has been able to shake the space. Once they use the power of the essence of the element, they can even make the space crack, so some powerful six-star senior summoners And even above, are all included in the rules by the Valoran Galaxy!"

"What rules?"

The main point of the black and white tower is slightly picked up. "When you want to be a real powerhouse, you must have enough eyes. If so, let you open your eyes today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Che felt a tremor, and the power of a horror to the extreme rose from the body of the black and white tower.

He stood there quietly, but the Buddha was a human-shaped black hole. All kinds of elements around him were pulled in. The space around the black and white tower main body began to fluctuate wildly, and then suddenly Blast it.

But almost for a moment, a familiar, sharp voice rang from the two.

"Energy dumping reaches the critical point of the rune star. In order to prevent elemental chaos and cause permanent damage, according to the Valoran galaxy regulations, the battle plane will be automatically formed!"

As soon as the sound fell, the mysterious luster of the circle descended from the sky, and finally spread into a group of boundless apertures that spread to the end of the sky. Wherever the light went, Ye Che and the black-and-white tower master disappeared in the same place.

The light flashed again, and the scene in front of me has suddenly changed...

The cultivation room, which was filled with the power of the hero, has become a green open space. Not far away, you can see a huge and terrifying crystal base. On the base, there are gems shining with mysterious light. On both sides, there are thousands. The tall defensive tower.

And where he stands, it is a level of spring water that rises up.

Ye Che's heart shocked, here, not a year ago, in the battle record of the Dark Weave Staff, see the Cosmic Summoner Canyon! ! ! ?

Suddenly, Ye Che’s heart was moving, and her eyes looked at her main base. Just now, his heart suddenly felt a strange feeling... This feeling is like his own life, which has been given with this main base. It has been implicated in general.

Once the main base is destroyed, he is sure that there will be terrible things, maybe... death!

"This is true... The previous alliance war on the earth, whether in the heroic fantasy or in reality, lost or won, but lost the point of victory, but lost here... but it is death……"

Ye Che took a breath, but I don’t know why, but his heart was full of excitement and excitement.

He is moving at the pace of the spring, but there is no limit to the restriction, just like in reality, can make any action.

"Ye Che!"

At this time, the voice of the black and white tower master came from far away.

Ye Che raised his ears and listened carefully.

"Here, the summoned canyon battlefield! It is also one of the most important places in the entire Valoran galaxy! Before you entered the Summoner's Tower, you experienced a simple version of the League of Legends, yes, it is based on this Derived from the battlefield of the canyon!"

"The power reaches the point of the planet, or the galaxy, and the Summoner's Canyon battlefield will intervene. This is the rule of the highest of the Valloland galaxy, no one can violate it!"

"In the Summoner's Canyon battlefield, there will be your own army, there will be various monsters, kill them, and directly enhance your strength! Beside you, there is a shop, in this store, there are A lot of rules and equipment, by killing soldiers to get money, you can buy them instantly to enhance your strength! But the limited number of equipment is six!"

"And in the battlefield, you are absolutely free, you can also use combat skills arbitrarily, but you have to remember that there are only four heroic skills you can use, with a natural talent..."

Listening to the black and white tower owner, Ye Che swept away, there are more than a dozen water heroes, and a dozen dark heroes, who are standing there quietly. Once you choose the heroes, you can only use the hero skills associated with them.

For example, Ye Che has already realized the dark element shock, stealth, dizziness, etc., then if he chooses the small law, it will forbid the use of stealth features.

In other words, this choice is only to make seven or eight kinds, even more than a dozen features true, limited to four ranges!

"I only understand the three characteristics sincerely... Even the heroic skills of any hero have not fully understood. If the black and white tower master is my enemy, then I am completely dead.... It seems that this universe The level of the summoner battlefield is closely related to its own strength."

Ye Che said to himself, and then chose the Dark Dollar, her four hero skills, dark elements burst, dizziness, serial explosion, Ye Che have been involved, only to slow down the enemy's mobility, no insight.

After the selection, a voice rang from the heart of Ye Qing. "Except for dark elements bursting, dizziness, bursting, and darkening, the rest of the features are really embarrassing and will not be used!"

"The full level of 18, each level, will release a layer of power seal, while using the new features, you can also choose to strengthen the original features of the true power."

"Warning: The main base is destroyed, you will die!"

At the same moment, a thunder-like "out of the army" attacked the entire Summoner Canyon.


Ye Che only listened to the main base that occupied thousands of squares, a tremor, the gem above was a ray of light, and then there were more than a dozen soldiers nearly two meters tall, appearing blankly.

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