League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1309: Ye Che has been killed by a small soldier...

Ye Che felt their breath, his face suddenly changed. When the hero's power was sealed by 18 layers, he actually felt a strong threat from these soldiers. Eight?? A Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

Ye Che has a feeling, single-handedly, it is estimated that he is definitely not their opponent.


At this point, the soldiers had already chilled and came out of the line.

"Aich chooses me... Estimated for now, everything in the League of Legends is related to this Summoner's Canyon battlefield...but this cosmic summoner canyon battlefield, compared to a limited league of heroes It’s cruel and more realistic.”

Ye Che sighed.

Quite simply, his power was sealed by eighteen layers, and the power of the black and white tower master was also sealed by eighteen layers. However, the strength of the black and white tower master is estimated to be several streets in his own state.

I am afraid of a contact, I will be a tragedy.

However, Ye Che is not depressed. After all, he is not even a senior summoner. Besides, this summoner canyon battlefield is not fair, just to prevent the destruction of the planet or the galaxy.

For the weak, it will not be pity.

"Ye Che, the opportunity is rare, you can experience it in a good way, want to leave here without any damage, just need you and me to agree to withdraw at the same time, but this peaceful exit, can only be used once a week, otherwise It’s not that you die or that I die. This is also to prevent some strong people from using this as a training base."

The black and white tower owner said gently.

After answering a statement, Ye Che began to use the original funds and purchase rules to equip them.

There is no difference between the original funds in the League of Legends, just to buy the Dolan ring, and two bottles of potion. Obviously, Aich, they are completely modeled after the League of Legends built here.

Putting Dolan Ring in his hand, Ye Che’s mind is a move. At this moment, he feels that the power of the hero that can be used has increased a little, and he can sense more dark elements.


Ye Che smiled a little, then moved, and in a flash, it was three or four meters away, and it was extremely fast!

However, everything in the summoner's canyon was magnified. From the spring water to a tower, it was nearly 100,000 meters. Under Ye Quan's full force, it took more than 30 seconds to arrive.

Ye Che looked at the sides and looked dark. With the power of the hero, I couldn't detect what was there. The grass on both sides and the darkness stretched all the way. Finally, the blur disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

Then, Ye Che returned his eyes to more than two hundred meters away. On the face of the soldier, the face showed a bitter smile.

Because he was at the intersection of the two soldiers, he felt a violent energy flying, and the Master was surrounded by small soldiers. It was filled with powerful elemental energy. When they attack each other, the elements in that area were very chaotic and hot.

Ye Che has a feeling that once this attack falls on himself, I am afraid that I will count the springs in a moment.

"In the battlefield of the canyon, multiplayer battles, or being killed by small soldiers or defensive towers can be resurrected, so you can experience it with confidence... However, in a single battle, the enemy killed by the killing will not be resurrected! The exception is the small defensive tower!" said the black and white tower owner.

Ye Che shook his head and smiled. I didn't expect that I had a day when I had a small soldier. This is going to go out. I am afraid that my brothers would laugh at the big teeth.

Thinking about it, Ye Che is still close to the past.




As soon as he approached, a deafening battle was passed into the ear.

The melee squad, the body is burly, and the gnome and fragility in the League of Legends are no longer. They are two meters tall and hold a one-meter-high hammer. When they hammer down, they swell into the armor of the melee soldiers on the opposite side. Imprint.

Sparks shot, the gold element with the fluctuation of the giant hammer, overflowing, causing the air to make a loud noise.

Behind them, the long, cold and long-term soldier, gently waving his staff, a blue or bright red energy bomb will fly out, and instantly there will be countless blood blasting from the enemy's body, the air roaring.

Ye Che thought about it and felt that it was necessary to defend the dignity of the world champion, so he communicated the dark elements and then detonated it.


Dark elements blasted from the body of a melee soldier, and then the top of the head represents the number of energy, a reduction of five points...

"I knew it……"

Ye Che’s speechless speech, he did not meet the qualifications of the Calling Squad Canyon battlefield, and now he can only break their defenses at most.

"Okay... try their attack power again..."

Thinking, Ye Che was separated from the protection of his own small soldiers, and then turned to the enemy method division of the small soldier behind, is the condensation of dark elements, a palm fan to its face.

Then, a flexible leap.

However, he almost just stood still and saw an energy bomb that was almost comparable to the bullet. He was heavily bombarded on his own body. At this time, the power of the hero was sealed, and the mobility was too late to escape.

"You have been killed by a small soldier!"

The moment of falling to the ground, a pleasant sound, sounded from Ye Er's ear.

In the spring water, Ye Che read the second with a smile, but he was not idle, and he was turning the map to see the battle of each route.

Among them, three or four small soldiers on the road have entered the enemy tower. Suddenly, on the towering defensive tower, a horrible energy begins to condense, and the next moment, a powerful energy ray shines, and it falls heavily on it. On the front of the melee soldier, Ye Che seems to have heard a faint jingle. This almost full-blooded melee soldier was directly bombed.

"Oh... a strong defensive tower... the defensive tower is so strong, and if you want to cross the tower, you have to measure it..."

Ye Che was amazed, but he estimated that he felt strong. For the top powers of the weaving stick, this kind of attack is nothing.

"Summoner in the canyon battle, now even a small soldier can kill me... It seems that the recovery of the power of the hero, I can not fall, once the power of the hero is fully restored, in terms of the power of the hero, I estimate I can reach the critical point of the six-star summoner. At that time, I will not fear these small soldiers."

Ye Che said to himself, then he ran to the wild area and strolled around, and was smothered by a 6f little nephew. He was beaten to death by a blue buff, and after being smashed, he chose to end this. a brutal torture...

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