League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1311: Hyakuren Pond

The previous group of battles, it is this Moto from the hundreds of senior summoners, to stand out from the crowd. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

His last move, if he didn't make a mistake, is similar to the big trick of the stone. No matter the attack power and the defense power, it is extremely powerful. Among the five-star senior summoners, it must be the top level.

"I have no luck with this luck, but I happened to be sitting in his position."

Ye Che shook his head and got up and planned to leave.

When Modo saw it, the more disdainful color on his face, the more he urged his mouth: "Come on, or break your bones and feed your dog!"

Ye Che was a stiff body, set in the same place, and then took a glimpse of Mado, turned around and actually sat down again.

"you wanna die!"

Modo was angry at once.

Many of the aliens on the side looked at Ye Che with the eyes of the dead. Some human summoners also shook their heads, and pity the pity. This thin and unscrupulous guy was too courageous to dare to fight against Modo. .

"Come, I will sit here and knock." Ye Che is not salty and not light.

He has this kind of emboldenedness. Naturally, it is because the rules of the tower war period are not allowed to make a living. Otherwise, no matter who it is, it will lose the qualification of the tower war or severe punishment. After that, Ye Che is not worthy of this Moto. After all, he is progressing almost every day, and now he suffers from this humiliation.

At this moment, Modo's face rose red with the visible to the naked eye, and the alien caller familiar with him knew that he was already on the verge of explosion.

"Mado, calm down, this human garbage is just a rule of the tower. When the tower battle is over, he is not letting you!"

An alien who met with Moto quickly advised.

Ye Che's eyes glanced over the past. This is an alien with a rhinoceros horn on his forehead. His eyes are like Tongling and a pair of elephant ears.

Modo naturally has a clear distinction. He understands that it is not worthwhile to lose the tower battle qualification in order to vent his anger. He grins his lips and reveals his white teeth. He said, "Remember, you can live for six years!"

For six years, it was the time of the tower battle prescribed by the black and white tower master.

"Let's leave, don't block me watching the tower battle!" Ye Che waved.

There was another red tide on Modo's face. After a cold sigh, he went to find a seat elsewhere, but the cold eyes swept over Ye Che from time to time.

This feeling is very obvious, such as the mans in the back, but Ye Che does not have any worry, his attention has been condensed in the battlefield, carefully watching each of the summoners' battles and combat skills.

Soon, Ye Che’s gaze was locked in a woman with a hand-painted element. The woman’s degree of formation and its true character were much deeper than him. It was also the most summoned of this group of summoners. One of the optimists.


The woman holds the cyan elements of the trembling, and the layers of blue wind above the elements are swiftly surrounded. Each time the slam is stunned, there are countless weapons phantoms. Many summoners are still clearing out which handle is her real weapon. After the field, I lost the qualification for the tower battle.

After a dozen seconds, Ye Cheyi stunned, and now it is slowly narrowing down than the battlefield. This minute is actually more than half smaller than before. Some of the Masters who are good at long-range attacks have begun to be close, and many talented geniuses have been falling down, and the number of people who have been eliminated has continued to climb.

18, 26, 39, 77... One by one summoner was eliminated, which made the hundreds of thousands of summoners in the audience more excited. However, some of them saw their friends being eliminated and could not help but sigh, but the intense and intense battle still made everyone suppress the loud noise.

A very popular interracial summoner, sneaked in the audience, this moment, just flashed behind a warrior woman.


The woman holding the elemental trenches snorted, suddenly swept away, and the war shackles wrapped in wind elements in their hands were stunned by dozens of phantoms. The alien caller quickly evaded, and the wind element of the left hand quickly fought off.



Only one burst of sound, the dozens of war phantoms suddenly returned to one, and then a strong heroic force with the strength of the elements, emerged from above.

In an instant, the sword of the alien caller was thrown away. He was shocked: "The wind can explode such a big force? Too, too strong."

In the next second, the woman’s elemental trenches had been directly facing his head. However, he was still shocked. For a moment, he forgot to scream and admit defeat. When he reacted, he only felt that his neck was cold and his eyes were wide open. The hundreds of thousands of summoners shook their deafening shouts, and the elders who were suspended in the middle of the battlefield and swept their own in the middle of the battlefield, fell into his eyes, in the ears.

Then, before the eyes are black, consciousness breaks into the darkness.

"Dead! Hahaha, Bai Liechi God is good!"

"This is the first interracial group that has died since the two groups of tower wars. It is a great heart!"

"Bai Lie pool!!!"

"Bai Lie pool!!!"

"Hey, Bai Lie pool!!!"

Looking at the headless body of this alien, he fell heavily on the ground, and countless human summoners cheered. In the previous group, Naduo killed no less than five humans. They all had no time to scream and admit defeat. The smashing of the body has made every human heart sigh.

But now, this tone has finally been released.

“Bai Lie Pool!!! Bai Lie Pool!!!!”

The crowd shouted.

In this environment, Ye Che’s heart beats and he only feels that a flame is burning.

"The second group of tower warfare, six people died, eightty-two people were seriously injured, and eleven people were slightly injured. The winner, the Terran pool!"

The elders suddenly showed a low, crisp voice, echoing in the ears of hundreds of thousands of summoners.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of people heard a variety of voices, sighs, roars, and excitement cheers.

"This hundred pools are so strong, I am meeting her now. Without using the dark elements of black holes, it is definitely not an opponent... In terms of attack power, she will never be much weaker than that."

Ye Che whispered, thinking about the dozens of shadows and one shot, his eyes were dignified.

Modo and Bai Lie pool are among the senior summoners below six stars, and they all belong to the existence of one enemy. Therefore, they are ranked in the first two groups. In the subsequent tower battle, Ye Che did not have the ability to go to Kerry. The master of the audience. They all played very fiercely and won.

Because of this, Ye Che is more focused on the battlefield, in the bottom of my heart, the method of cracking each trick, and how to deal with it. This is entirely his instinct. When he was training in the League of Legends, the same was true. He imagined himself as a desperate environment and then found a way to live!

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