League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1312: Ye Che played!

Soon, the sixth group of tower battles also ended, the seventh group, the Ye Che played. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

Ye Che only felt that Taling was shocked and his eyes swept away. He saw the names and strengths of the ninety-nine opponents. The highest number of stars was a four-star senior summoner named Gadsden, also an alien. .

"It seems that the black and white tower owner, the opponent he said, is him!"

Ye Che took a breath.

After so long, he has a deep understanding of the senior summoner's strength profile, his current hero power is equivalent to a two-star senior summoner. Because Ye Che has realized the true meaning of the three-layer characteristics, he has already entered the Samsung Senior Summoner in terms of the manipulation of the elements.

But whether it is the power of a hero or the essence of a character, it is not comparable to a four-star senior summoner. Especially in the case of not using black holes and dark elements, Ye Che wants to win. According to the black and white tower master, it is almost impossible.

After all, this Gadsden has become a four-star senior summoner. It has been more than ten years, and it is very rich, whether it is precipitation or experience.

At this point, the countdown has begun, and the seventh group of summoners have entered the battlefield.

Ye Che also slowly got up and walked up.

This scene immediately attracted a group of people in the scope of Modo. Many aliens laughed loudly in order to please Mado.

"Haha, look at his skinny look, it is estimated that just coming to power, you will be smashed!"

"Guess, can this garbage last for a few seconds?"

"A few seconds? I guess it will be eliminated in an instant!"

Listening to the loud laughter of the same kind of people around him, Modo feels refreshed and faintly said: "I hope he will not die..."

"Right, don't die, or you can't kill it after the end of the tower battle!"

"Hey, I only hope that he can survive this game, so maybe there is a chance to meet Modo boss, it is fun."

"Are you 2b? As he is, he can be the last winner, I will swallow your elemental weapon!"

Many aliens, laughing and smashing, attracted many of the neighboring human summoners to glare, but they could do nothing. After all, they knew that these aliens were all facts. That kid seems to offend Moto with Shantou Qing, and his age doesn't look too big. It seems good for them to hold for ten seconds.

At the same time, than in the battlefield.

Ye Che walked up with his hands empty, then stood still, gazing at the surroundings and the battlefield.

The whole is narrower than the battlefield, and each battle will not last ten minutes, and it will end because of the venue restrictions.

"The strongest of these ninety-nine are Nagarzden! There are also eight Samsung senior summoners, and they are also very strong."

Ye Che’s eyes glanced and swept from Gadsden and others from time to time.

"First go to the melee, and fight with the weak people. The power of my hero is not comparable to that of Gadsden. I can't just consume it. Wait until the end, fight again!"

Ye Che secretly said, his heart is very clear, if he avoids fighting, but it will be considered a fierce battle, is a weak and besieged, so directly into the one-star two-star summoner is the right way.

Ye Che observed the ninety-nine people, and the ninety-nine summoners, all of them were vigilantly scanning each other. Soon they also appeared in Gadsden, one by one, away from him some distance.

In the sky, the elders of the body, Miao Man, are still reading the names of the participants and the information. But no one is now, her eyes are sweeping from Ye Che from time to time.

"This kid is the person that the tower owner told me to look after in particular. It's normal, nothing special, but the fluctuation of the power of the hero is the two-seater summoner. At this age, his cultivation of the power of the hero, It is quite fast."

The elders’ eyes were full of thoughts, but the game started right away and she didn’t think much.

With the last name since she finally finished the fight, the battle finally began!

For a time, hundreds of thousands of summoners at the tower level boiled again. Cheers, whistles, screams, one after another, tower battles, it is time to test their years of cultivation achievements, how can not be excited!

At this time, the trainee floor, Ye Yongfan, Ye Hao and Zhao Yingqi in the live broadcast of the square, looked at the one hundred people who fought.

"Cheer... How did Che’s participate in the tower battle?”

Zhao Yingying’s face is full of horror.

"The tower war can only be attended by a senior summoner. This..." Ye Yongfan also stunned.

Only Ye Hao’s face was excited and excited: “Wow, my brother also participated in the tower battle, so amazing!!!”

"What, his brother participated in the tower battle?" Many of the apprentice summoners next to them, all looked at Ye Hao with horror.

"Cheat, how old she is, can reach the realm of senior summoners, all of them are sixty or seventy years old or even one hundred years old. Some top talents, and twenty or thirty years old, can enter this stage."

Many trainee summoners showed unbelief in their eyes.

"Hey, I won't lie to you! Look, there, on the left, the most handsome one wearing a black gown, seeing? That's my brother!!!"

Ye Hao said fiercely.

"Oh, it’s really, the looks of the two are like, and they are not old!"

"This... this is amazing. Nima, we are in the middle of the train, and there is a top talented sister!"

"Goddess, I am yours in the future!"

Many apprentice summoners, the eyes of the eyes screamed out.


Ye Hao's face was flushed with a sip of the unspeakable teenager. Then he ignored them. His eyes stared at the screen and his heart was suffocating.

At the same time, the top level of the advanced tower!

"The seventh group of tower wars, start!"

The elders screamed coldly.

Almost in the meantime, the elements in the whole battlefield began to vibrate, and the winds and clouds surged.

Under the control of the naked eye, the wind, water, gold, wood, light, and fire elements, under the control of hundreds of people, seem to scream in an incomprehensible way, and it seems to be in some confusion.

Suddenly, I don’t know who dripped a cold sweat... Tick...

This sudden sound, 引 that detonated the entire battlefield! !



The violent element airflow riots opened, and the battle was started in the battle with a hundred senior summoners in the battlefield!

"Take me a hammer!!"

A chaotic alien warrior screamed and stepped out with bare feet. He screamed out of a dozen meters. The sharp man hammered directly toward a human mage. The human mage did not seem to think that the other party was so fast. Want to dodge and manipulate the wooden elements of the body to resist.

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