League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1321: Summoner Canyon first battle!

"Hey, are you Ye Che!!!"

On the left, a young man looked at Ye Che with amazement. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥8≠1≥Z≤W=. ≈C=OM

Ye Che smiled and nodded politely.

But very quickly, because the young man was just loud, the young people of the dozen or so people around him were surprised. After all, Ye Che is a darkness system with no one in the world. So, they are quite excited to pull Ye Che. Gossip.

Ye Che did not have any intolerance, laughing and talking to them.

It didn't take long for Taling to shake up and Ye Che's eyes swept away. The list of people who have been fighting has already been sent.

"First battle, blue side: Rabelai (five stars), Bailie pool (five stars), Li Fei (six stars), Ye Che, Modo (five stars). Purple side: ..., Maugham (six stars) ),..."

Looking at the name listed above, Ye Che couldn't help but look at it. What the hell, how do you put yourself and that Moto? There is also the Bai Lie pool. Last month, she was the second to play. A dragon and a phoenix dance with a wind element, how to be in a team with myself.

When he was puzzled, the message of the black and white tower master passed over.

"I thought about it. The test of Shenmen is too cruel. The various battles in the test are dark and bloody, so I put you and Modo in a team, let you prematurely understand the battle, strength. On the one hand, but knowing the situation and the other side. Of course, you are only a two-star senior summoner, and have not really experienced the battle of the summoner canyon, so it is impossible to win in the summoner canyon. There is only one requirement for you, no matter what method you use, I ask you to be ten times or less in the number of deaths! I have given her the account of Bai Lichi, and I will give you priority."

"The hidden rules of the canyon war, I did not announce it, except that the winning party can advance, the mVp in the losing party, or the person who contributed the least to the team, will get extra promotion opportunities, of course, the person with the lowest contribution. It takes a round of war to resurrect, so you can get better."

Looking at the message of the black and white tower master, Ye Che was crying and laughing. He must have thought that he was just a small child, had not experienced any intrigue and tricks, so he deliberately put himself and Moto in order to sharpen and at the same time put himself behind. The road is also arranged.

"The black and white tower owner is really painstaking for me..."

Ye Che smiled.

Time flies, more than half an hour later, everyone has already been seated, this time, almost all the senior summoners are in place, after all, it has been related to the summoner canyon battle, despite the six-star seven-star eight-star nine-star advanced The summoner can't escape this hurdle.

Ye Che's eyes swept away, and now the seat is in the front row of the area, where the breath is the most powerful, obviously all are summoners of more than six stars.

In the front row on the left hand side, Ye Che also saw several acquaintances, namely Jia Zhuo, Yuna and others.

They didn't come to the battle a month ago. After all, they were too pediatric, but this time the battle has even reached their own star position, they will not miss it.

Ye Che just glanced at them and they sank.

In the canyon battle, you can never mix the line. The enemy is at least five stars. Although you have passed this month, the power of the hero has reached the level of the Samsung Senior Summoner. However, compared with the five stars, the gap is still very obvious.

Once the line is on, with the 18-layer power being sealed, at the first level, you must be crushed by absolute power.

Then, the most suitable position can only be auxiliary, or play wild, but if it is auxiliary, it is estimated to be crushed. After all, this is an absolute power gap, so it seems that it is suitable for oneself, only playing the wild position, after all, it is impossible now. Wild monsters can't beat.

Ye Che analyzed all kinds of things. At the same time, he spoke more than the waiter on the battlefield: "5V5 tower battle, now, please, Rabble..."

As soon as the voice fell, a tall, alien who had already leapt to the stage.

"Hey!!! Rabelai! Rabelai! Rabelai!!!"

Among the interracial people in the audience, they cheered in an instant.

"Bai Lie pool!"

The elders continued to read.

In the human race, there was a whistling sound and a hot scream.

Then, every time she called a name, there was a warm cheering, and soon, it was Ye Che.

"Ye Che!" she whispered.

This kind of canyon battle, only one game a day, so she is very cautious, each person's name, read alone.

Ye Che's thoughts were interrupted. Seeing that he had already called himself, after pulling his sleeves, he stood up and went to the stage, leaving the surrounding people to face each other.

"This... I didn't get it wrong? He also wants to fight 5V5 tower?"

"The power of this Ye Che hero is also a two-star senior summoner. Although it is a dark system, the overall strength can be compared to the four-star senior summoner, but it is not qualified for the 5V5 tower battle!"

"It is not a question of qualification. It is a problem of steady loss. The lowest level of this 5V5 tower battle is a five-star senior summoner. If he is a two-star, isn't he looking for abuse?"

"You can't say that, at least he is qualified to carry out this level of combat. It is also good as an experience. Nothing is better than us, even the 5v5 tower battle."

The same discourse began to be discussed in the Terran region elsewhere, admiring Ye Che’s courage, secretly sighing or pity.

But compared to the Terran region, the aliens are laughing over the sky.

"Hahaha, isn't that the last month?" He is a two-star summoner in the district, and dares to go to this level of tower battle!?"

"I suddenly sympathized with Modo and Rabelais... I have to lie down!"

One by one, the tone of gloating is full of strange sayings.

In the front row of seats, watching Ye Che on the field, Jia Zhuo completely stunned, is he still in the primary tower? How come here, and qualify for the 5v5 tower battle! ?

I don't blame him for not knowing. After all, he is only a guide. It is impossible to follow Ye Che with everything. According to his expectation, at least ten years later, he will be able to set foot on the middle tower. After twenty or thirty years, he will be able to set foot on the advanced tower. Unexpectedly, it still greatly underestimated the potential of this Ye Che.

Nauna was also stunned, and her eyes were incredible.

at the same time.

On the battlefield, Modo and Rabelai looked at Ye Che's eyes, extremely cold, and wished to cull them immediately.

Ye faintly glanced at them, and then silently moved toward Baichi Lie, this beautiful woman, but the black and white tower master assigned secretly to match their own, cough, their own people.

Hundreds of pools and brows are slightly wrinkled. To be honest, she does not have Xiaoye Ye Che. After all, she is a dark talent.

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